
With Source-Fetch you can download the HTML source code of any website. With a wide range of slectable User-Agents you can simulate different browsers while sending the request to pull the websites source code, also known as spoofing. From desktops, phones, tablets, game consoles, search bots & other popular devices on the market source-fetch can make it appear your sending the request from a different device. Grab the source code your looking for in an easy to read HTML editor based application, simply type the website into the URL box and press the enter key, source fetch will do the rest -=) . FEATURES: Multi-tabbed Sources Favorite Icon Extraction Rich HTML Source Format +33 Selectable User-Agents User-Agent Verification Auto-Download Source Code Export to .TXT, .PHP, .JS and .HTML Easily Tab Through Source Codes REQUIREMENTS: Download and install .NET Framework 4.0: English: NOTICE: Read the FAQ before asking -=) UPDATES / BUG FIXES: V2.2 – Improvements * Added Fetch count * Added Error count * Updated backend PHP * Updated .NET version to current * Updated URLs due to hosting transfer * Updated GUI with tab and source information * Updated user-agent verification with more information V2.1 – Improvements * Added About * Added keep window on top * Added option to keep temp folder * Added option to remember last used user-agent V2.0 – Improvements * Pulls favorite icons * Updated tabs with images * Updated error handling * Temporary stores source codes V1.0 – Initial release * Initial releaseBuy and Download
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