jQuery Store Locator

Simple jQuery Plugin to show your stores on Google Maps. load your data from a json file or remote. list and a detail site, fully customizable with jQuery template. ability to set custom icon or for categories ability to detect users location or by type his location ability to use markercluster customizable filter navigation get a google maps panorama view for detail site ability to use a route planner simple search filter for list customizable google map style IMPORTANT! If you’re using Geolocation, you need HTTPS Changelog 03/18/2019 add: now available to use json object and a link fix: when using layout left side, the direction panel should now switch position correctly improved: responsive click on marker now scrolls down to list, before you had to call it yourself in the listUpdate function 03/15/2017 add: kml support for one or more files fix: small bugfixes 03/09/2017 IMPORTANT CHANGE: from: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&libraries=places to: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&libraries=places,geometry fix: listUpdate called twice while zoom add: listOptions sortByDistance: (true or false) and distanceType: (‘km’ or ‘miles’), from center of map You can show distance in your template ${distance} 02/23/2017 add: defaultLocation, you can set default lat lng which works with default mapOptions: zoom remove: panBy, it’s no longer needed since you can set default location as center 02/21/2017 add: panBy function, change map center by px 02/18/2017 add: height setting, if null, map would be full height add: notification if geoLocation is used without HTTPS 02/15/2017 small bugfix add: categories filter by multiple not only by one change: autocomplete search, can search now for international addresses not only for limited countries add: error message popupBuy and Download
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