AdminPro - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template

AdminPro Dashboard is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. AdminPro is fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 5 Stable. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. AdminPro Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon. Features 4+ Different Dashboards 7 Different Demos AdminPro Admin MiniSidebar Demo Version (New) RTL Demo Version (New) 12 Color Skins Clean and Creative Landing Page Included (Free $12) Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print Dashboard PSD Files Included (Free $12) Megamenu Lightbox Summernote Range Slider Light and Dark Color Schemes Light/Dark Sidebar Themes 800+ pages 500+ Ui Components RTL Support Lots of widgets Bootstrap 5 Stable Version 3000+ Fonts Icons Fully Responsive pages SCSSbase CSS Easy to customize Many Charts Options Multi File upload Lots of Table Examples Validation Forms Lots of ready to use plugins. - Main Menu Dashboard 4 Minimal Dashboard Analytical Dashboard Modern Dashboard Demographical Dashboard Applications Chat Application (New) Mail box Inbox detail Compose mail Contact / Employee Listing (New) Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New) Contact / Employee Details (New) UI Elements 13 Panels and Wells Buttons Sweat alert Typography Grid Tabs User Cards (New) Modals Progress Bars Notifications Carousel List & Media object (New) Timeline Horizontal Timeline (New) Nesteble Range Slider (New) Bootstrap UI Forms Basic Forms Form Layout Form Addons Form Material Form with Float input (New) File Upload Form Mask Form Validation File Dropzone Form-pickers Image cropping (New) Form-wizards Typehead (New) X-editable Summernote (New) Bootstrap wysihtml5 Tinymce wysihtml5 - Proffessional Sample Pages 15 Starter Page (New) Blank Page Lightbox Popup (New) Treeview (New) Search Result (New) Utility Classes (New) Custom Scroll (New) Login Page Login page v2 (New) Animations (New) Profile Invoice FAQ Gallery Pricing Register Register V2 (New) Recover Password Lock Screen Error 400 Error 403 Error 404 Error 500 Error 503 Charts Flot Charts Morris Chart Chart-js Peity Charts Sparkline charts Knob charts (New) Extra Charts Tables 7 Basic Tables Table layouts (New) Data Table Bootstrap Tables Responsive Tables Editable Tables FooTables JsGrid Tables Widgets Icons Font awesome Themify Icons Simple line Icons Linea Icons Weather Icons Google Map Vector Map Calendar Multi-Level Dropdown Second Level Item Second Level Item Third Level Third Level Item Third Level Item Third Level Item Third Level Item Log out - Support Documentation Gallery Faqs Updated 20th July 2021 – v2 - Updated Bootstrap version 5 - added accordian page - added badge page - added widget feed page - added apexchart page - change charts with apexchart in all dashboards - updated notification page - updated button page - updated dropdown page - updated modal page - updated tab page - updated pagination page - updated typography page - updated breadcrumb page - updated list page - updated grid page - updated carousel page - updated scrollspy page - updated toast page - updated basic card page , added new card designs - updated custom card page , added new card designs - updated app widget, data widget and chart widget pages - updated all form pages - updated all table pages - change card default style - change inner button style - updated ecommerce pages - added authentication login 3 page - change icon pages style - remove custom margin-padding class and added default bootstrap margin-padding class - added dropdown animation in header - change checkbox and radio button style - change feather icons in header and customizer Version 4.2 (1st May, 2019) nouislider updated to 13.1.4 Version raty-js updated to 2.9.0 Version bootstrap-colorpicker updated to 3.1.1 Version bootstrap-table – Added SOME EXTRA TABLES ckeditor updated to 4.11.3 Version inputmask – Added 2 new features masonry-layout updated to 4.2.2 Version perfect-scrollbar updated to 1.4.0 Version pickadate updated to 3.6.3 Version raphael updated to 2.2.8 Version summernote 0.8.11 Version tablesaw updated to 3.1.2 Version V 4.1 (7th January, 2019) Updated to Bootstrap v4.2.1 Added form-bootstrap-validation Page Added ui-spinner Page Added ui-scrollspy Page Added ui-toasts Page Updated ui-bootstrap – Range Updated ui-modal – Extra Large modal Click on image, Scrolling long content, Vertically Center, Tooltips & Popovers, Modal with Grid, Updated ui-buttons – Different Menu Content, Button Toolbar with Input Group, Toggle States [Button Plugin], Checkbox buttons with Click[Checked] event, Radio buttons with Click[Checked] event Updated ui-list-media – JavaScript behavior Updated ui-carousel – With Individual Interval Updated ui-grid – Gutters, Order classes, Offsetting columns, Nesting Updated form-basic – Custom File Uploads with different languages, V 3.3 (28th August, 2018) Stylish Tooltip Issue (earlier was above the dropdown menu) – Fixed Data Table Pagination Issue in Mobile – Fixed V 3.2 (13th July, 2018) [updated] bootstrap-select.min.js – to v1.13.1 [updated] fontawesome-all.min.css – to the leatest version [updated] cropper.min.js – to v4.0.0 [updated] typeahead.jquery.min.js – to v0.11.1 [updated] bootstrap-editable.min.js – to v1.5.1 [updated] summernote-bs4.min.js – to v0.8.10 [updated] tinymce.min.js – to v4.7.11 [updated] datatables.min.js – to v1.10.18 [updated] footable.min.js – to v3.1.5 [updated] jquery.inputmask.bundle.js – to v3.3.11 [updated] bootstrap-tagsinput.min.js – to v0.6.1 [updated] bootstrap-datepicker.min.js – to v1.8.0 [updated] jquery.bootstrap-touchspin.min.js – to v4.2.5 [updated] jquery.multi-select.js – to v0.9.12 [updated] daterangepicker.js – to v3.0.3 [updated] moment.js – to v2.22.2 [updated] bootstrap-timepicker.min.js – to v0.5.2 [updated] jquery-clockpicker.min.js – to v0.0.7 [updated] jquery-asColorPicker.min.js – to v0.4.4 [updated] jquery-asGradient.min.js – to 0.3.2 [updated] dropify.min.js – to v0.2.1 [updated] ion.rangeSlider.min.js – to v2.1.6 [updated] jsgrid.min.js – to v1.5.3 [updated] tablesaw.jquery.js – to v3.0.9 [updated] jquery.dataTables.js – to v1.10.13 [updated] bootstrap-treeview.min.js – to v1.2.0 [updated] jquery.magnific-popup.min.js – to v1.1.0 [updated] morris.min.js – to v0.5.0 [updated] chartist.min.js – to v0.11.0 [updated] jquery.sparkline.min.js – to v2.1.2 [updated] jquery.peity.min.js – to v3.3.0 [updated] select2.full.min.js – to v4.0.6 rc-1 [updated] sweetalert.min.js – to v7.25.0 [updated] jquery.flot.js – to v0.8.3 [updated] Chart.min.js – to v2.7.2 Version 3.1 (17th February, 2018) Updated to Bootstrap 4 Stable Version 2.1 (18th November, 2017) Updated Documentation with more third-party plugin’s docs Links In table-bootstrap.html page, Sortable Table Dropdown’s display issue – Resolved In sidebar, white background on active anchor tag is corrected. Version 1.1 (06 October 2017) RTL Version – Time Picker and Date Picker Issue Solved Alert Page – Position of Popups Corrected Added Chained Selection Option Change Log 5 March 2020 – v4.3 1. add ready to working application - Chat - Contact - Invoice - Notes - Todo 2. In Horizontal, - change sidebar menu color darken - give proper height to the pages dropdown Support Create Support ticket at – https://wrappixel.comBuy and Download
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