WordPress Fast Admin Dashboard

Save 80% of your time while managing Posts, Pages, or Custom Post Types. This plugin allows you to manage everything from a single menu and easily without even reloading the page Features Powerful Fuzzy Search (It searches titles, excerpts, number of comments, authors, time, price, categories and tags) Native Style Admin Search by Type Ajax Based Paging Posts related to Categories in just a Click Sorting related to Titles, Comments, Authors, Tags and Categories Ascending and Descending Order Custom Post Types Supported Status based Lists(Published, Draft, Private, Trash, Pending, Scheduled) Changes Number of items without page reload WooCommerce Products Supported Changelog Version 5.0 – 28 May 2021 Feature Added: Multi Language Bug Fixed: Inline CSS removed Bug Fixed: Inline JavaScript removed Bug Fixed: Escaped all strings Updated AngularJS Library Version 3.0 Feature Added: Enhanced Search Feature Added: WooCommerce Product Categories Feature Added: WooCommerce Product Prices Bug Fixed: Sort by Number of Comments Bug Fixed: Sort by Date Version 2.0 Feature Added: Supported with Custom Post Types Feature Added: Supported with WooCommerce Products Version 1.0 Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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