Novatic - App landing page

For better overview on Novatic here is the Changelog: Version 2.0 added on 20.06.2017 We have many update for this new version of the project. These are: First of all introduced new sections which complete the missing information about the app, and introduce the possibility to contact the developers. These sections are, in order: a section with statistics a section with the team a section with reviews a contact form with basic validation implemented Then we introduced a background video for the header. And we also created the possibility to change the color scheme of the page, along with the option to show/hide the background video in the header. There is a configurator which lets you change these settings. NEW: New Sass files: Added three new color stylesheets, turquoise.scss, orange.scss and blue.scss, to the assets_minified\\sass\\colors\\ folder. We also added the compiled stylesheets to assets\\css\\colors\\. Modified _general.scss in assets_minified\\sass\\sections\\ with an addition of styles for statistics and team sections Added _reviews.scss in assets_minified\\sass\\sections\\ Added _contact-us.scss in assets_minified\\sass\\sections\\ NEW: New sample video file. Added header_video.mp4 in the img folder. Version 1.1 added on 16.03.017 Added effects for images and text sections within Novatic Fixed a minor bug regarding the accordion on “Another Description Section” Version v1.2 added on 07.04.2017 Updated Font Awesome to version 4.7.0. Implemented new design features: Navigation menu on scroll down remains fixed on top. Added a button on bottom right of the screen to let the user scroll on top the page. Added commented code with examples of font-awesome icons.Buy and Download
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