Karenderia Single Restaurant App Food Ordering with Restaurant Panel

Admin Panel    Merchant Panel    Android demo    PWA demo        Notice : To test ordering please use Los angeles as address – Version: 1.0.1 – update requires latest version of kmrs Important : mobile app requires karenderia version 1.0.7 or latest Notice to buyer : this is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System, you need to purchase KMRS for this Android,iOS and PWA app to work. Join our community at https://community.bastisapp.com/ – Video tutorials Build your app https://youtu.be/9-_CkcVEVdU Configure firebase project https://youtu.be/IvQGqTJFH4M Create keystore https://youtu.be/_5SoV6dsMDo Configure google login https://youtu.be/rAzaZz70z3U Configure facebook login https://youtu.be/65j7D0Oc2sA Change android package ID and package name https://youtu.be/2owVmp2EX_w Version 1.0.1 – 22 June 2023 - update compatible with kmrs version 1.0.8 - fixed merchant time list - fixed rejected order missing in order list - fixed ios firebase registration - fixed price discount not showing update - addon min and maximum selection update - commission/merchant earnings computations Version 1.0 – 04 May 2023 - Initial Release.Buy and Download
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