Artmag - Clean WordPress Blog and Magazine Theme

Gutenberg & WordPress 5 Ready All Features Fully Responsive Design Modern and functional design 5 pre-build Home Page Design 7 Post block List Post Grid Post Slider Post Feature Post + Bottom Thumbnails Post Feature Post + Right Thumbnails Post Image Background Post Modern List Include Visual Composer (Save 34$) Include Mega Menu (Save 18$) One Click Import WPML Support Envato Wordpress Toolkit Support RTL Support Unlimited Sidebar Newsletter (Mailchimp Integration) 6 Header Options Colored Header Background Video Header Background Image Header Background 6 Custom Widget Author Widget Instagram Widget Popular Post Widget Recent Post Widget Pinterest Widget Social Media Widget Support 5 Post Format (audio, gallery, link, quote, video) Advanced Admin Panel Translate Ready. (.po and .mo files) Speed Loading Retina Ready Documentation with videos Unlimited color SEO Ready Css & Fonts style.css (Main css file) bootstrap.min.css font-awesome.min.css owl.carousel.css slicknav.css Bebas Neue (Title Font) PT Serif (Body Font) Cabin (Third Font) Javascript main.js bootstrap.min.js modernizr-2.6.2-respond-1.1.0.min.js owl.carousel.min fitvids jquery.slicknav.min.js All images used in the preview are just for demonstration purposes and not included in the Theme. Version 1.9 (21 January 2019) IMPROVED: Gutenberg Compatibility Changed Files : inc/tgm/ Version (17 October 2018) UPDATED: WpBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) UPDATED: Documentation(Mailchimp Newsletter Video Tutorial added) Changed Files : inc/tgm/ Version 1.8.2 (2 August 2018) ADDED: Big Text Featured Shortcode Added UPDATED: WpBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) Changed Files : framework/admin/blog-config.php inc/shortcodes.php inc/customcss.php wpbakery/extend-vc.php functions.php style.css Version 1.8.1 (17 July 2018) FIXED: Featured Image + Right Thumbnails layout issue has been fixed. Changed Files : artmag/inc/shortcodes.php style.css Version 1.8 (12 July 2018) ADDED: About Me page template added (Import from Themeforest Download Package > Demo-Data Folder) ADDED: Contact Form 7 Support IMPROVE:Remove quote icon if featured image doesn’t exist FIXED: Windows Quote Icon issue has been solved Changed Files : Download Package > Demo_Folder artmag/inc/shortcodes.php style.css Version (1 June 2018) UPDATE: WordPress Comments GDPR Ready anymore. Changed Files : functions.php Version 1.7.9 (17 March 2018) FIXED : Instagram API issue has been solved. UPDATE: Visual Composer updated to latest version. Changed Files : inc/tgm/js_composer.js inc/custom-widgets/instagram.php Version (3 January 2018) Updated : Visual Composer Changed Files: artmag/wpbakery/extend-Visual Composer.php Version (4 October 2017) ADDED : Category hide option added in Slider Shortcode Updated : Visual Composer Changed Files: artmag/inc/shortcodes.php artmag/wpbakery/extend-Visual Composer.php Version (3 August 2017) IMPROVE: Post Author has a yellow badge. IMPROVE : Demo data changed, now user import demo data easier then before. FIXED : Mega Menu Link Button appear problem has been fixed. Changed Files: artmag/inc/custom-widgets/tabs.php artmag/framework/admin/ReduxCore/inc/extensions/wbc_importer/demo-data Download Folder/Demo_Data Version (30 June 2017) ADDED : Added option for hiding mega menu category button IMPROVE : Visual Composer Front-end editor opened IMPROVE : Artmag support PHP 7 Changed Files : artmag/inc/custom-widgets/tabs.php artmag/wpbakery/extend-vc.php

Version (2 June 2017)

 FIXED : Page Pagination Bullet issue has been fixed. UPDATE : Documentation (How to udpate theme video added)  Changed Files :   artmag/style.css Documentation/index.html 

Version 1.7.9 (28 April 2017)

 IMPROVE : Visual Composer Updated to 5.1.1 IMPROVE : PHP 7 Compatible FIXED : Recent Post Excerpt Issue  Changed Files :   artmag/inc/tgm/ artmag/wpbakery/extend-vc.php artmag/inc/custom-widgets/author.php artmag/inc/custom-widgets/most-popular.php artmag/inc/custom-widgets/pinterest.php artmag/inc/custom-widgets/social-media.php 

Version 1.7.8 (5 April 2017)

 FIXED : Bloglovin Icon issue has been fixed in in Social Widget FIXED : Article Page Link Background issue has been fixed  Changed Files :  artmag/inc/custom-widgets/social-media.php artmag/inc/customcss.php 

Version 1.7.7 (13 March 2017)

 FIXED : Post link background issue has been fixed IMPROVED : Instagram Mobile alignment issue has been improved IMPROVED : Awaiting Moderation Comment has been improved UPDATED : Visual Composer updated [to 5.1]  Changed Files :  /inc/customcss.php /js/main.js /css/artmag-responsive.css style.css 

Version 1.7.6 (19 January 2017)

 ADDED : Now, Slider Title & Slider Text can changed by Artmag Options anymore ADDED : h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 where Single Post can changed by Artmag Options anymore IMPROVED : add padding for Mobile Logo for vertical align. FIXED : Full Width Image Issue with RTL FIXED : Post Element Issue with RTL FIXED : Mobile Search Hover Issue FIXED : Menu Hover Top Color Issue fixed FIXED : the author link of the Related Post issue fixed FIXED : Pinterest Rows and Cols issue fixed  Changed Files :  /css/artmag-rtl.css /css/artmag-responsive.css /js/main.js /inc/customcss.php /inc/custom-widgets/pinterest.php /inc/shortcodes.php /framework/blog-config.php /fonts/ style.css single.php 

Version (27 February 2017)

 FIXED : Caption With Image has been fixed  Changed Files :  style.css 

Version 1.7.5 (12 January 2017)

 ADDED :  snapchat icon added UPDATED : Redux Framework IMPROVE : Mobile Landscape Image Quality improved FIXED :  Navigation Color issue fixed FIXED : Search page category issue  Changed Files :  /admin folder moved to /framework header.php /admin/blog/blog-config.php /fonts/ /inc/content.php /inc/customcss.php /inc/custom-widgets/social-link.php /css/artmag-responsive.css shortcodes.php functions.php single.php style.css 

Version 1.7.3 (13 December 2016)

 UPDATED : Visual Composer Updated to 5.0.1 FIXED : Styling page heading and list style FIXED : Read More overlapping Category Title FIXED : Equal Height disabled on Mobile Phones  Changed Files :  inc/tgm/ style.css js/main.js 

Version 1.7.2 (30 October 2016)

 ADDED : Sticky Bar Added ADDED : Now, User can manage Slider Title and Slider Text Lenght, Slider Title Style and Font Size from Artmag Options. IMPROVE : New Google Fonts Added IMPROVE : Theme Check Plugin Issues fixed FIX : Instagram Issue Fixed   Changed Files :  /admin/ReduxCore/ /admin/blog/blog-config.php inc/custom-widgets/instagram.php inc/shortcodes.php inc/meta-box/ js/main.js style.css  header.php 

Version 1.7.1 (18 October 2016)

 FIXED : Latest Post Read More Button Issue Fixed IMPROVED : Single Author Show All Post by Default. IMPROVED : Header Slider Images centered in Tablet UPDATED : Visual Compsoer updated [4.12]  Changed Files :  inc/shortcodes.php inc/tgm/ css/artmag-responsive.css single.php 

Version 1.7 (27 September 2016)

 IMPROVE : Child Category show up after Parent Category for All Post Types & Shortcodes IMPROVE : You Can Style Categories. We added special class for each Category. IMPROVE : Google Data Structure Issues Fixed. FIXED : Instagram Double Slash Issue Fixed  Changed Files :  inc/content.php inc/shortcodes.php category.php single.php inc/custom-widgets/instagram.php 

Version 1.6.4 (22 August 2016)

 Fixed : Specific Post Sidebar Bug Fixed : Instagram Url Issue On IOS  Changed Files :  artmag/inc/metabox.php artmag/inc/custom-widgets/instagram.php 

Version 1.6.3 (09 August 2016)

 ADDED : Sidebar Option Added for Only Single Posts ADDED : Sidebar Position can change for specific post ADDED : Author Box can change for specific post ADDED : Featured image can change for specific post UPDATED : Visual Composer Latest Version added [ v 4.12]  Changed Files :  /admin/blog/blog-config.php single.php /inc/metabox.php 

Version (11 July 2016)

 Changed Files :  /inc/shortcodes.php 

Version (2 July 2016)

 Fixed : Single Share URL issue  Changed Files :  /inc/shortcodes.php /wpbakery/extend-vc.php 

Version (29 June 2016)

 Fixed : Recent Post Crop Issue  Changed Files :  /inc/shortcodes.php /wpbakery/extend-vc.php 

Version 1.6.2 (24 June 2016)

 ADDED : Bloglovin & RSS Feed added in Header & Social Widget. Updated : Artmag Icon Font Updated : Visual Composer Plugin  Changed Files :  /admin/blog/blog-config.php /inc/tgm/ /fonts style.css header.php 

Version 1.6.1 (8 June 2016)

 FIXED : Single Gallery Images Issue fixed FIXED : Mega Menu button link fixed FIXED : Related Post & Mega Menu button text domain fixed UPDATED : Language Files  Changed Files :  single.php inc/custom/wid 

Version 1.6 (18 May 2016)

 ADDED : Single Post Sticky Sidebar Option ADDED : Telegram Icon Added UPDATE : Medium & Instagram Icon Updated UPDATE : Visual Composer Updated UPDATE : Languages File Updated FIX : Author Box Css Issue On Tablet  Changed Files :  header.php inc/pagination.php single.php inc/custom-widgets/tabs.php inc/megamenu/js/admin.js inc/megamenu/css/admin/menus.css inc/megamenu/classes/nav-menus.class.php 

Version 1.5.9 (02 May 2016)

 IMPROVE: Wordpress 4.5.1 Ready IMPROVE: If Author Info & Social Header disabled by user, logo area will wider IMPROVE: Alternate Tag added in Featured Image FIX : Next Page & Previous Page Button Text added .po files. FIX : Related Post Image Crop Issue Fixed FIX : Mega Menu Button Align Issue Fixed FIX : Mega Menu conflict with WordPress 4.5 Issue Fixed   Changed Files :  header.php inc/pagination.php single.php inc/custom-widgets/tabs.php inc/megamenu/js/admin.js inc/megamenu/css/admin/menus.css inc/megamenu/classes/nav-menus.class.php 

Version 1.5.8 (20 April 2016)

 Add : Author Show/Hide option for Recent Post Add : All Post Button For Mega Menu Section Add : Language bar show up in Responsive Update : Visual composer updated Fix :Tab PHP Conflict Fix : Category Image Crop Issue Fix : Redux Top Menu Condition issue  Changed Files :  artmag/inc/tag/ artmag/inc/custom-widgets/tabs.php artmag/inc/content.php artmag/inc/shotcodes.php artmag/header.php artmag/admin/blog/blog-config.php 

Version 1.5.6 (18 March 2016)

 Fixed : Slider Issue Fixed  Changed Files :  inc/customjs.php 

Version 1.5.5 (17 March 2016)

 Added : You can control Slider Speed in Artmag Options Updated : Visual Composer  Improve : Short Url for Single Post Sharing Improve : Added Web Site Twitter Account for Single Post Sharing Fixed : WPML Css Issue Fixed : When Author Box hiding on desktop. it will also hide for mobile. Fixed : Single Sidebar Position Issue  Changed Files :  single.php admin/blog/blog-config.php header.php main.js inc/customjs.php 

Version 1.5.1 (1 March 2016)

 Fixed : Sidebar Position Issue  Changed Files :  single.php 

Version 1.5 (1 March 2016)

 Added : Sticky Sidebar Added : Related Posts Improve : Force Facebook share for the choose right image Improve : “..” replaced with “…” Improve : Header Custom Image count Increased [Now we support 6 custom images] Fixed : Single Sticky Share Position Issue Fixed : Newsletter Sign Up Position Issue Fixed : Image Crop Issue  Changed Files :  header.php inc/shortcodes.php admin/blog/blog-config.php css/artmag-responsive.css single.php js/main.js functions.php  Added Files :  vc_templates/vc_column.php js/theia-sticky-sidebar.js 

Version 1.4.1 (11 February 2016)

 Added : WPML Support Added : Envato Wordpress Toolkit Support Updated : .po & .pot files updated Updated : Visual Composer v4.10  Changed Files :  admin/blog/blog-config.php inc/tgm folder /languages single.php style.css 

Version 1.4 (9 February 2016)

 Added : New Post Block  (Modern List) Added : Each Social Share Element Show/Hide Option Added : Footer Background Background Color Option Added : Video Tuts in Documentation Updated : .po & .pot files updated Fixed :  Newsletter Title Color Issue Fixed :  Slider Button Hover Color Issue Fixed :  Share Hover Issue  Changed Files :  /languages /inc/customcss.php style.css functions.php css/artmag-responsive.css single.php 

Version 1.3.1 (29 January 2016)

 - Added : Custom Font Options - Fixed : Visual Composer Elements Support - Fixed : RTL Support - Fixed : Minor Bugs  Changed Files :  inc/shortcodes.php inc/customcss.php css/artmag-rtl.css style.css 

Version 1.3 (21 January 2016)

 - Added : Image Header, Video Header & Colored Header - Added : Show Post View Count Option - Changed : Instagram Widget - Fixed : Slider Shortcode Post Categories Spacing - Fixed : Header & Footer Logo Options - Fixed : Minor Bugs  Changed Files :  inc/custom-widgets/instagram.php inc/customcss.php inc/shortcodes.php css/artmag-responsive.css fonts/all-artmag-icon-fonts js/main.js js/jquery.videobg.js footer.php functions.php header.php single.php style.css 

Version 1.2 (18 January 2016)

 - Added : RTL Support - Added : Header & Footer Logo Option - Added : Dropdown Menu Second Level Support - Added : Light Demo Import Option - Added : Top Menu Dropdown Support - Fixed : Slider Shortcode Post Categories Spacing - Fixed : Gallery & Video Post Format - Fixed : Minor Bugs - Updated : Visual Composer 4.9.2  Changed Files :  single.php style.css header.php shortcodes.php single.php footer.php pagination.php functions.php css/artmag-responsive.css js/main.js inc/shortcodes.php 

Version 1.1 (12 January 2016)

 - Added : Header Top Menu - Added : Full Screen Width Featured Image - Added : Most Viewed Filter in Post Blocks - Added : Linkedin Share - Fixed : Custom Pagination - Fixed : Post Pagination - Fixed : Minor Bugs  Changed Files :  page.php style.css functions.php single.php css/artmag-responsive.css js/main.js inc/shortcodes.php 

Version 1.0

- Initial release 
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