Sticky Mobile

Bootstrap 5 – Sticky Mobile PWA – The Best Selling Mobile PWA The best Mobile PWA Bootstrap 5 Template in the world. Powered by Bootstrap 5.x with no jQuery dependency, written in Vanilla JS. However, you can still use jQuery if you need it! Sticky provides over 385 Page Templates to cover all your needs & ideas. Our customers love its flexibility, ease of use, elegance and power. PWA Mobile – Progressive Web Application Ready Add Sticky to your Home Screen and enjoy it like you would a native application. A gorgeous user interface that looks and feels like a premium native application. A Sticky Menu for a Perfect User Experience We carefully studied and listened to your feedback and created the Footer Menu that powers StickyMobile. It’s flexible, fast to navigate around your pages and is the essential took in our Mobile Kit. Sticky is Colorful and Remembers your Choices With native integration of dark mode and over 30 gorgeous color schemes Sticky will also remember which option you chose, and when you visit again, you’ll be presented with it instantly. Copy & Paste Components – Reusable and Powerful Sticky is powered by hundreds of flexible, easy to customize and perfectly designed to enhance your mobile user interface and user experience. Ad Boxes Add to Home Add to Home Banners and Badges Accordions with Multiple Styles Action Sheets & Action Modals Auto Dark Mode and Color Highlight Retention Buttons & Icons with tons of Styles Back to Home Badge and Icon Back to Top Badge and Icon Before and After Images Breadcrumbs Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js Chips with Light and Dark Styles Cookie Boxes and Consent Boxes Cards with Gradients, Solid Colors or Background Images Cards with Infinite Backgrounds Color Packs with Examples Contact Form – Functional with AJAX Collapse / Dropdown Elements Dividers with Multiple Styles and Icons Disqus Comments Integration Embedly Emoji with Unicode File Upload – Web API integrated Form Wizard Facebook Comments Integration Geolocation – Web API Integrated Google Fonts – 600 to choose from Header Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts Footer Bar Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts Footer Men Infinite Scroll Gorgeous and Awesome Header & Footer Shapes Icons & Icon Fonts Infographics to showcase statistics Image Effects on Tap – Scale, Grayscale, Blur Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded Images with Infinite Background Effect Link Lists with Badge and iOS/Android Switch Support List Groups with Icons and Multiple Styles Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Bootstrap Notification Alerts Large or Small with or without Icons OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android Online & Offline Detection and Banners Quotes and Review Elements QR Code Generator or pre-generate for your existing page Pagination styles enhanced from Bootstrap Preloaders with multiple styles and colors Pricing Tables with multiple styles insertable in Carousel/Slider Reading Time Calculator – estimated time to read page Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles and designs Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share Search System, functional with any element finding options Search Page Box & Search Header Box Shadow Effects – Modern App Effects Scroll Fixed Ads Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills Tables Text Resizer Toasts & Toggles User Lists & Groups with multiple styles Vibrate API integration for Android vibrate on tap Working Hours – fully functional Web Share API Media – Tap your images, feel your projects Sticky’s Media Elements are beyond doubt the most flexible mobile interfaces around. Show off your projects in any layout, filter them, or server them instantly for an amazing user experience. 3 Gorgeous Widescreen Galleries with Captions and Different Styles Collection Views – Album Styled thumbnails that can link to other pages Views Gallery – Select between 1, 2 or 3 columns per view Filterable Gallery – Select the category you want to see in the gallery Rounded & Squared Thumbnails – with captions, borders or polaroid effect Asymmetric Gallery for your Creative Side 6 Elegant Portfolio in One or Two Column Styles with captions, buttons, icons and different styles Selected Portfolio/Project Item with Examples of Content ( can use any component ) Instant Portfolios – Similar to Facebook’s or Google’s Instant Articles on Mobile Pages – Essential Pages designed to feel like a Native Mobile Experience About Us Account Edit / Admin Careers / Jobs Calendars & Schedule Box Chat / Message Bubbles Event Cards Event Details Frequently Asked Questions Instant Articles Map Cover Team Page 2 Timeline Styles Profile Classic & Profile Instagram System Status Settings iOS Settings Android User List / Groups Terms of Service V-Card Contact Page Starters – Begin with a Bang! Sticky starts off with a gorgeous walkthrough that provides a small tutorial or welcome for your users. We’ve included 6 unique styles for you to enjoy. 2 Landing Pages (6×6 Grid + Landing Thumbs) 3 Unique Splash Screens with Images, Icons or Classic Simple Buttons 4 Unique and Versatile, multiple screen walkthroughs powered by a carousel to swipe to your next step Cover Slider Ready to use Packs – Sticky is Prepared for Everything! Ww take your feedback and create ready to use pages for all your needs. Constant updates are always coming your way and we are extremely open to listening to your ideas. Let us know what you’d like to see next fro sticky! Commerce Pack 2 Homepage Styles 2 Product Page Designs 2 Cart Pages Checkout Invoice Tracking Order Store Actions Finance Pages 3 Homepage Styles Dashboard Page Transaction List Transaction Details 2 Card Styles Finance Actions Learning & Education 2 Homepage Styles 2 Course Page Designs Table of Contents Course Cards Course Lists Course Profile Course Rewards Subscriptions Course Actions Task Management Task Management Classic Homepage Task Dashboard Single Project List View Cards View Sort by Status Task Actions Photography Pack 3 Homepage Styles Cover Homepage 2 About Pages (Individual & Company) Pricing Page Services Schedule Team Page Galleries & Portfolios Sticky for Food & Restaurants 4 Homepage Styles 3 Product Pages (Categories: Cards, Grid and Lists) 4 Product Pages (Product Description) 3 Restaurant Menu Page Designs 2 Cart Pages Checkout Page Order Tracking Page Actions Content Pack for Blogs & News 3 Homepage Styles 6 Article Page Designs Author Bio Page Bookmarks Widgets Archive Action Sheets Events Pack Classic Homepage Modern Homepage Card Homepage 1 Card Homepage 2 2 Detailed Event Page Styles Event Cards & Lists Event Category Tabs Interests View Page Create Event Page Event Widget Blocks Action Sheets Health Pages Homepage 2 About Us Page Designs Services Symptoms Schedule Pricing Procedure Details Contact Page Action Sheets Grocery Pack Homepage 2 ProductPage Designs Product List & Grid Product Card Styles 2 Shopping Cart Designs Checkout Page Actions Chat Pack Chat Home 3 Chat Message Styles Chat Groups Chat Actions Admin Pack Graphs in Cards Dashboard Stats in Card Dashboard Gradient Card Dashboard Admin Pack Widgets Admin Charts & Graphs Infographics Notifications & Alerts Input Fields Upload File Breadcrumb Classic Cards Cards with Captions Travel Pages 2 Homepage Styles Cover Homepage 3 Detail Page Designs Reservation Listing Grid, List and Tabs Travel Actions System Pack 4 Sign In / Log In Page Styles 4 Sign Up / Register Page Styles 4 Forgot / Recover Page Styles 4 One Time Passcode Page Styles 4 Error / 404 Page Page Styles 4 Coming Soon Page Page Styles 4 Maintenance Page Styles Social Media Pack 4 Homepage Styles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora) 3 Posts Designs (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Social Icons Social Sharing Web Share API 2 User Profile Page Design Settings (iOS & Android) 4 About Us Page Styles Send Page Request Changelog and Updates Thinking about new and awesome features you’d like us to add? Let us know! We’re always listening to your suggestions -> Version 5.7 – 12 Dec 2023 Thank you for your feedback! Sticky now provides on awesome set of consulting pages, so you can easily share your business goals and ideas! Combine Consulting with the Content Pack, Sticky now has over 30 pages to create your business pages. - Added 10 Consulting Pages - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Consulting Pack. - Added - 1 x Consulting Splash - Added - 2 x Consulting Homepages - Added - 2 x Consuling About Pages - Added - 2 x Consulting Services Pages - Added - Consulting Schedule - Added - Consulting Our History Version 5.6.2 – 18 Nov 2023 This is a maintenance update to prepare Sticky for even more awesome packs! Coming very soon! - Maintenance - Improved Menu/Action Sheet Overlay quality and performance - Maintenance - Carousel transition smoothness improved - Maintenance - Image Lightbox now closes smoother and a bit faster - Bugfix - Edge case where contact form would not send message and email field Replace boostrap.min.js from the scripts folder and line 29 in custom.js to update Version 5.6.1 – 22nd July 2023 This is a small update for our May release. Thank you for your continuous feedback! - Checked and improved documentation. - Corrected typos and a few minor broken links. Version 5.6 – 18th May 2023 Thank you for your feedback! Sticky’s Travel and Listing Pack just got a tone better better. We’ve added a Hotel Pack to compliment the bunch! We always listen to your feedback! - Added 12 Hotel Page and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Hotel Pack. - Added - 2 x Hotel Homepages - Added - 2 x Hotel Landing Pages - Added - 2 x Hotel Detailed Pages - Added - Hotel Listing Grid - Added - Hotel Listing Cards - Added - Hotel Listing Lists - Added - Hotel Reservation Screen - Added - 5 x Hotel Action Sheets and Modals - Bugfix - Travel Listing Page typos. - Improvement - Menu, Action Sheet and Modal Overlay Performance Version 5.5.1 – 8th January 2023 More packs coming to Sticky soon! This is a maintenance update to make sure Sticky is always up to date. - Maintenance: Updated to Bootstrap 5.2 for better performance and stability. Version 5.5. – 14th October 2022 Due to some medical issues we had to take a break from our regular update schedule! We’re back and going strong! Thank you for your feedback! Sticky’s now has Delivery Pack. We always listen to your feedback! Updates will be released on a regular schedule. - Global - Updated to Bootstrap 5.2.2 - Added - 4 x Delivery Homepages - Added - 2 x Delivery Splash Screens - Added - 3 x Delivery Product Samples - Added - 2 x Delivery Tracking Pages - Added - 2 x Delivery Cart Pages - Added - 7 x Delivery Action Sheets and Modal - Added - Delivery Checkout - Added - Delivery Cards and Lists - Added - Delivery OTP Page - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where notifications bars would sometimes not close when tapping them Version 5.4.1 – 18th May 2022 Thank you for your feedback! Sticky’s Store and Commerce Pack got polished and updated with bugfixes and new features. We always listen to your feedback! - Added - Shopping Profile Page - Added - Cart and Checkouts now have Gift Card Input - Added - Action Sheet for Gift Card / Discount Code - Added - Snackbars / Toasts for Confirming Add to Cart and Add to Favorites on all Store Pages. - Improvement - Improved Design of Invoice Page. - Improvement - Improved Design of Tracking Pages. - Bugfix - Component Toggles displaying switches the wrong size and off center. Version 5.4 – 14th April 2022 Thank you for your feedback! Customers wanted some awesome Sidebars for Sticky, and we always listen! - Added Sidebar Styles for Sticky - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Sidebar Pack - Left and Right Sidebars, with any Width size. - Push, Parallax and Over Effect - Detached or Fixed to sides Layout - Auto Activate on Page Load - Compatible with all components from Sticky - Bug Fix - Improved Performance for Menu Hider / Backdrop Version 5.3 – 11th March 2022 Thank you for your feedback! You asked for Listing Pages, and here they are! We always listen to your feedback! - Added 16 Listing Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Chat Pack - Added 4 Listing Homepage Styles - Added 3 Travel Listing Details Page Styles - Added 3 RealEstate Listing Details Page Styles - Added 2 Automotive Listing Details Page Styles - Added Listing Results with Scroll Over Map Page - Added 3 Gorgeous Landing Pages and Splash Screens - Improvement - Component Action Sheets And Modals have Dedicated Categories - Improvement - Significantly improved loading speed for Action Sheet & Modal Pages Version 5.2 – 3rd March 2022 Sticky now comes with FontAwesome 6 and FontAwesome 5 compatibility included. New Pack coming next week! - Global - Updated Icon Library to FontAwesome 6 - Global - FontAwesome 5 will continue to be supported if you still wish to use it. - Improvement - Menu Backdrop JS improvements. Just replace lines 27 to 29 in custom.js Version 5.1.2 – 17th February 2022 We’re working on a brand new pack that will come out in the coming 2 weeks. Meanwhile, some polish and performance improvements! - Improvement - Calendar Design and Spacing - Improvement - Profile Page 1 & 2 Design Improvements - Improvement - Android Settings Page now has an Android Designed Switch - Improvement - Splash Pages Typography Improved and Text Updated - Improvement - Line Height and Button Designs for Timeline Pages - Bug Fix - Solved Instant Modal not going full screen. - Bug Fix - Solved a few 404 errors in Event Pack Version 5.1.1 – 3rd February 2022 Spring cleaning is here! New features, modern effects, cleanups and getting ready for new awesome packs for Sticky! - Added - Valentine\'s Day Falling Hearts Effect. (View in: Features -> Particle - Hearts) - Added - Modern, pass-through shadow effects are now globally available for any element that has a background color, gradient or image. - Improvement - Rounded Snackbars, Buttons and Icons, Chips components added to latest design standards. - Improvement - Increased Table Contrast for better visibility. - Bug Fixes - Typo\'s fixed throughout components. As always, thank you for your feedback! New packs are coming in the following weeks! Version 5.1 – 12th January 2022 Thank you for your feedback! You asked for Fitness and Gym pages, and here they are! We always listen to your feedback! View in Pages -> Fitness Pack - Added - 11 Fitness and Gym Related Pages. - Added - 3 Fitness & Gym Homepage Styles - Added - 2 Fitness & Gym Dashboard Styles - Added - 2 Fitness Exercise Detailed Pages - Added - Listing, Grid and Cards Views Version 5.0.1 – 23rd December 2021 Winter is here, so we gave Sticky a snow effect. We’ve now added particle page effects. A small CSS3 snippet that allows you to add effects such as snow falling down the screen. View it in Components -> Particles – Snowflakes. Happy Holidays! - Added - Component Particles - Snowing Effect Version 5.0 – 9th December 2021 Sticky is now at version 5.0, we wanted to bring you something special, therefore, Sticky now has 50 NEW pages to compliment and complete the awesome existing packages! The biggest update since Sticky’s release! View in Pages -> Sticky v5.0 - Global - 50 New Pages to complete / compliment existing Sticky Packs - Added - Commerce - 7x New Pages - 15 Pages total in Commerce Pack - Added - Finance - 5x New Pages - 12 Pages total in Finance Pack - Added - Learning - 4x New Pages - 14 Pages total in Learning Pack - Added - Tasks - 4x New Pages - 11 Pages total in Tasks Pack - Added - Photo - 3x New Pages - 10 Pages total in Photography Pack - Added - Food - 4x New Pages - 24 Pages total in Food Pack - Added - Content - 6x New Pages - 20 Pages total in Content Pack - Added - Events - 3x New Pages - 15 Pages total in Events Pack - Added - Health - 3x New Pages - 13 Pages total in Health Pack - Added - Grocery - 3x New Pages - 15 Pages total in Grocery Pack - Added - Chat - 1x New Pages - 8 Pages total in Chat Pack - Added - Travel - 3x New Pages - 14 Pages total in Travel Pack - Added - Admin - 2x New Pages - 7 Pages total in Admin Pack - Added - Actions - 40x New Actions - 100 Actions total in Actions Pack - Added - Component Roll Over Cards Effect - Added - Component Header / Page Titles - Bug Fix - Header Auto Show would still click when hidden. Version 4.9.2 – 11th November 2021 Thank you for your feedback. Stay tuned. A massive, awesome update is coming soon. - Added - Component Form Wizard (view in Components -> Form Wizard) - Global - Update from Bootstrap 5.1 to Bootstrap 5.1.3 for better performance and multiple fixes. Just replace scss/bootstrap/ or bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.js Version 4.9.1 – 1st November 2021 A small add-on to last week’s Social Pack update. - Added - Matching Components for Social Pack - Added - Social Icons with Color Shadow Effect - Added - Social Buttons with Color Shadow Effect - Improved - Web Sharing API added to Social Buttons - Bug Fix - Geo Location \"View in Google Maps\" button - Bug Fix - Page Settings - Sidebar didn\'t open full width Version 4.9 – 29th October 2021 Thank you for your feedback! You asked for Social Media Pages, and here they are! We always listen to your feedback! View in Pages -> Social Pack - Added - Facebook Style Homepage & Post - Added - Twitter Style Homepage & Post - Added - Instagram Style Homepage & Post - Added - Quora Style Homepage - Added - Story Full Screen Modal - Added - Dropdown for Post Control - Added - Dropdown for Reactions - Added - Social Action Sheets - Included - 2 Profile Styles - Included - 2 Settings Styles - Included - 4 About Styles Version 4.8.1 – 12th October 2021 We’re super excited to announce full Offline Mode support. Add your assets to the service worker and go offline. Our products are the only Mobile PWA’s to support offline mode on Envato Market. Offline mode is disabled in Live Preview. - Global - Added full PWA Offline Support. Version 4.8 – 1st October 2021 You asked, we always listen! Now, Sticky comes packed with the system pages you requested to make your app even better and powerful! View in Pages -> System Pack - Global - Updated to Bootstrap 5.1.1 - Added - 4 x Sign In Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x Sign Up Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x Forgot Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x Maintenance Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x Coming Soon Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x Error / 404 Pages and Styles - Added - 4 x One Time Passcode Pages and Styles Styles Included: - Full Screen Style - Classic Page Style - Full Screen with Background Image - Full Screen with Card and Infinite Background Effect - Added - New Pages - One Time Passcode (view in Pages -> System) - Added - New Component - Web Share API - component-web-share-api.html - Added - New Component - Search Headers - component-search-header.html - Improved - Text Resizer controls now use flex box. - Improved - Rebuilt vCard to improve performance and reduce load. - Improved - Rebuilt Gallery Collections to reduce load. - Improved - Share Menu now detects and uses Web Share API when possible. - Improved - Documentation added for New Updates and How to Update - Bug Fix - Adjusted back arrows and share arrows for RTL version. - Bug Fix - Full Screen Pages adjusted for iOS15 and iOS15.1 Version 4.7.1 – 21th September 2021 With the release of iOS15, Apple made some changes to the Interface of Safari and how Safari handles full screen pages. We’re happy to announce that Sticky is now fully compatible with iOS 15. Special thanks to the team from WebKit who listened to all our feedback. - Global - Improvements for new iOS15 Tab Bar Safari interface. - Improved - Sticky now supports full cover mode for all iOS versions. Version 4.7 – 1st September, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve fixed a few tiny bugs, and we’ve now added Travel Pages. - Added - 3 x Travel Homepage Styles - Added - 3 x Travel Detailed - Added - Travel Coverpage Style - Added - Travel List and Grid - Added - Travel Tabs List & Grid - Added - Travel Reservation Form - Added - Travel Action Sheets & Modals - Bug Fix - Event Home 2 & 3 - Category Slider Spacing - Bug Fix - Event Actions Approved & Rejected Spacing Version 4.6.1 – 23rd August, 2021 Keeping Sticky fast and up-to-date. This is a maintenance update. More packs coming soon! Please don’t forget to send us your ideas via our contact form (link). - Bug Fix - Fixed issue with search not working on certain pages. Added line 887 in code/custom.js - Bug Fix - Fixed issue with accordions not closing correct elements - Bug Fix - Fixed issue with date input in Bootstrap 5.x not showing correctly on Android - Updated - Update from Bootstrap 5.0.2 to Bootstrap 5.1 for better performance and multiple fixes. Just replace scss/bootstrap/ or bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.js Version 4.6 – 4th August, 2021 Thank you for your feedback. We’ve now added Admin Pages, Modern Graphs and Charts. View in Pages -> Admin Pack - Added - 4 Unique Admin & Dashboard Homepages - Added - Admin and Dashboard Widgets - Added - Admin and Dashboard Charts & Graphs - Updated Chart.js Plugin to 3.5.0, - Bug Fix - Improvements on Footer Bar for iOS15. - Bug Fix - Clear Field Icon on Search Page Position - Improved - Charts.js will load only on pages where it is required. - Improved - Update Guide with full log. Copy & Paste ready. Version 4.5.1 – 21st July, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added App Shadow Effects – View in Components -> Shadow Effects. - Added - App Shadow Effects - Use with Images, Cards, Buttons, Icons and Gradients for a Modern App Glow Shadow Effect. - Improved - Search Pages - Clear Search field Icon Added - Global - Updated to Bootstrap 5.0.2 Stable - Global - Updated to FontAwesome 5.1.3 Version 4.5 – 1st July, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Chat Pages. - Added 7 Chat Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Chat Pack - Added Chat Bubbles - 3 Styles - Added Group Chat - Added Chat Listing - Added Chat Action Sheets - Bug Fix - Improved Action Sheets Component for RTL Edition. Version 4.4.2 – 26th June, 2021 Cleanup and Preparing for Future Updates. We polished Sticky to make it even better. New Package and Components coming in the next few weeks! - Improved - At the end of pack pages, we\'ve added \"Use this pack with\" - Improved - Typography and colors for Content Package - Removed CSS Map Warning from style.css and bootstrap.css Version 4.4.1 – 1st June, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Grocery Pages. - Added 10 Grocery Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Grocery Pack - Added Page Grocery Homepage - Added Page Grocery Product - 2 Styles - Added Page Grocery Cart - 2 Styles - Added Page Grocery Checkout - Added Page Grocery Listings - Added Page Grocery Cards - Added Page Grocery Action Sheets - Bug Fix - Removed sr-only text from component-preloaders and component-pagination files. Version 4.3.1 – 17th May, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Health Pages. - Added 10 Health Related Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Health Pack - Added Page Health Homepage - Added Page Health Doctor About - Added Page Health Department About - Added Page Health Pricing - Added Page Health Services - Added Page Health Procedure - Added Page Health Contact Form - Added Page Health Schedule Appointment - Added Page Health Actions and Modals - Added Page Health Sympthom Checker & Quiz - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue affecting input[type=\"date\"] on iOS. - Bug Fix - Removed CSS source map files from color highlights - Global - Updated to the latest Bootstrap 5.0.1 Version (Bootstrap 4.x version included) Version 4.2.1 – 16th April 2021 Updated to latest Bootstrap 5 Scripts - Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Verisons. - Files Affected - scss/bootstrap folder, styles/bootstrap.css, scripts/bootstrap.min.js Version 4.2 – 05th April, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Event Pages. - Added 12 Event Related Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Events Pack - Added Page Events Homepage - 4 Styles - Added Page Events Detailed - 2 Styles - Added Page Events Cards - Added Page Events Create Form - Added Page Events Categories - Added Page Events Interests - Added Page Events Widget Blocks - Added Page Finance Action Sheets - Added Component - Interest Checkboxes - Bug Fix - Highlight Colors could not change in Splash Landing 1 & 2 pages. Version 4.1 – 20th March, 2021 Everyone has been asking for infinite scrolling footer menus, you asked, we added! Sticky now supports infinite icons in the footer menu, applicable to all styles. Thank you for your continuous feedback! We always listen to you! - Global - Features below added to both Bootstrap 4.x and 5.x Versions - Added - Infinite Footer Menu. Components -> Footer Menus Infinite - Added - Before and After Slider. Components -> Before and After - Improvements - Javascript improvements in Bootstrap 5.x Version Version 4.0.1 – 11th March 2021 Mobile PWA update for upcoming WebKit / Chrome standards - Global - Bootstrap 5.x and 4.x Versions PWA Improved - Improvement - Updated _service-worker.js to new PWA standards (replace _service-worker.js) - Improvement - In custom.js and at the very top set pwaNoCache = false; Version 4.0 – 1st March, 2021 
Sticky now comes in Bootstrap 5.x with NO jQuery dependency (Sticky Version 4.0), written in Vanilla JavaScript. We’ve also included the Bootstrap 4.5 Version with jQuery Dependency (Sticky Version 3.9) and we’ll keep providing support for both version for a long time from now! Sticky now comes in 2 Versions - Bootstrap 5.x - Vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery Dependency - Bootstrap 4.5 - jQuery Version - Both versions have the same, identical features for you to enjoy! Version 3.9.1 – 10th February, 2021 
Thank you for your feedback David ! We’ve now added Option Action Sheets & Modals as well to last week’s update. - Added - 4 new Action Sheets and Modals per customer feedback and request. - Bug Fix - page-food-home-2.html fixed small issue affecting height of entire page. Version 3.9 – 25th January, 2021 
Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Action Packs – Action Sheets and Action Modals. - Added 50+ Action Sheets and Action Modals - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Action Pack - Action Sheets can appear from Top, Bottom, Left or Right. - Action Modals can be boxed or Full Screen in size. - Action Sheets and Modals can be Rounded, Squared, Boxed or Detached from the screen. - Can be triggered by any element, and doesn\'t require JavaScript. Super easy to use! - Can be triggered via programmatic calls with a single call function. - Files Affected: 3 New HTML files added. actions.html, component-action-sheets-new.html and component-action-modals-new.html Version 3.8.1 – 14th January, 2021 Fixed a small issue with dark mode on the Content Pack released last week. - Fixed: page-content-home-1.html - overlay on slider text in Dark Mode - Fixed: page-content-article-5.html - image credit was appearing out of place Version 3.8 – 7th January, 2021 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Content Pages for Blogs, News, Article or just any classic content oriented pages. - Added 14 Content Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Content Pack - Added 3 Unique Homepage Styles - Added 6 Unique Article Styles - Added About Author Page - Added Bookmarks Page - Added Archive Page - Added Widgets Page - Added Action Sheets for Content Based Elements - Improvement - Image Carousels now support half sliders, meaning, seeing a small part of the next slide. Just add the class visible-slider to any carousel. - Files Affected: style.css (added lines 2817 to 2825 ) or _sliders_carousels.scss Version 3.7.1 – 15th December, 2020 For better User Experience, when visiting a link in a list, Sticky will remember and show a check icon when viewing the list. This feature can be applied to any list and any page simply by adding check-visited to your link list / group. - Files Affected: custom.js ( added lines 232 to 252 ) style.css ( lines 3449 to 3467 ) or _list-group.scss Version 3.7 – 9th December, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Food, Restaurant, Fast Food And Delivery Pages. - Added 20 Food Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Food Pack - Added 4 Unique Homepage Styles - Added 4 Unique Product Pages - Added List, Grid and Cards Product View - Added 3 Menu Style - Added 2 Cart Options - Added Checkout Page - Added Order Tracking - Added Actions for the Food Pack - New Component - Stepper - Components -> Inputs - Files Affected: custom.js ( added lines 441 to 451 ) style.css ( lines 3093 to 3139 ) or _inputs.scss and _cards.scss Version 3.6.1– 3rd December, 2020 Thank you for your feedback @imgro ! We’ve now added Infographics component. -Added - Component Infographic - View in Bottom Menu -> Features -> Infographics Version 3.6 – 10th November, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Photography and Photographer Pages. - Added 10 Photography Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Photography - Added 3 Homepage Styles - Added 1 Cover Screen with Custom Footer Menu - Added 2 About Pages - Added 1 Photography Pricing Packages - Added 1 Photography Services Page - Added 1 Photography Schedule Calendar Page - Added Photoshoot Booking Action Sheet - Added Gallery Asymmetric Design - Includes 9 Gorgeous Gallery Pages - Filter, Views, Albums, Asymmetric, Wide and Classic. - Includes 3 Portfolios with 1 Column, Different Styles - Includes 3 Portfolios with 2 Columns, Different Styles - Includes Instant Portfolio and Selected Portfolios - Improved Pricing Component - Improved Team Page - Files Affected from previous updates - component-pricing.html / page-team.html Version 3.5 – 06th September, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Task Management Pages. - Added 7 Task Management and Get Things Done Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Task Management - Added Tasks Action Sheets - Added Tasks Homepage Classic - Added Tasks Dashboard - Added Tasks Single Project View - Added Tasks Sortable (Any Filter) - Added Tasks Grid View - Added Tasks List View Version 3.4.1 – 26th September, 2020 Added 2 new pages to the Commerce Pack. Thank you for the suggestion @itQan. - Added Store Homepages ( 2 styles ) - Improvement - Any Icon can be used for Checkboxes and Radios - Improvement - Switches now support smaller size. - Improvement - Added borderless tabs version for cleaner effect. - Files Affected - style.css and _switches / _tabs / _checkbox / _inputs / SCSS files. Version 3.4 – 27th August, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Learning and Education Pages. - Added 10 Education and Learning Related Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Learning and Education - Added Learning Action Sheets - Added Learning Chapters - Added Learning Course - 2 Pages - Added Learning Courses List - Added Learning Courses Cards - Added Learning Homepage - 2 Pages - Added Learning User Profile - Added Learning Rewards - Added Learning Subscriptions Version 3.3 – 07th August, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Finance Pages. - Added 7 Finance Related Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Finance Pages - Page Finance Homepage - 2 Styles - Page Finance Dashboard - Page Finance Transactions List and Transactions Details - Page Finance Credit Cards - Page Finance Action Sheets Version 3.2.1 – 22nd June, 2020 - Updated - Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.5 - Updated - Better structure for style.css and bootstrap.css Version 3.2 – 16th June, 2020 Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added Commerce and Ecommerce pages. - Added 8 Store Pages and Elements - View in Bottom Menu -> Pages -> Commerce Pages - Page Product - 2 Styles - Page Cart - 2 Styles - Page Checkout - Page Invoice - Page Tracking Order - Page Store Actions ( Toasts, Action Sheets and Modals for Store Actions ) Version 3.1 – 15th May, 2020 Minor improvements to the update released 2 weeks ago to give you even more flexibility and ease of use - Global - Added JS Developer Mode – set developer mode to true and you can instantly clear all caches and local data when using the item as a Progressive Web App to help you in the development process. - Improvement - Updated parameters in style.css for header and header clear for better compatibility with latest iPhone SE and non iOS notch devices - Improvement - Improvements to the Highlight and Background color changers Version 3.0 – 1st May, 2020 The biggest and most feature filled update since the release of Sticky. Your feedback has now made StickyMobile the best selling and most feature rich product on Envato. Nothing comes close to the power of StickyMobile - Global - Bootstrap 4.4 Integration. - Global - Loading Speed Improved by up to 60% - Global - SCSS Structured files included - Global - RTL and LTR Versions Included - Added - Sidebars, Modals, Action Sheets - Parallax / Push / Over Effects - Added - Programatic Calls to Snackbars, Toasts, Notifications, Action Sheets, Sidedbars and Modals - Added - PWA now clears cache automatically - Added - Full notch support on any device, making converting to Cordova & Phonegap super easy - Added - Support for Badges in Footer and Header - Added - Skeleton Buttons and Icons - Page - Added iOS Settings Page - Page - Added Android Settings Page - Page - Added Splash Screens - 3 Styles - Page - Added Walkthrough - 3 Styles - Page - Added Product Page Card Style - Page - Added Product Page Cover Style - Component - Unicode Emoji Support - Component - Breadcrumbs - Component - List Groups with Switches - Component - Preloading Images & CSS Backgrounds - Improvement - All Pages & Components are now Bootstrap Built - Improvement - All columns replaced with Bootstrap & Flexbox - Improvement - true/false enable and disable PWA or AJAX modes. - Improvement - Completely Revamped Documentation for Better and Much more Detailed Instructions Version 2.3 – 6th April, 2020 - Added - Full RTL Support Version 2.2 – 22nd March, 2020 Thank you all for your feedback and feature requests. As always we’re always here and listening, so please feel free to ask more features and we’ll gladly implement them. Send us your suggestions using our contact form. We always listen. - Added - Full screen standalone mode for PWA’s on iPhones with Notch, making the experience even more immersive and beautiful than ever - Added - 4 Column Support as per our users requests - Added - Add to Home Invitation for Progressive Web App now occurs on Walkthrough page and home page and can be added to any page you wish - Added - Timed Ads full screen or modal ads. These can take up the whole screen and have a timeout before they can be dismissed. Similar to what you see in apps or games - Improvement - QR Code generator improved for faster generating speeds, making it instant - Improvement - Auto Sharing screen and sharing sheets are now much more efficient. Test them live on your device to see Version 2.1 – 29th February, 2020 - Bug Fix - Improved Social Sharing Script & Sharing Icons - Improvement - Removed unsed assets from main zip file. - Improvement - Minor CSS Improvements to pwa.js and framework.css - Improvement - JavaScript Plugins optimized for faster delivery - Improvement - Splash Screen - Improvement - Notch Styles for Light & Dark Modes in Progressive Web App Mode Version 2.0 – 3rd December, 2019 The biggest update to Sticky since its release. We’ve listened to your feedback and added all the features you requested. Thank you for being awesome customers and for loving our products! We’re always listening to your feedback! - Global - (Progressive Web App ) Support, Sticky is now ready - Global - Auto Dark Mode when detecting your device supports it, just add detect-theme to the body - Added - Footer Menu - Detached View - Added - Footer Menu - 4 New Styles - Added - Language Selector - Added - Age Verification - Added - Progressive Web App Update Version in Manifest - Added - 31 Color Highlights - Page - Wallet with Transactions and Graphs - Page - Profile Instagram Styled - Page - Events Page, 2 Styles - Page - Task Lists - Page - Todo Lists - Page - Credit Cards - Page - Landing Page - Page - Page Selector - Page - User Lists and Groups - Component - Working Hours - Component - Pricing Packs - Component - Geolocation with Web API - Component - Vibration with Web API - Component - File Upload with Web API - Component - QR Code GEnerator - Component - Embedly - Embed Anything - Component - Facebook Comment Integration - Component - Disqus Comment Integration - Component - Online / Offline Detection - Component - Add to Home Install Prompt - Improvement - Added 31 new color schemes for faded colors. - Improvement - Remember Light or Dark Mode for Future Visits. - Improvement - All Scripts and Styles to Latest Stable Versions - Improvement - Replaced BaguetteBox with Lightbox for better Support. Version 1.2 – 25th February, 2019 - Bug Fix - Replaced Baguette Box with Enhanced version of Lightbox for better performance and swipe gestures. Version 1.1 – 19th February, 2019 - Global - Design Overhaul – Giving Sticky Mobile a Proper Personality. Want more reasons to purchase We’re the leading Mobile Author on the marketplaces, with over 35.000 happy customers and 10 years of experience. We love you, and strongly believe that we got to this point because of the awesome customers we’ve had! We’ll always reply to your support questions in less than 12 hours, we’ll always fix any bug that may appear, and we’ll always keep our items updated to be sure they work flawlessly without ever deleting them! As per Envato Terms of Service, Images are not included in the main download package. If needed, we can provide a list of links for the images used.Buy and Download
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