Real Estate Agency Portal

3350+ Happy users! Thank You So Much! Frontend user login and property submission Test R-T-L Script was born to be ahead in innovation and at the peak of the real estate portal solutions, specifically designed for easy customization and use. Result of desire to make our clients happy is this completely new redesign for our script even after 6 successful year on marketplace and we still try to make our script even better! New Compatible Mobile App in Flutter for iOS and Android (Not included in price) Why is Real estate agency portal script your best choice for real estate business? You can earn money providing listing and featured submissions for visitors on portal with PayPal/Cash/Bank transfer payment support You can earn money with Google AdSense or other similar service You can add custom fields (textareas, inputs, dropdowns, upload) / Indoor amenities / Outdoor amenities / distances direct from Admin interface (No programming skills needed) Top notch multilanguage (Backend+Frontend) features like auto-translating with MyMemory API service and Google translator (manually corrections are also supported), RTL, look this extra simplicity, try administration! Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language and different purposes Sale/Rent ) Exclusive innovation on results filtering (Very simple, intuitive and powerful), you must try this on our live preview! Supported front-end and backend user-types/roles with submissions: Admin, Agent and front-end Agent/User with admin verification Front-end Facebook login for extra lazy guys Each agent/agency and user have public profile page with all listings, logo can be listed on homepage Enquires system for you and your agents in administration Extra easy to use, drag & drop multi image upload, reorder images, pages, fields Innovative drag & drop Menu and pages builder with logical page structure embedded Check in / check out dates for rental purpose. Backup your database and files direct from administration Easy to make new custom theme, Bootstrap responsive example with 6 color styles provided and nice documentation Track your visitors with Google Analytics Based on Codeigniter, so if you know it you can easy customize anything you want Incredible support, documentation, knowledge base, FAQ section and quick answering on any issue! If at least one of the answers is yes, see the application and you wll love it. Support Open Street Maps and Google Maps. Visual Page Editing. Add/Edit, Drag & drop any field, Indoor/outdoor amenities, distances, or custom fields like Floor etc. with icons of course. New innovation with visual rectangle drawing search! Earn money with submission and featured listings (Cash/Bank transfer also supported) for frontend users, Adsense and similar services is also supported More then 60+ languages supported with auto-translate feature based on MyMemory API and Google translator Support all world currencies in listings (can be different based on langauge) and all PayPal supported currencies for PayPal payments Native multilanguage support Easy location entering Auto-suggest based on City, County, Zip Easy search form template customization Visual energy efficient and gas emissions plugin Walkscore plugin integrated Search for properties near your address Drag & Drop files/images for multiple upload or reorder Custom upload fields like plan image company image etc… Facebook login for lazy guys… Facebook comments social plugin integrated Agent/admin stars rating and views counter for each property Extra color examples with demo picker for test What People Are Saying About Real Estate Agency Portal The script is so awesome that there are several clones on the market (with public confession), you can not make a mistake if you buy the original version )” title=”;)” /> We will try to maintain compatibility with old layout to simplify update proccess for our old clients Extendable with many addons and themes Similar Wordpress theme also available Documentation Technical documentation, Knowledge base, FAQ, Support center Application is based on CodeIgniter PHP framework, if you know CodeIgniter you can easily customize the system. CodeIgniter is a very simple framework with the best documentation ever seen, so you can easy learn it. Download Package Source JS Source CSS Source PHP files Documentation Preview example and bootstrap theme examples Server requirements PHP version 5.6 or newer MySQL (4.1+) Changelog 1.7.4 – 25 July 23 TREE field improvements Edit buttons added for widgets API fix for limits featured activated CSS improvements RTL improvements like number formating PHP 8.2 better compatibility Installation troubles on some PHP 8.1 servers Reduced memory usage in some cases Update instructions from 1.7.3: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.3 – 23 February 23 mobile footer menu new PHP support improvements Small fixes Update instructions from 1.7.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.2 – 5 May 22 new PHP support improvements Small fixes Update instructions from 1.7.1: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.1 – 28 December 21 new PHP support improvements New adons support Small fixes Update instructions from 1.7.0: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.0 – 23 May 21 PHP 8 support improvements fixes on new template layout Color edit fix in admin Small fixes Update instructions from 1.6.9: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.9 – 28 Yanuary 21 PHP 8 support Currency picker not dependent on language Langauge picker improvements Search form improvements with tabs and search more Layout small fixes on design Compatibility with addons Update instructions from 1.6.8: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.8 – 18. August 20 Layout small fixes on design Compatibility with addons Update instructions from 1.6.7: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.7 – 29. February 20 Layout complete redesign PHP 7.4 compatibility fixes Compatibility with addons Update instructions from 1.6.6: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.6 – 03. June19 Layout fixes PHP 7.3 compatibility fixes Facebook compatibility fixes Google API improvements Compatibility with addons Update instructions from 1.6.5: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.5 – 24.October 18 Google/Maps api improvements Layout fixes on mobile devices cms_config.php added support for $config[‘terms_link’] translation improvements mobile apps api improvements new PHP support improvements geocoding loading indicator preview listing link added on edit listing form https improvements Update instructions from 1.6.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.4 hotfix1 – 31.July 18 DB issue with saving treefield Amazon AWS improved support Small layout improvements Open street maps support (backend + frontend) Update instructions from 1.6.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 2x times if you using older version 1.6.4 – 4. July 18 Easy translations for widgets on frontend Listing Management improvement Google API updates Small Layout improvements Responsive improvements Widget editing links improvements Clone listing feature FIX, Added missing text for translations Update instructions from 1.6.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 2x times 1.6.2 – 16 November 17 WYSIWYG editor changed New templates and plugins compatibility [FIX] DB fix [FIX] Layout issues Update instructions from 1.6.1: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.1 – 22 June 17 Mobile API support for quick submission/register/login/favorites Quick add listing without registration New templates supported like: or Canonical URL tag added Caching feature improvement captcha improvements Russian langauge updatedtype Agency now can have agents related Dependent fields (different field for specific property type) Sitemap improvements [FIX] edit image, transparency issues [FIX] Packages expire issues when using this addon [FIX] Property search issues in admin [FIX] Layout issues Update instructions from 1.6.0: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.0 – 9 November 16 Update to PHP 5.6 as required offline page support visual search form builder Links on slider some responsive design improvements address/gps not required date field type dropdown multiple field type is_features for api added more number format supported for price profile social links added to property preview external links improvements live results counters on sidebar search search and remove multiple inquiries user search by email in admin Update instructions from 1.5.9: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.9 – 2 July 16 HTTPS issues PHP7 compatibility improvements agent description fix added lite caching feature, for fast loading menu, property, agent pages recaptcha support user/admin menu improvements, quick links to edit page searchable dropdown elements, designed for large number of listings, tested with 100.000 danish flag renamed custom fields for user profile map pin markers and amenities icons now can be uploaded via admin Renamed badget to badge Hints on property submission form for each field Updater improvements Last edit IP saved in database Update instructions from 1.5.8: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.8 – 20 February 16 Admin dashboard map translation parameter support Single website link for homepage in all menu items inquiries search in admin, same as user/properties Favicon icon upload Watermark upload via admin Property submission disabled feature via admin Facebook comments widget translations Commercial google translate api support Title and link on slider images Breadcrumb added customsearch2 template with price scales example api improvements for external app support [FIX] change color fix for some login pages [FIX] double markers when adding property on frontend [FIX] Fixes in result items [FIX] External modules compatibility [FIX] Missing translation on editproperty Update instructions from 1.5.7: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.7 – 27 December 15 Field hidden on preview page fix Spanish and Italian language files update, thanks to E.B. Image cutter and resizer Pagination on agent profile page Update instructions from 1.5.6: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.6 – 25 October 15 Persian language updated, Thanks to S.G.! Google translations API updated Disabled removing last ADMIN New email your property waiting for activation New email you property is activated by ADMIN/AGENT Agent video upload field “cookie warning for EU” now translatable Rectangle size depends on zoom index Google-maps controls reposition Profile page with pagination Agent other estates pagination Dropdown language menu version Delete multiple properties at once for admin Upload marker icon/image in bootstrap2-responsive template Update instructions from 1.5.5: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.5 – 6 August 15 map popup as widget translation files zip export property inquiry form auto populated for logged users Czech keyboard fix for numeric inputs Installation error reporting improvement Validation improvements for non-existing coordinates Script news hidden for agent mail & widgets & templates code editor Mortgage calculator module support (cost additionally) admin map fixed location support all emails now have template files Numerical filtering range enable in database Facebook share buttons to top on property preview Only search header template added Modules in administration Beta feature: Searching parameters and pagination added to URL, can be enabled with: $config[‘enable_ajax_url’] = TRUE; Facebook login updated for api v2.4 support, with adding: $config[‘facebook_api_version’] = ‘2.4’; check chmod on installation and adding languages Database problem with special chars in password fixed Update instructions from 1.5.4: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.4 – 25 May15 Serbian language added, thanks to R.M.! Installation disabled if database is not empty Updater, disable clicking 2 times on update button tidy HTML fixer integrated into auto translator Admin marker issue, double markers fixed Backup issue can’t be restored fixed Add notice to recommend cpanel backups as well Disable FAQ configurator parameter added Few settings moved from cms_config.php to administration My messages added for frontend agents/users Benchmarking tools Tested and optimized with 10.000 properties Performance improvements also in backend/admin Multi-domain support (different domain for different language) Agent description added on agent profile page ?search=zagreb now filter also map results Header template can be changed via admin Footer template can be changed via admin On translate files, also translate content if same exists Properties search in admin Payment can be disabled Depended fields (Specific inputs hidden for land or other type of property) Company info added to preview page Last script news, tips, instructions added to dashboard Update instructions from 1.5.3: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running new updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.3 – 8 March 15 Website link in administration Configurator improvement Suffix/Prefix added into property submission forms Hide copy to other language if only one language is in system Property preview button in admin page Reduce register fields configuration GPS coordinates and Email validation in Settings->Company contact form Set current language fix in administration Performance improvements for website with more then 1000 properties Plan image now showing on non-default languages even if added only for default language… RTL improvements Autodetect user language from browser (2 chars) and redirect to language if exists Required validation added to fields Paginations ajax url if accessing from google redirected to homepage. Restricted mode added so only loged user can see page, cms_config.php: // $config[‘enable_restricted_mode’] = TRUE; estates database structure changes and performance improvements Map now limited to 100 properties for default preview Auto-update script for database update Additional sitemap data like lastmod and changefreq Rectangle search added to map view Agent estates on property preview limited to 6 Language tabs always on top when edit property in administration Improvement on file uploading and deleting validation Walkscore plugin added to property page Croatian translations updated Frequently asked questions added to administration directly Update instructions from 1.5.2: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running new updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.2 BETA – 29 December 14 Carousel images improvement for property view, vertical centered, thanks to I.R. Hide category feature on property preview page, thanks to Y.P. Translation feature for pages and estate content, thanks to S.L. Translation and copy to other lang feature added to frontend submission More translation improvements on file translations Additional color theme, WHITE Upload field type for custom uplaods and property plan image uploading All button added to frontend search, thanks to M.V. Energy efficient plugin, thanks to S.L. and P.B. New configuration possibilities: // $config[‘contrast_captcha_enabled’] = TRUE; // $config[‘logout_redirection_uri’] = ’’; Configurator check captcha folder for writing permissions var scrollWheelEnabled = false; configuration added to head.php Agent / User search in administration, Thanks to V.S. ID added to property preview page HTML email formating example added Field “I Agree To The Terms & Conditions” added when submitting property on frontend, thanks to V.S. Auto created marker when adding new property, simplified gps entering… Confirmation email on registration Print button adden on print preview Marker popup on click or mouseover, configurable, default changed to click… RSS feature, JSON export API feature, [FIX] Frontend user profile image ordering [FIX] Frontend user my properties title link [FIX] Backend tables responsive on mobile devices [FIX] Autocomplete disabled on smart search input field [FIX] MyMemory translation api Update instructions from 1.5.1: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.5.2.sql. 1.5.1 – 8 October 14 Facebook comments on property Featured icon Ownership filed added Views counter on property details and results Rent inc., Rent excl. prices field added Reviews pro (agent & admin) and Additional module support for user reviews Persian language added (For Iran, Afganistan, Tajikistan), Thanks to Amin T. Russian translation updated, Thanks to YRIX Arabic language added, Thanks to Bassam A. RTL improvements, Thanks to Amin T. DB update debug table Populated enquire form fields based on session Validation on languages improved, show language Edit profile for frontend users Showroom on sitemap improvement Fix, Captcha sometime returns wrong captcha Fix, Few small fixes, for rent prices on homepage Update instructions from 1.5.0: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.5.1.sql. Please don’t forget to make a backup! 1.5.0 – 16 August 14 Google AdSense support added in Admin, earn additional money with your website PayPal payment for featured, earn more extra money! Facebook login Carousel slider improvement with thumbnail image Backup module added, for images and database Inovative results filtering on homepage MyMemory and Google free translation API integrated for translation language files Category ‘Distances from’ examples added (Beach, Train, Metro, Bus, Pharmacies, Bakery, Restourant, Coffee shop…) Amenities categorized example to Indoor/Outdoor amenities Field Floor added as new example for option Currency and other fields now can be prefixed also… (for pounds etc…) Print version added on view property Additional Agents listing page template example Cash option / Withdrawal payment added, after payment admin can activate property manually Agencies example added to homepage, bottom Main menu beginner version with more left menu items in administration icons added in edit property for frontend and backend Prices for featured listing and activation available on registration/login page Added flag icon in frontend languages menu On one language pages, menu is now hidden Custom map and black design added to demo as default Latest articles/news/blog posts added to homepage example Add prefix for options Map added on slideshow bottom Icons added to results listing page_featured.php prices example added Validation for dropdown option added (same number of values for each language) Logo in footer definition moved from css to HTML , so easily can be detected and changed… Watermark on ads and slideshow module removed and disabled size restrictions Profile and Property page, now agents estates are ordered from newest… Copy to all languages feature improvements (Copy numeric and empty values) cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘disable_responsive’] = TRUE; Update instructions from 1.4.9: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.5.0.sql. Additional, you should copy facebook.php to your ?/application/config? folder Please don’t forget to make a backup! 1.4.9 – 19 July 14 Hotfixed, collapse menu added PayPal payment feature for property/listing activation, monetize your website now! Captcha on frontend forms Agent profile page Forget password feature Order by price in results Private pages, for logged users only, Thanks to S. Lopez! Agents pagination and search feature included Listing expiry date added Purchase code checker added to configurator script Featured properties now have border and colored address in results Articles/News/Blog SEO uri-s Gallery added to ‘page_homepage.php’ File repository added to property view Admin search, show not_activated warning now Properties on same address gmap view improvement Menu item without link feature added, just enter ’#’ into keywords of wanted page Upload images watermark issue with small images fixed Quote in title characted issue fixed for new added properties Non-responsive template version removed Few minor fixes and improvements included cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘cookie_warning_enabled’] = TRUE; // For EU countries cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘custom_map_center’] = ‘27.175015, 78.042155’; // For fixed map center cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘show_not_available_amenities’] = TRUE; cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘all_results_default’] = TRUE; // To show all results on homepage by default, no purpose selected cms_config.php new parameter, $config[‘reactivation_enabled’] = TRUE; // Property must be activated again after changes Update instructions from 1.4.8: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.9.sql. Because of purchase code checker, you must add following to your ‘application\\config\\cms_config.php’: $config[\'codecanyon_username\'] = \'your_codecanyon_username\'; $config[\'codecanyon_code\'] = \'your_purchase_code\'; Where to find purchase code? If you using customized template without captcha, then you need add $config[‘captcha_disabled’] = true; in your ‘application\\config\\cms_config.php’ 1.4.8 – 21 May 14 Frontend listings change order from publish_date ASC to DESC My location button feature on Google Map Dutch translation added, Thanks to Floris w.! Add embed video field added seo-godaddy.htaccess added robots.txt example added Customization on purple theme example Custom Map translation added URL transitions for few new languages added: Czech, Mongolian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Russian, Thanks to Dima! Hidden pages, not visible in menu Fixed, Zoom images on iPad mini Fixed, Homepage slideshow pagination Fixed, address characters on contact page error cause map crash Fixed, Agent can become admin Fixed, pagination sometimes show plain JSON Update instructions from 1.4.7: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.8.sql. 1.4.7 – 21 April 14 (Hotfixed) Additional Color variation theme examples (Orange, Purple, Black) with demo preview Articles page type added with template example Custom map style example added in, ‘templates\\bootstrap2-responsive\\components\\head.php’ —More custom maps can be found on Clickable cluster event added to cluster config RTL test added to live demo, seo-v2.htaccess mod_rewrite configuration added When all options are not translated, dropdown’s doesn’t work, fiexd Email export file spaced in Windows notepad, fixed Hotfixed: Agent interface, show just agent properties Blank screen on some localhost installations Update SQL script issue Update instructions from 1.4.6: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.7.sql. 1.4.6 – 6 April 14 3 Color variations theme examples (Red, Green, Blue) with demo preview —If you want to specify color, in ‘application/config/cms_config.php’ add line $config[‘color’] = ‘red’; Beta frontend RTL support (If someone knows well RTL, please let me know) Template parameter added {is_rtl}...{/is_rtl} for RTL customization in template Search query added, example: URI characters transformation, added for turkish language. Featured properties template example added Hidden amenities category added Property options values_correction validation added, when user enter spaces Language admin translation fixed for $ character Update instructions from 1.4.5: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.6.sql. 1.4.5 – 23 March 14 Clustering, Map InfoWindow AutoPan, Draggable now configurable in responsive theme Login link added SMTP configuration added to ‘application\\libraries\\MY_Email.php’ configuration to change URI ‘property’->’listing’: - Add $config[‘listing_uri’] = ‘listing’; to cms_config.php External link supported now, you just need to add page to menu and your link with ‘http’ included to keywords Featured properties listing on top of results now Footer and Header template saparated DateTimePicker translation added GPS data format validation added Rename ‘Visible in frontend’ => ‘Visible in frontend submission’. Simplify badget translations, just images in badgets folder Performance issue on edit property when you have >=100 options on >=3 languages improved… Generate_sitemap fix and performance improvements… Enquire message length limitation removed Opera Browser responsive menu fix Login failure in rare situations (after 2 hour of inactivity) fixed Update instructions from 1.4.4: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.5.sql. There are few new fields in frontend translation files, so you need to translate this new fields for your language. 1.4.4 – 9 March 14 German language pack added. Thanks to Sassun Mirzakhanyan! “Changes are saved” message added when saving properties/pages in admin and frontend. Email alerts on new not actiated property from user Facebook/social code embed in admin Selected property change icon to red color Homepage show first option purpose results, and not “Sale” based on template name Watermark support for specific images format Update instructions from 1.4.3: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.4.sql 1.4.3 – 3 March 14 Responsive Frontend demo template example! Language file translation feature now available in admin, no more file editing! Fullscreen Map template example Activate/deactivate all user properties feature in administration Tag {estate_data_icon} added for property template InfoWindow added to property map, with GPS and address Route suggestion added to property Marker icon based by property type in Admin Noreply email added to settings Frontend zoom parameter added to settings Admin estates and users pagination, default 20 per page Frontend results loading indicator, and effect slideEffect removed Tag {featured_properties}...{/featured_properties} added to template CSS icons height fix in general amenities General amenities and property title in results, fixed height defined in CSS Options problems with order fixed Hotfix: Turkish language files added, thanks to Turan Ta?k?n Sabah! Hidden languages not visible in sitemap (Please save any page, just for sitemap update) Gallery image blueimp script updated to new version Few iOS7 Safari issue fixed Spanish translation added, Thanks to Luis Eduardo Miralles! Map just remove markers if no results on search, no change of location. Slideshow responsive improvement Responsive menu improvement for small devices Available languages listing when adding new language Few mini-fixes/mini-improvements in frontend and backend hash function detection improvements fur server that doesn’t support hash function Language edit limitation to hide all languages (One must always be visible) Language edit fix for unique language detection Russian language pack added, Thanks toAndrew! Search properties near wanted addres Update instructions from 1.4.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.3.sql 1.4.2 – 24 February 14 Map Location Marker for property type added Auto-suggest for County, City, Zip (List only available) Refresh map markers based on search results, also can be disabled ( var mapRefresh = false; ) Icon examples added to property amenities Auto-resize normal-size images to 1024×768 Sitemap generator improvements Improvement in auto-tab selection by title ( Sale and Rent example provided, user asks for Newlunches ) Disable auto-drag on map example, in customsearch template file Links Back to web-page / admin-interface Hard lock for options implemented, for elements that should not be removed {has_page_images}...{/has_page_images} integrated to template Upload progressbar css improvement GoDaddy fix for delete images Translation for email subject added Few mini-bugs fixed and mini-improvements in backend and frontend For amenities if {tag} exists, {has_option_#}...{/has_option_#} Update instructions from 1.4.1: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.2.sql 1.4.1 – 18 February 14 Auto-search when click on property purpose (Rent, Sale, ...), example added to page_customsearch.php Option locked feature (For options that requiring template customisations) Option Frontend visible feature (For options that will be hidden on frontend submission) Button for copy data (dropdown, checkboxes) to other languages if you want this Server that doesn’t support HTTP DELETE method issues, fixed “application” and “system” folder outside default path now supported, for security Database port added to configurator Contact form ‘settings’ issue fixed Add language, validation-improvement Few bug fixed and mini-improvements in backend, frontend and sitemap Update instructions from 1.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database, in phpmyadmin select database and import update-1.4.1.sql. 1.4 – 12 February 14 Drop-down search-field for category General amenities template example, page_customsearch.php Search tab manipulation-example added to template example, page_customsearch.php Export user list feature in administration, can be used for insert/import to newslatter script like MailChimp Added template parameters (last_estates_num, array last_estates) and template example to show last 3 added properties, page_customsearch.php “short_open_tag=On” is no longer necessary Update from jQuery-1.8.2 to jQuery-1.8.3, fix frontend issues in Opera Browser. Page visual editor height in “code mode” issue fixed Few bugs in backend and frontend fixed, when adding new property and no agent is selected, changing language in property, language files missing errors Configurator improvements, check for writable files/folders Update instructions from 1.3: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder. 1.3 – 8 February 14 URI optimization, from “frontend/property/” to “property/“ Logo link url issue fixed Hidden date-range in admin for non-rental properties now is empty not hidden, because it can be usable if admin/agent want to edit enquire->change property that can be rentable Zip code example added, searchable Search filter improvements for numerical values, examples for Max price, Min price, Bathrooms, Bedrooms No more jQuery customization needed for new standard search fields, just add it to form by HTML Checkbox support and example added to search-form Added template parameters (options_values_li_#) Admin dashboard design improvements for non-validated properties label Admin map not showing all properties error fixed Search form HTML template moved to components Android 4.x HTML fix for h2 tags General amenities that is not available show with X, instead of hidden Frontend JS optimisations 1.2 – 3 February 14 Email validation for Enquire form in frontend property Language problem with url fixed #.Uu4ba_tklH8 removed from URL in theme example Google maps translated based on lang_code added to theme example IE8 issue with frontend map fixed Database Host and Database Driver added to configurator 1.1 ? 28 January 14 Property Sale and Rent in same time example Option suffix field, usage example for currency, area etc… Added template parameters for suffix (options_suffix_#, category_options_#->option_suffix, has_option_#, is_purpose_rent, is_purpose_sale) Example with more currency used, price for rent and sale Different price for sale and rent New, sold, action badget added to theme example Configurator security fixes (Old passwords after update will not work!) For rental purpose, check_in / check_out date fields in Enquire form. Energy efficiency field added to theme example Front end submition with activate feature for admin (alpha version) 1.0 ? 17 January 14 Initial release Thanks! If you enjoy this application please rate & share it! If you are rating it with less than 5 stars please drop me a mail why it didn?t achieve a full score and what could be improved in your opinion. CounterBuy and Download
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