TMail - Multi Domain Temporary Email System

TMail is a simple to use, fast and mobile-ready temporary email system with an impressive feature set. It takes just 4 min to install TMail on your server. You can watch a video tutorial on how to install TMail here – Requirements Below are server requirements. Usually, all major hosting providers cover each and every requirement specified below. Server Requirements PHP >= 8.1 MySQL >= 5.6 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension BCMath PHP Extension IMAP PHP Extension iconv PHP Extension ZIP PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension Set allow_url_fopen = ON Email with IMAP Support Default Email Forwarder (Catch all Email) IMAP search ability Everything which requires Laravel 8 to run Enabled symlink function Note : New version of TMail will not work in subdirectory. You can either install TMail on Sub Domain or a Proper Domain Note : TMail uses catch-all email functionality and it creates virtual email IDs for users to use and DOES NOT create actual email inbox. Don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions Support Need help in installing? Did you find any bugs? Have some amazing ideas? Throw them here Top quality support with 48hrs response time is always available to support you with any question or query you might have. Feedback Your honest review is always important. It encourages and helps to improve my product. Notes Some providers maybe be able to detect your TMail and can deny your email address from being used on their websites. You can always buy additional domains to resolve this. Special Thanks To Omar Abubker – Arabic Translation – Connect waerp – German and Turkish Translation – Connect RhoG725 – Spanish Translation – Connect Nguyễn Hải Đăng – Vietnamese Translation – Connect Disclaimer: We don’t have any affiliation with above entities. We’re sharing just as a pure goodwill gesture. Changelog v7.6.1 - 22 January 2023 - Fixed New Page Bug v7.6.1 - 22 January 2023 - Fixed Messages Fetch Bug - Fixed Messages Sequence Bug - Fixed API for Messages when using Delivery v7.6 - 12 December 2023 - Added Contact Form ( - Added Italian Language - Improved PageSpeed Score - Improved CSS Codebase - Fixed Installer Bug - Fixed Ad Block Detector v7.5 - 15 September 2023 - Added ability to set API Request Limit in .env file - Added option to modify days after which used emails are allowed to reuse - Added ability to delete messages older than X minutes and hours (TMail Delivery) - Fixed multiple To(s) issue - Fixed minor UI design issues v7.4 - 16 June 2023 - Added Text for Lock Screen - Added Auto Sitemap Generator - Added ability to add custom External Link Masker - Added Translations for Lock Screen - Fixed Issue on Attachment with Uppercase Extensions - Fixed Admin Panel Responsive Issues - Updated Admin Panel Links - Dropped PHP v8.0 Support v7.3.1 - 1 April 2023 - Fixed Browser Locale - Fixed Duplicate Page SEO Issue - Added TMail Delivery Support v7.3 - 19 March 2023 - Added TMail Lock Mechanism - Added Menu Items Translations - Replaced with Multiple External Link Masking Services - Updated Fontawesome Link v7.2 - 5 January 2023 - Added ability to change Website Font - Added ability to enable check for CC Field - Fixed IMAP Connection Issue for non-ssl/tls users - Upgraded to Advance Ad Block Detector v7.1 - 30 August 2022 - Added Page Translations - Added Indonesian Language - Fixed Ad Block Detector - Fixed Messages Issue on App - Fixed Minor CSS on Admin Panel - Fixed Mail Issues with PHP 8.1 - Updated Vendor Files - Removed Support for PHP 7.4 v7.0.1 - 20 July 2022 - Fixed Issue with Installer for certain hosting platforms v7.0 - 10 July 2022 - Added Mantis Theme - Added Option to set Max Number of Email Per IP - Added hCaptcha Integration - Added reCaptcha v2 Integration - Added Option to disable use of already used Email - Optimized CSS v6.9 - 15 May 2022 - Added Ad Block Detector - Added Option to Enable/Disable Masking of External URL - Added Option to Enable/Disable Email Address in Page Title - Added Norwegian Language - Fixed Overflow of Email Addresses and Domains - Fixed Cookie Policy Issue with Nebula Theme v6.8.2 - 10 February 2022 - Fixed Invalid License Code False Error v6.8.1 - 4 January 2022 - Installer Fix (Allowing PHP 7.4) v6.8 - 2 December 2021 - Added masking of external links for protecting site footprint - Added feature to reduce the server load by pausing inactive user requests - Added missing language translations - Added support for PHP 8.X - Fixed multi delete issues - Fixed responsive issues on Nebula Theme - Fixed Click to Copy popup issue v6.7 - 23 October 2021 - Added a new free Theme (Nebula) - Added Featured Image for WordPress Blog Shortcode - Added Custom Header for App Page - Fixed Ad Spaces - Optimized Error Messages for safety - Added Custom Min/Max check for API - Added Forbidden ID check for API v6.6.1 - 13 September 2021 - Added Missing Translations - Fixed Random Switch 500 Error - Fixed Message Limit Issue v6.6 - 8 September 2021 - Added option to disable /mailbox slug - Added option to set messages fetch limit - Added option disable TMail Logs ( - Added API for delete message - Added characters limit option for the custom email address - Added the Turkish language - Fixed minor security flaw - Fixed minor CSS optimization v6.5 - 1 July 2021 - Added Blocked Domain - Added reCaptcha - Added Access Logs (located in /storage/logs/tmail.csv) - Added Locale Detection (detect language from the browser) - Fixed Minor CSS Issues v6.4 - 10 May 2021 - Added Optional Feature to allow Email to create via URL - Fixed Theme Upload Issue - Fixed Bug with Attachments - Fixed Security Flaw if your Email Server allowed .php attachments v6.3 - 29 April 2021 - Added ability to update Date Format - Added feature of delete email if domain no longer exists - Optimized TMail Core Packages - Optimized CRON Job - Fixed Ad Space 1 and 5 Refresh Issues - Updated Vendor Files v6.2 - 5 April 2021 - Added HTML Block for Page Content - Fixed Mailbox Redirect Issue - Fixed Case Sensitivity for Email Username - Modified CRON Password for a better security v6.1 - 30 March 2021 - Fixed Delete Issue with Emails - Fixed Select Domain not functional on Firefox Browser - Fixed Page Content not getting saved on some instances - Added announcements for better communication - Added ability to the auto-detect domain if added in the Username field - Added Default Language selector in Admin Panel v6.0 - 22 March 2021 - Revamped Codebase with Laravel 8 and Livewire - Updated Admin UI with Tailwind - Added Theme Module - Added ability to add SEO Tags for Pages - Added parent-child technique for Menu Items - Added parent-child technique in the Pages Module - Added ability to use Google Accounts for IMAP Access - Added advance options for IMAP Configuration - Added Global Footer - Added ability for admin to set 2FA - Added ability for admin logout from other Browser Sessions - Updated OTA Software Update Structure v5.8.1 - 2 January 2021 - Critical Bug Fix v5.8 - 12 August 2020 - Added Cookie Policy - Added ability to configure the Random Email ID Generator - Minor Text Correction - Updated Vendor Files - Fixed Installer Issue v5.7 - 8 July 2020 - Added Compact Layout for Actions - Added ability to add Favicon - Added ability to change Admin Details and Password - Added Vietnamese Language (By Nguyễn Hải Đăng) - Fixed Timezone Issues v5.6 - 20 April 2020 - Added Ad Space 5 between logo and create/action box - Changed the sequence of how old emails are deleted - Fixed Timezone Issue - Fixed broken UI in Admin Panel for Safari - Fixed overlapping of Social Media icons on Menu - Fixed broken mails from Apple Server - Fixed search functionality of emails v5.5 - 3 February 2020 - Added ability to Download Email - Added missing log out on mobile screens - Added functionality to automatically generate API Key in Admin Panel - Fixed console errors - Fixed ENV file getting cleared v5.4 - 2 December 2019 - Added more refined Ad Spaces - Fixed page URL appended if set as homepage - Fixed API Issues - Fixed Password Reset Issue - Fixed Logo getting replaced after update issue v5.3 - 4 October 2019 - Re-organised Admin Panel - Added ability to add a custom header for Pages (for Meta Tags, etc) - Added function to delete emails after specific seconds, hours, minutes and days - Fixed menu saving issue - Fixed weird code being shown with Google Adsense - Fixed console error in Admin Panel - Fixed \"View All Emails\" button being non-functional on iPad / iPhone - Fixed inline images not being displayed - Fixed TMail buttons colours going back to default after language change v5.2 - 8 August 2019 - Added WordPress Blog Integration - Added support to delete emails via CRON - Added support to check for emails in the CC field - Added ability to change the timezone - Fixed attachments not getting deleted after email deletion - Fixed Visual Texts - Fixed Forbidden email Ids being case insensitive v5.11 - 13 June 2019 - Open Social Media Links in New Tab - Add Custom Header Field - Open Email Content Links in New Tab - Ads and Custom Code Issues v5.1 - 5 June 2019 - Added IP Logs - Added Custom CSS and JS Options - Fixed Social Links Issue - Fixed Ad Space Issues v5.0 - 2 June 2019 - Revamped UI and Backend Functionality - Upgraded App to Utilize Laravel Framework - Page Module - Menu Module - Multiple API Keys - Auto Generate Email - Stats Functionality - Social Media Links - Support for PHP v7.1 and above v4.7 - 5 March 2019 - Added Ads on Homepage (Top & Bottom) - Added Language support for Push Notifications - Fixed error on PHP 7.0 (Modern Layout) v4.6 - 19 January 2019 - Added ability to change application colours from Admin Panel (Modern Layout) - Added ability to logout from Admin Panel - Fixed UI issue related to switching email on mobile - Fixed Clear email button issue on mobile v4.5 - 12 January 2019 - Added \"Test SMTP Connection\" in Admin Panel - Fixed \'DIE\' notification error - Fixed countdown issue in Modern - Minor Design Fix v4.4.1 - 30 December 2018 - Fixed PHP Server Variables Issues - Minor Design Fix v4.4 - 26 December 2018 - Added API Support - Added countdown in Modern Layout v4.3.2 - 16 December 2018 - Fixed loading screen issue - Fixed translation issues in a few seconds - Fixed timezone bug v4.3.1 - 24 November 2018 - Fixed attachment issue while deleting or downloading email - Auto delete attachments after X days based on delete emails settings v4.3 - 22 November 2018 - Added attachments functionality - Added ability to encode email ID in URL - Fixed minor code issues v4.2 - 9 October 2018 - Fixed language string - Fixed bug in switch ID drop-down in Modern Layout - Fixed mails not getting cleared after email IDs are switched v4.1 - 16 August 2018 - Fixed German Language Issue - Push Notifications in Modern Layout - Ability to change Timezone - The ability for the user to Clear Email List - Tracking Codes can now be added directly from Admin Panel v4.0 - 15 August 2018 - Modern Layout Released - Menu Links Support - Minor Bug Fixes v3.4 - 3 July 2018 - Ability to enable or disable Push Notifications - Address not allocated Bug Fix - Minor Bug Fixes v3.3 - 7 April 2018 - Added ability to save a list of Emails - Added Web Notifications - Added ability to set Default language in Admin Panel - Minor Bug Fixes v3.2 - 26 February 2018 - Added Searchability for EMails - Added Multi-Email Functionality - Minor Bug Fixes v3.1 - 20 October 2017 - Added Admin Panel - Fixed Minor Cosmetic Issues - Optimized Configuration and Options Data v3.0 - 11 September 2017 - Added ability to save IP Logs with Date and EMail-ID created - Added option to use or not to use SSL for connecting to server - Added configurable about us - Added forbidden mail ids - Optimized Downloading of EMails - Fixed address attribute PHP Notice - Fixed countdown timer - Fixed total emails count in the title bar v2.2 - 19 August 2017 - Added ability to view total mails count in the title bar - Added 2 more languages (German & Polish) - Fixed minor bugs and cosmetic issues v2.1 - 28 July 2017 - Added 7 different languages support. - Fixed iPhone blank email. - Fixed blank email received from some email servers. v2.0 - 7 July 2017 - Added Custom Email ID Option - Added Ads Support - Added moving countdown for retrieval of new emails - Added option to customize \'After X number of days, emails get deleted from server\' - Added option to set refresh time for retrieval of new emails - Optimized JS for setting up Email ID - Optimized security - Fixed minor bug for Download Email option on some servers - Fixed formatting issue on Email v1.2 - 29 June 2017 - Added button for getting new Email ID - Fixed CSS issue - Fixed responsive issue on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s v1.1 - 25 June 2017 - Fixed accordion expand the issue - Fixed download button issue - Optimized retrieval of new emails v1.0 - 22 June 2017 - Initial Release! Yay!Buy and Download
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