ProUI - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template

You may also like one of our latest templates! ProUI is a responsive and full featured Admin Template powered by the popular Bootstrap framework. It overwrites the default Bootstrap style to match its own modern and clean design and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, template’s UI components can easily be replicated without losing focus from development. ProUI is a professional, modern, complete and flexible Admin template that can be used to build all kind of projects: Web Applications, Backend Websites, Websites, Custom Admin Panels, Admin Dashboards, CMS, CRM or even a Portfolio, Blog, Business Website. We encourage you to have a good look at live preview and discover all the included features! 3.0 Update – Main Features Testimonials from Customer Reviews Testimonials from Customer Comments “AWESOME Work!” saruman “This interface is incredible! Nice work!!” Avoli “Great theme!” seekssteven “Great Work, I really like it!” marki217q “Damn it’s awesome!” Appizm “My first template bought on themeforest… Brilliant work – totally worth it…” waparty “Awesome design!” basen82 “Great job, easy, simple and professional. Simply fantastic.” ready4uk “Well done pixelcave! Well done! This template is insanely refreshing.. the work you put into it by even adding in a php version is a testament to your skill and you passion.” JMSOLO “This is an awesome template, no wonder why this is my first purchase here.” lucasribsantos “Excellent direct support!!! Thanks pixelcave.” dpaspalas “Excellent template. Very comprehensive.” vehogroup “Thanks for a great template, very nice and clean.” imacsoap “I’m loving working with this template, great work.” mshillam “Perfect! I love it.” powertoglory “Two things awesome about this theme. First the theme itself and the dedicated support by its great designer John. Mesmerized by the support I got from him.” gauravgarg_kankhal “thx for great template!” Digital_God “I love the theme and it is awesome. Great job!” dmeagher73 “Great template! Loving the clean code and good comments/docs.” mvanleest “The best admin I ever see! I’m using it Thanks” Ragnaros “Thanks for your template, it is fantastic!” vitordepaula “Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I purchased this for the HTML version not realizing you had a PHP Version. You have saved me a tremendous amount of time integrating this the way I need – I am SO impressed. The code is beautiful – it’s feature rich and the PHP version is incredible. Thank you for making a solid product. I am incredibly pleased with this purchase. If you need an admin theme for something you’re working on – in all seriousness, this is the one. Wow. What a tremendous deal for the price.” CodeNinjas “Thanks for a great template, I love it! =)” kobbe0 “Really great template. Awesome, very complete.” Nuajan “I bought your theme. I love it. Awesome job. I’ve bought another admin theme on here that came with php files as well but not psd files. Your theme is by far the best i’ve seen so far. All i can say is Wow backwards, woW!!!!!!” mjohnson24 “This template is amazing.. I bought this template few weeks ago and i love it ;)” martinkukolos “Bought this template a few weeks ago…amazing…love this.” laliastudio “I have been thrilled using this template. Have not seen someone who keeps their templates this fresh and updated all the time!!” ushapriya “ProUI is amazing, I very like it.” neilzeng “Great job on this theme! True digital art my friend.” xXiMCXx “Just a quick message to tell that this theme is just amazing ! The code is very clear and simple to use ! I was almost going to give up my project seeing the amount of time I will need to code the frontend ! Now I can focus on the backend and avoid working for days, weeks, months on the HTML and CSS code !! And as I’m not a designer it’s millions time better than what I could have done !! So thanks for this theme !” Tibo_R “Very very very very very good. Good job!” emrepirnaz “Very much in love with this theme.” mhr_my “Very very nice work! This Template is just awesome! Very good coding, and nice design! Thank you very much!” rox0r2 “Love the theme, it is very easy to work with and use. Definitively will check your future work, this is probably the best theme I’ve come over at themeforest yet!” helnor “The author of this template is hands down one of the best out there. The entire thing from top to bottom just oozes professionalism, creativity, and a deep understanding of the current state of web UI technologies. It’s been great to work with, and I really can’t say enough good things.” MonoksideC “I bought one of the first ever releases of ProUI and it still blows me away. The 3.0 version is really amazing. Great work!” lucasribsantos “Amazing this new update ! Thanks for your excellent work :-)” nothf “After buying 5 admin templates, for this project I am starting, it’s a pleasure to finally have one that fits my needs in an incredible way. I removed the old template and put ProUI in 5 minutes. No need to make any changes in your code. Before ProUI I had to tweak lots of css in the template. This one worked like a charm at first attempt. Plus, it’s code is well documented and well organized which makes our work easier. Just wanted to share my joy and give the author congratulations for this great template. Thanks.” madaleno “Absolutely fabulous pack. People all say what i’ve done looks great for a reporting / admin system I am writing for an app we hope to launch soon…and I’ve straight away passed credits on to you and linked the site. Unbelievable value for money, given it would take me hours just to even find some of those plugins you’ve used :)” Soultripper “Your template is just excellent ! You are doing a really good job !” klaraichi “A quick note to highly commend an outstanding template; we’re looking forward to using this on our sites. Furthermore, not only is all the code usefully marked up with clear inline documentation, the author has been very quick & helpful in handing & supplying ( over the weekend!) a code snippet in response to a query we made.” gorytus “I just want to Thank you for this Item! I really love it! It’s beautiful, and the JS or CSS is working perfect!” alexander_kr Changelog 3.8 Update – May 18, 2017 UPDATED CKEditor 4.6.2 (4.6.1) MomentJS 2.18.1 (2.17.1) FullCalendar 3.4.0 (3.1.0) DataTables 1.10.15 (1.10.13) Chosen 1.7.0 (1.6.2) JS Cookie 2.1.4 (2.1.3) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.5.1 (2.4.0) Bootstrap Slider 9.8.0 (6.0.17) Boostrap 3 Typeahead 4.0.2 Gmaps 0.4.25 (0.4.24) Less.js 2.7.2 (2.5.3) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 3.7 Update – January 12, 2017 UPDATED FontAwesome 4.7.0 (4.6.3) – 41 new icons! jQuery Validation 1.16.0 (1.15.1) jQuery UI 1.12.4 (1.11.4) CKEditor 4.6.1 (4.5.11) FullCalendar 3.1.0 (3.0.0) MomentJS 2.17.1 (2.14.1) DataTables 1.10.13 (1.10.12) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.4.0 (2.3.5) The Final Countdown for jQuery 2.2.0 (2.1.0) FIXED Sidebar Mini mode small fix when toggling mode 3.6 Update – September 27, 2016 UPDATED jQuery 2.2.4 (1.12.0) Gmaps.js 0.4.24 (0.4.22) Modernizr 3.3.1 (2.8.3) CKEditor 4.5.11 (4.5.6) Bootstrap 3.3.7 (3.3.6) FontAwesome 4.6.3 (4.5.0) – 30 new icons! Magnific Popup 1.1.0 (1.0.1) jQuery Validation 1.15.1 (1.14.0) FullCalendar 3.0.0 (2.6.0) MomentJS 2.14.1 (2.11.0) DataTables 1.10.12 (1.10.10) Bootstrap Datepicker 1.6.2 (1.6.0) DropzoneJS 4.3.0 (4.2.0) Select2 4.0.3 (4.0.1) Chosen 1.6.2 (1.4.2) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.3.5 (2.3.0) JS Cookie 2.1.3 (2.1.0) Google Maps API REMOVED IE8 Support Retina.js Respond.js FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 3.5 Update – February 12, 2016 UPDATED jQuery 1.12.0 (1.11.3) Bootstrap 3.3.6 (3.3.5) FontAwesome 4.5.0 (4.4.0) – 20 new icons! Magnific Popup 1.0.1 (1.0.0) Gmaps.js 0.4.22 (0.4.21) HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.3.1 (2.1.3) FullCalendar 2.6.0 (2.4.0) MomentJS 2.11.0 (2.9.0) DataTables 1.10.10 (1.10.9) Bootstrap Datepicker 1.5.0 (1.4.1) Bootstrap Slider 6.0.17 (5.2.1) JS Cookie 2.1.0 (2.0.3) CKEditor 4.5.6 (4.5.4) SlimScroll 1.3.8 (1.3.3) DropzoneJS 4.2.0 (4.0.1) Select2 4.0.1 (4.0.0) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 3.4 Update – October 10, 2015 ADDED Get Started Version UPDATED FontAwesome 4.4.0 (4.3.0) – 66 new icons! jQuery Validation 1.14.0 (1.13.1) Gmaps.js 0.4.21 (0.4.18) HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.1.3 (2.1.2) FullCalendar 2.4.0 (2.3.2) DataTables 1.10.9 (1.10.7) Bootstrap Datepicker 1.4.1 (1.4.0) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.3.0 (2.2.0) Bootstrap Slider 5.2.1 (4.10.1) JS Cookie 2.0.3 (2.0.2) CKEditor 4.5.4 (4.4.7) NProgress 0.2.0 (0.1.6) jQuery Masked Input Plugin 1.4.1 (1.4.0) Bootstrap Slider 5.2.1 (4.10.1) The Final Countdown for jQuery 2.1.0 (2.0.4) Less.js 2.5.3 (2.0.0 b2) 3.3 Update – July 11, 2015 UPDATED jQuery 1.11.3 (1.11.2) Bootstrap 3.3.5 (3.3.4) Gmaps.js 0.4.18 (0.4.17) HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.1.2 (2.1.1) Datatables 1.10.7 (1.10.5) Full Calendar 2.3.2 (2.3.1) jQuery Tags Input Plugin 1.3.6 (1.3.3) Select2 4.0.0 (3.5.2) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.2.0 (2.1.0) Bootstrap Colorpicker 4.10.1 (3.0.0) JavaScript Cookie 2.0.2 (1.4.1) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 3.2 Update – April 8, 2015 ADDED Bug Tracker Page Icon Search functionality (Font Awesome + Glyphicons Pro) UPDATED Bootstrap 3.3.4 (3.3.2) jQuery UI 1.11.4 (1.11.2) jQuery Validation 1.13.1 (1.11.1) Gmaps.js 0.4.17 (0.4.16) HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.1.1 (2.1.0) Datatables 1.10.5 (1.10.4) FullCalendar 2.3.1 (2.2.6) DropzoneJS 4.0.1 (3.12.0) Chosen 1.4.2 (1.3.0) Nprogress 0.1.6 (0.1.4) CKEditor 4.4.7 (4.4.6) Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.1.0 (2.0.0) Bootstrap Datepicker 1.4.0 (1.3.0) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 3.1 Update – January 24, 2015 ADDED Coming Soon Page CKEditor In-place Editor Bootstrap Colorpicker Bootstrap Typeahead (for autocomplete functionality) Working Print Button (+ function added for printing) Option for remembering the selected color theme from the sidebar (with cookies) UPDATED Font Awesome 4.3.0 (4.2.0) – 40 New Icons Bootstrap 3.3.2 (3.3) jQuery 1.11.2 (1.11.1) jQuery UI 1.11.2 (1.11.1) Gmaps.js 0.4.16 (0.4.15) Modernizr 2.8.3 (2.7.1) Datatables 1.10.4 (1.10.3) FullCalendar 2.2.6 (2.1.1) DropzoneJS 3.12.0 (3.10.2) Magnific Popup 1.0.0 (0.9.9) HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.1.0 (2.0.7) Chosen 1.3.0 (1.2.0) Select2 3.5.2 (3.5.1) CKEditor 4.4.6 (4.4.5) MomentJS 2.9.0 (2.8.1) jQuery Masked Input Plugin 1.4.0 (1.3.1) IMPROVED Multiple lightbox galleries improvement CSS Switches (+ now degrade in IE8) Removed ‘http:’ from jQuery, Gmaps API and Google Web fonts (now it will load the https or http version automatically – If you like to preview the HTML version, it is better to do it through a local/online web server) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations REMOVED WYSIHTML5 Editor 3.0 Update – November 12, 2014 EMAIL TEMPLATES ADDED 30 Email Templates (the 5 main templates with the 6 new color themes) BACKEND ADDED 6 New Color Themes Mini main sidebar (with flyout menu) Horizontal Navigation Dashboard 2 Page eCommerce Dashboard Page eCommerce Orders Page eCommerce Order View Page eCommerce Products Page eCommerce Product Edit Page eCommerce Customer View Page Favicon for iPhone 6 Plus Documentation extended with CSS Class reference UPDATED Bootstrap 3.3 (3.2) Datatables 1.10.3 (1.10.2) FullCalendar 2.1.1 (2.0.2) Chosen 1.2.0 (1.1.0) CKEditor 4.4.5 (4.4.4) slimScroll 1.3.3 (1.3.2) MomentJS 2.8.1 (2.7.0) Gmaps.js 0.4.15 (0.4.14) jQuery UI 1.11.1 (1.10.4) Nprogress 0.1.6 (0.1.2) less.js 2.0.0b2 (1.7.3) FIXED Small fixes and optimizations 2.2 Update – September 10, 2014 EMAIL TEMPLATES ADDED 5 Responsive Email Templates (with 9 color variations each – 45 in total) Product Launch Account Activation Welcome Email Password Reset Newsletter BACKEND ADDED Files Page UPDATED Font Awesome 4.2.0 (40 new icons) Datatables 1.10.2 (1.10.0) Select2 3.5.1 (3.4.6) CKEditor 4.4.4 (4.3.2) Gmaps.js 0.4.14 (0.4.12) IMPROVED Preloader HTML structure Header User Dropdowns in mobiles (when header is set as top fixed) FIXED Datepicker z-index issue Various small CSS fixes 2.1 Update – July 5, 2014 ADDED Widgets Links Page Preloader Tasks Page Tickets Page Clickable Form Wizard New CSS3 Animations Main Sidebar Menu Auto Scrolling (when a submenu opens/closes) UPDATED Bootstrap 3.2 (3.1.1) jQuery 1.11.1 (1.11.0) Datatables 1.10.0 (1.9.4) Full Calendar 2.0.2 (1.6.4) Flot Charts 0.8.3 (0.8.2) Dropzone.js 3.10.2 (3.8.4) less.js 1.7.3 (1.7.0) 2.0 Update – May 16, 2014 1.4 Update – May 1, 2014 1.3 Update – April 9, 2014 1.2 Update – March 13, 2014 1.1 Update – February 19, 2014 1.0 Release – February 5, 2014 5 Responsive Email Templates In the package you will find 5 responsive email templates to accompany ProUI! Each one with 15 color variations (75 email templates in total!). Product Launch Account Activation Welcome Email Password Reset Newsletter Backend Multiple versions ProUI comes in 2 different versions PHP version Templating common code Menu menu auto creation Template Variables (easily set active color theme or other layout options) HTML version (for using it with other server side scripting languages such as ASP, Ruby etc) Backend Features Well Commented, Structured and Organized Code Clean & Modern Design Fast and Clean Powerful and Flexible Layout HTML5 and CSS3 W3C Valid Code Bootstrap 3.3.7 Fully Responsive Retina Ready Mobile First Cross Browser Support jQuery Powered Extensive Documentation Page Headers with Animated Images LessCSS Support LessCSS files are included in case you would like to use LessCSS instead of CSS. Many variables are available to easily customize colors or various options such as sidebars’ width when they are fully visible or partial. 11 High Detailed PSDs Files Included 01. ProUI – Logo 02. ProUI – Color Themes 03. ProUI – Login + Register (Default) 04. ProUI – Error Pages 05. ProUI – Dashboard 06. ProUI – Statistics Widgets 07. ProUI – Social Widgets 08. ProUI – Media Widgets 09. ProUI – UI Kit (+ Full Header + Alternative Sidebar) 10. ProUI – Forms 11. ProUI – Charts CSS3 Animations (use them just by adding a CSS class) 16 Page Animations 24 Individual HTML Elements Animations Powerful and Flexible Layout (up to 2 sidebars) Static Sidebars & Header (default) Static Sidebars & Header/Fixed Footer Fixed Sidebars/Fixed Top Header Fixed Sidebars/Fixed Bottom Header Fixed Sidebars/Fixed Top Header/Fixed Footer Fixed Sidebars/Fixed Bottom Header/Fixed Footer 2 Sidebars 2 modes: Full & Partial (opens on hover) (by default main sidebar is partial/visible and the alternative is full/hidden) Control default visibility in both modes Extra mode for the main sidebar: Mini with flyout menu Enable/Disable animated transitions in large screens Layout JS Functions for controlling them Header Style (check it live from the top left options) Light (default) Dark Main Style (check it live from the top left options) Default Alternative 15 Color Themes (check them all live from main sidebar under user info) Blue (default) Night Amethyst Modern Autumn Flatie Spring Fancy Fire Coral Lake Forest Waterlily Emerald Blackberry UI Widgets – Huge Collection Statistics Social Media Links Various Features – Fully Responsive 3 Level Menu Horizontal Multi Level Header Menu Chat User Interface in Sidebar Horizontal Navigation Blocks Widgets Fluid Grid Tabs Dropdowns Top Loading Bars Progress Bars Carousel Modals Popovers Tooltips Responsive Tables Datepickers Timepickers Date Range Picker WYSIWYG Editor Form Validation Form Wizard Lightbox Charts Calendar Syntax Highlighting Google Maps Growl Notifications Draggable & Sortable Blocks Page Preloader Main Sidebar Menu Auto Scrolling (when a submenu opens/closes) ..and many more! Check live preview for discovering them all Ready Pages (UI) Dashboard Dashboard 2 eCommerce Dashboard Orders Order View Products Product Edit Customer View Errors (400, 401, 403, 404, 500, 503) Get Started (Blank, Blank Alternative) Search Results (Projects, Images, Users, Classic) Article User Profile Contacts e-Learning (Courses, Course – Lessons, Course – Lesson Page) Message Center (Inbox, Compose Message, View Message) Chat Timeline (+ Feed style) Tickets Bug Tracker Files Tasks Faq Pricing Tables Invoice Forum (Categories, Topics, Discussion) Lock Screen Alternative Lock Screen Coming Soon Login (+ Reminder Pass + Register) Login with Fullscreen Background (+ Reminder Pass + Register) Alternative Login (+ Reminder Pass + Register) Popular jQuery Plugins Integrated Datatables FullCalendar Dropzone.js Select2 Chosen Slimscroll Prism.js Gmaps.js Magnific Popup Datepicker for Boostrap Boostrap Timepicker Form Wizard Easy Pie Charts jQuery Validation jQuery Tags Input CKEditor jQuery Cookie Bootstrap Colorpicker Bootstrap Slider Bootstrap Typeahead Masked Input plugin jQuery Sparkline Nprogress Icon Packs – 1525 Unique Font based Icons Included! Glyphicons 1.8.1 PRO License for use with this template – $59 worth! (Icon PSDs Included) 470 Glyphicons 200 Glyphicons Halflings 50 Glyphicons Social 130 Glyphicons Filetypes FontAwesome 4.7.0, 675 Unique Icons Icon Search Icon Generator Click an icon to get its code Custom JavaScript code adding unique features Support Although the template is well commented & documented, you might need some further help, so feel free to contact us through our profile’s contact form. We will be more than happy to assist you as soon as possible! Credits Picjumbo provides awesome images. Thanks to their license, all the images are included with the template! provides awesome placeholder videos. Thanks to their license, placeholder videos are included with the template! Avatars are included only in the live preview as a demonstration. randomly generates user names. The names used in the template are fictional and used for demostration purposes.Buy and Download
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