UIkit Modules

If demo doesn’t works, click to remove the frame, or you can find demo here: Demo UIkit Modules is set of joomla 3 modules based on uikit framework. Best off uikit components turned into easy to use joomla modules, to help you display your custom content and joomla articles in a nice dynamic way. Note that UIkit modules will not work properly with Yootheme Pro Themes do to the conflicts between different framework versions. Modules: Grid Stack – two column layout with text and media Slideshow – responsive image slideshows Slideset – image sets that you can loop through Switcher – tabs & switchers Accordion – expanded and collapsed lists Slider – items you can scroll with the mouse, touch gestures or a regular navigation Gallery – images display in a grid with filter navigation (loads images from specified folders) Grid – Display your joomla articles in a dynamic grid with filter navigation. Pricing Table – Add uinlimited pricing tables and slide true them using slideset component. Popover – Map your images with info markers. Features: 10 modules Fully responsive Display custom content Display joomla articles CSS3 Animations Individual module display options and settings Very easy to use Change Log: v2.3.5 Simple Grid now detects new rows in text v2.3.4 Fixed gallery module folder select field not showing v2.3.3 Fix dynamic grid js loading problem v2.3.2 Fixed Grid category nav sorting 2.3.1 Fixed slideshow video autoplay. v.2.3 Added “Strip HTML” option and prepare content for accordion and switcher modules for joomla articles. Now if you have any module embedded in your articles and if “Strip HTML” option is disabled, embedded module will be displayed along with rest of the article content. You can also display any uikit module inside uikit switcher or accordion module using loadposition or loadmoule inside articles… v2.2 Improved compatibility with 3rd party theme frameworks. v2.1 Added “Strip HTML” option to switcher module. Turn this option off if you dont want your article content to be stripped off any html, note that “chars limit” option will not work if “Strip HTML” is disabled. v2.0.1 Fixed gallery module slidenav v2.0 =============================================== All modules rewrited and optimized Optimized joomla articles db queries No support for K2 and VirtueMart. Rewriten and optimized plugin with few new options. Article Grid module is renamed to Grid Two new modules added: Pricing Table and Popover Added more display, layout, styling options for all modules. Now you can style your modules to match your theme directly from module options Added lightbox option to all modules. Now you can choose image link between regular link and lightbox. Basic ordering is now available for custom content. Responsive improvements =============================================== 1.2.1 Fixed char limit issues v1.2.0 Changed way of getting VirtueMart products from db and minor vm bug fixes. v1.1.3 Added slidenav & dotnav css. v1.1.2 Fixed loading uikit. Now uikit modules work in any theme framework. v1.1.1 Minor bug fixes v1.1.0 Added K2 Support Added VirtueMart Support Added option to open custom content link in new a tab Now checking if item is published (not displaying unpublished items) Minor admin ui chnagesBuy and Download
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