ASP.NET MVC 5 Project Template With Role Based Users Management

ASP.NET MVC 5 Project Template with Advanced Users management and role-based authentication. Software development made very easy by using this code. This project template helps you easily develop any fast web-based application without worrying about: - Users management Creating users Modifying and deleting users Searching, sorting and exporting user to excel Login / logout Password change anytime Request for password reset if forgotten via email Block / Activate users easily Notify Users via email Crack attempt: if users tries wrong password 4 times it will notify via email Account activation … Assigning roles / creating unlimited roles with different functionalities Session management and dynamic menu management Menus will be populated depending on users role and even all functionalities in the system can be assigned to user roles so that it is very secured. UI Template: Consistent look and feel of the pages Dynamic control buttons Detect the page and dynamically display all related buttons On create page it shows “Save” button On list page it shows “search, export, create new, delete ….” Customizable pagination Users can set number of rows to be displayed on every list page Scaffolder Template: - If you add new data table in to your project database it is very easy to generate user interfaces with the same look and feel page design for your new table without writing a single line of code. Just add new table to your DB Generate Controller and views Add to menus and assign to roles Start using… Our model generator: - Easily generate models metadata from your database with every validations for your data entry. The template file will generate model files with all necessary validation from your database table fields. Datatype Length Required … Background jobs The project is also integrated with hang-fire to handle background jobs like sending email.Buy and Download
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