Wait List API built on Azure Functions 2 and .NET Core 2 Framework covered with automated tests

This is a microservice that has been built for ReDi Restaurant Booking application. https://codecanyon.net/item/redi-restaurant-booking-plugin-for-wordpress/19158759 The role of this microservice is to receive requests from guests who tried to make a reservation on a specific day but it was fully booked. In case he would like to be informed when someone cancels the reservation he will fill out the form and will be added into the wait list. This package contains source code for microservice written on C# language. Solution is targeted to be installed as Azure Functions. .NET Core version 2 framework was used to create this microservice. API is covered with Automated Test with help of SpecFlow testing framework. API works with Microsoft SQL Database. This is a good boilerplate code that can be used to start developing Azure Functions microservices. You will find here EF Core with Code First approach, Repository pattern, Service layer pattern, Automated tests with BDD scenarios written using SpecFlow language definition. What is in the package: - API that Adds guests to Wait List, Delete guests by ID from Wait List, Retrieve gusts from Wait List by date - Azure functions that deletes guests from Wait List when date passes. That function is scheduled to be executed on a daily basis. What is not included into the package and needs to be developed in your application that consumes Wait List API: - Form that collects guest information - Logic that checks when to notify guest if someone cancels reservation - Email when new guest is registered to the Wait List - Email when guest is informed about available seats Installation instructions and guideline https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yA9R03y_g4aDZrOKZ3MUhqyKQf87aOFW/view?usp=sharing Demo API Use Postman or any similar tool to check API Get https://waitlistapi20190321092915.azurewebsites.net/api/Get?referenceId=1&date=2025-05-05&code=oKy7xhxBhj9815D/fAR3TBmqoKwXvOWpyM0lD2kaDjeymJDuEf7DjA== Post https://waitlistapi20190321092915.azurewebsites.net/api/Add?code=oKy7xhxBhj9815D/fAR3TBmqoKwXvOWpyM0lD2kaDjeymJDuEf7DjA== Body for post { “referenceID”: 1, “name”: “Sergei”, “date”: “2025-05-05”, “guests”: 100, “email”: “sergei@catzsoft.ee” } Delete https://waitlistapi20190321092915.azurewebsites.net/api/Delete?id=147&code=oKy7xhxBhj9815D/fAR3TBmqoKwXvOWpyM0lD2kaDjeymJDuEf7DjA==Buy and Download
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