Turbo Email Lists Filter 1.x

The one and the Only Turbo Email List Filter.  Turbo Email List Manager is a high performance list management application that will allow you to manage your email lists FASTER and easier than ever.   ✅ Lets check The Options: 1. Turbo Data Cleaner This is one of the most needed tools for Email lists, using this option you are able to clean any list contains emails and other data ex: a file wich contains 1 million emails which is mixed also with name,phone, unnecessary other data. with just a one click you are able to delete anything not ( email ) and save the email list file cleaned.   2. Duplicate Remover This option will remove any duplicated emails in your email lists, and one saved a clean email list file without and email duplicated.   3. Spam Filter Spam keywors is some emails wich leads to your email campaign be marked as spam, you should remove it. Software Helps you to removed any unwanted keyword from the email lists, and sabe a clean list of emails with just a click away.   4. List Splitter A Good option to split a larg list of emails to multi small files. ex: if you have email list file with 2 Millions email records. THis option helps you to split to multi files each contain (as many as emails ) as you wish.   5. Multi List Merger As you can see this option help you to merge multi files to one file only with a simple clicks.   6. Remove List from another If you have 2 lists and wish to remove one ofr them from the other, you can simply use this option, it is amazing and always needed for any data file.   Watch the Turbo Filter Demo   . No source code; Ready software for installation and sending. for special inquire please contacts us.Buy and Download
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