Scraper : Business Information Extraction

SuperPages is an alternative to, it contains thousands of business information. Scraper is a windows application that allows you to scrape busines in bulk from The scraper requires 3 main parameters: the keyword,the number of pages to scrape and the location, for the exported results can be in HTML, JSON, or Excel format. Scraper extracts for each business: the title,the image, The phone number, the website link, the category,the full address. Our Highly experienced and Expert team made this software for your business development. After this purchase of software, you will achieve your business Goal. Features Extract 6 Information(the title,the image, The phone number, the website link, the category,the full address.) Save Results in Excel,HTML or JSON. Support Chrome and Firfox Browser Support using Proxies Change Log V1.3 Support Last Version of Chrome Fix some bugs V1 First ReleaseBuy and Download
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