WebUi - Flutter Admin & Dashboard UI Kit

WebUi is a nicely designed and developed multi-purpose admin developed using Flutter. WebUi makes it easy job for developers to have a modern look and feel in the web admin with responsive design. Developing a nice design UI for modern web & mobile applications saves lots of hustle and time. It is the ultimate library of Flutter UI app templates combined into a high-quality UI kit. WebUi is ready to use and easily integrated into any Flutter project. The code organization is easy to understand any part can be taken out and added to the Flutter web & mobile application. WebUi comes with around 50+ ready-to-use widgets, and 50+ pages covering many different use cases with e-commerce sample pages including the dashboard. It comes with both light and dark themes and works excellently with both Android and ios. More pages come soon. Key Features Flutter 3.13 (Latest) Fully Responsive design Work with all devices (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet & Mobile) Light + Dark Mode Multi Language + RTL Supported State Management Layout Options (Large & Small Menu) Dashboards Project E-commerce NFT Apps E-commerce Chat Job Contact CRM Calendar File Manager Projects Kanban Pages Dashboard ECommerce Pages Products Page Add Product Page File Manager Upload Files NFT Mareketplace Customers Page Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Locked Screen More pages come soon… Widgets Cards Carousel Charts Dialogs Forms HTML Editor (WYSIWYG Editor) Google map Leaflet map Inputs Navigation Sliders Snackbar Auth Pages Login Register Reset Password Forgot Password Locked Other Pages One Page Landing 404 Error Page 500 Error Page Coming Soon Page/li> Maitenance Page FAQs Timeline Pricing Changelog: v1.0.0 (Sep 14, 2023) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial releasedBuy and Download
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