MeMeMe - The Meme Generator | WP Plugin

Easy to use and full featured WordPress plugin to quickly turn your WordPress into a Meme portal, or to simply offer a funny tool for your users. Features: Meme Generator Resizable Text Blocks Rotatable Text Blocks Touch enabled UI 800+ Fonts available from Google Fonts Right To Left text support Free drawing mode Custom strokes Custom colors for text and pencil Custom colors for application buttons Optional spacer above and below the image Responsive Text and Image watermark over generated memes “Re-caption this” option Social Share buttons Rating system Custom post slug Report inappropriate content 3 Widgets available 3 Gutenberg Blocks 3 Shortcodes List available templates List generated memes (saved as custom post types) Masonry galleries Search Filter memes by category Filter templates by Tag Sort memes by Ranking or Date Gallery custom options: columns, thumbnail size, margins, corners, shadows, custom style Multilanguage Internationalized and WPML ready .po file included Spanish, Italian, Polish translations included Latest version: 2.2.0 Log historyBuy and Download
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