Online Exam System ASP MVC .NET 6

Documentation and help videos can be found at the following link. Project Complete Documentation Project Complete Video Demo Description This Online Exam Management System is built with ASP MVC .NET 6 Core and utilizes MS SQL Server for database storage. It features three main modules: Admin, Teacher, and Student. The system includes all essential features for an online exam system, such as submitting assignments and quizzes, viewing results, and assigning grades. The Admin module allows for complete control, including course assignments and other crucial operations. Admin Module The admin module contains many functionalities like in any educational institute. Following are some of the basic functionalities of this module. Adding basic data like course category, quiz category, etc. New course creation. Updating and deleting existing courses Registration of new students. Modification of students records. Registration of new teachers. Modification of teachers records. Assigning courses to teachers. Assigning courses to students. Dropping students from courses Searching through different data lists Teacher Module There are also many functionalities included in the teacher module. Following is a list of some of the main functionalities of this module. Viewing teacher courses with advanced search Adding a quiz to any course of a teacher Updating existing quiz data Adding new assignments to different courses Updating existing assignments. Viewing students list for any particular course Viewing students submitted work for quizzes and assignments Marking any student’s assignment work Viewing any particular complete quiz detail Deleting quizzes, assignments of a particular course Setting quiz, assignments expiry dates, total times, etc. Student Module In this examination system that built with the latest technology of ASP .Net or entity framework, there is also a complete students module that includes: Viewing students registered courses Viewing quiz list for a particular course Viewing assignment list for a course Taking online any particular quiz within due dates Submitting assignments for different courses Viewing the result of any particular assignments or quiz The system has been set up with essential data for online preview. To create courses, teachers, and student areas, log in as the administrator. Access the login page and click the “Dummy login credentials” button to log in. The menu structure for each user (student, teacher, admin) is tailored to their specific needs, with limited access to only relevant information and options. I am open to any suggestions for further improvement of the system and offer ongoing support for integration, either on your computer or online. Please reach out to me via email or phone if needed. You Tube Video URL You can watch the common features of course on the following You Tube link: Online Exam System FeaturesBuy and Download
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