Pages - Admin Dashboard Template

Meet pages The simplest and fastest way to build web UI for your dashboard or app. Our beautifully-designed UI Framework comes with hundreds of customizable features. Every Layout is just a starting point—you can style it to look any way you want. Full Features List Clean, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Unique Design(works on all major browsers, tablets and phones) Developer Friendly Code Angular 13+ Ready React Ready Vue Support coming soon Bootstrap 4 Framework jQuery 3.2.1 6 Color Themes Full SASS Support Full RTL Support OS supported Hinted Typography Language Switch Bar Quick layout Builder 5 Useful dashboard Layouts Pages condensed. One of our most popular Layouts, Pages Condensed offers a wide range of responsive space specifically for dashboards with heavy content. Pages casual. A new tone of voice – a relaxed, friendly, joyful layout that quickly makes the user experience more personal, casual and fun!. Pages corporate. Corporate is a bold, cool Layout that elevates your content by utilizing a clean layout and a simple, open interface. Simply white. In a world of complexity, Simplicity defeats stress. Simply white is an open simple, minimal yet striking layout, built to combat stress. Pages Executive. A Professional template with a timeless look, best suited to quickly create a serious organized experience. UI Features OS Compatible Typography. Custom Buttons Font Awesome Icons(Font Awesome v3.2.0) Charts – NVD3, Rickshaw,Sparkline Synching Colors Animated Notifications Modals Custom Progress & Activity Custom Tabs & accordians Custom Toggle Buttons(Bootstrap Toggle Buttons) Sliders Tree View Nestable UI Widgets Integrated Nestable Lists(jQuery Nestable) Ion Range Sliders NoUI Range Sliders Pages progress bar & Bootstrap progress Tag Input(jQuery Tags Input) Pages Styled Tables Stripped Tables Condensed Tables Detail view collapsible Tables Form Stuff Pages Styled traditional and contemporary forms Advance Form Layouts(2 Columns, Attached forms, Row Separated, Labeled forms) Advance Form Validation Form Wizard Multiple File Upload Dropzone File Upload Form Components Date Picker(Bootstrap Date Picker) Time Picker(Bootstrap Time Picker) Date Range Picker(Bootstrap Date Range Picker) Select 2 Dropdowns Custom radio Button Checkbox Custom Select Dropdown(Pages Exclusive) Multiple Select Ios Switchery Input autonumeric Input Masks Tags Input Integrated WYSIWYG Editor Pages Dashboard Page 404 Page 500 Page Invoice Gallery Login Pages style Timeline Register Lock Screen Google maps Vector maps Email page Socail page Portlets page Data Tables Basic Tables Pages Calendar Pages Exclusive Calendar Multiple Views – Month, week, Day 70 Language Support Create custom events Lazy Loading RTL Layout And many more…Buy and Download
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