ScrolleUP - Creative One Page WordPress Theme

Latest Update : 2 January 2018 (v1.1.6) & WordPress 4.9.1 & PHP 7 Ready ScrolleUP Has a beatiful features : Fully Responsive Design Amazing Parallax Video Sections 2 Home Types Slider Background Video Background 4 Menu Styles Vertical Menu (Icon) Vertical Menu (Without Icon) Horizantal Dark Menu Horizantal Light Menu Video Background 11 Loading Types Loading Style 1 (Loading Text) Loading Style 2 (Clock) Loading Style 3 (Typing Loader) Loading Style 4 (Location Indicator) Loading Style 5 (Battery) Loading Style 6 (Help) Loading Style 7 (Cloud) Loading Style 8 (Eye) Loading Style 9 (Coffee Cup) Loading Style 10 (Square) Loading Style 11 (Circle) 50+ Admin Options 30+ Shortcodes Portfolio Filter Ajax Project Page Twitter Integration Font Awesome Icons Cross-Browser Compatibility Best Support Credits : jQuery 1.10.1 QueryLoader2 carouFredsel Responsive Nav Parallax Retina Fitvids Flex Slider ScrollTo Supersized.js Animate.css Playfair Display Font Source Sans Pro Web Font Oswald Web Font Version 1.1.6 (2 January 2018) - IMPROVE: WooCommerce 3.x Ready Affected Files style.css woocommerce-section.php css/scrolleup-woocommerce.css functions.php woocommerce/content-single-product.php Version (19 October 2016) - IMPROVE: Google Map API field added in ScrolleUP Options > Map & Tweet - UPDATE: TGM Plugin Updated Affected Files functions.php inc/tgm_plugin_activation/ Version 1.1.5 (16 January 2016) - Fix: Load More Pagination Issue Fixed. (Now Our Demo compatible Wordpress 4.4.1 Version) Affected Files functions.php Version 1.1.4 (02 January 2016) - Added : Slider Post Issue Fixed Affected File : scrolleup/css/responsive.css scrolleup/inc/content.php Version 1.1.3 - Added : Image option for mobile video background Affected File : scrolleup/admin/site/site-config.php Version 1.1.2 - Fixed : Menu Style 3 Transition Issue Affected File : menu.php /js/main.js Version 1.1.1 - Fixed : Team Linkedin icon issue. Affected File : team.php Version 1.1 - Fixed : Mobile Navigation Issue. Version 1.0.1 - Fixed : Child Theme Issue. (Affected Files : functions.php) Version 1.0 - Initial release WooCommerce TutorialsBuy and Download
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