Reverse Pc Controller

Reverse Pc Controller is a remote administration tool that use reverse connection and multi-threading to connect the Server application with one or multiple client (Asynchronous) that let you to send/receive command, retrieve information of every type 30 function already present in 3 different class, easy to implement with only 1 line of code (to see all the function continue to read)   Only need to open the selected port in your modem and not in the client modem Full Source code included Server: Reverse Connection fully commented source code Host resolver build in (without external service) Asynchronous Connection Customizable Multithreading Auto Reconnection Example function (msgbox and close application) Easy to implement new function Function to Receive message or command from the Client Function to send message or command to the Client Use No-IP Host and customizable port for the connection Already contains command send and command receive example   Function already writed but not implemented: Every function is really easy to call and use, only 1 line of code  (only need to send the command from server to client and call the function) Class Utility: Encode a string to Base64 Decode a Base64 to string Encode a string to MD5 Hash Get Desktop Screenshot Get Process List Kill Process Get Clipboard Content Type Get Clipboard Text, Image Set Clipboard Text, Image Open a file Get Mouse Position Convert Byte to Megabyte Convert Byte to Gigabyte Show and Hide the Taskbar Open and Close the Cd Tray CMD shutdown, restart, logoff and hibernate CMD Custom Command   Class Info: Get RAM size Get drive Type by letter (Cd rom, Hard disk, usb) Get Motherboard information Get Processor information Get the Screen Resolution Get the computer installed Language in different format: Initials ShortISO ISO Windows Name Native EnglishName Get and Set OEM Information: Manufacturer Model SupportHours SupportPhone SupportURL LogoLocation Get the WEI score: Base Processor Ram Gpu GameGraphics HardDisk   Class Security :  Check UAC State (Active, not Active) Set UAC state Check Task Manager State (Active, not Active) Set Task Manager state Check which port is open   Client: Fully commented Code Asynchronous Connections Easy connected Server management Listbox with every connected user Listbox with ID, ip, Name and OS of the connected Users Right click on user for send commands Function used to send and receive commands Function to generate unique ID for each connected user Use of TcpListener and TcpClient Multi-threaded Auto delete a server from the list when is not reachable or is closed Auto accept the connected servers Auto retrieve the information from the connected server Very Easy to add function or send command Already contains command send and command receive exampleBuy and Download
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