Jobtex | Job Board Figma Template

1. Introduction Jobtex is a Figma template with 100+ high-quality screens and is easy to use with a clean, neat, and modern design. This is a website that is mainly used for professional networking, including employers and job seekers posting their CVs. Get free access to millions of job postings, personalize your search, connect with employers, and submit job applications. It’s trendy, fully responsive, and easy to customize. This template offers various personalization options to help you give the look you require on your website. If you find my templates helpful, please rate them 5 stars. 2. Figma Browser Requirements These layered Figma files are compatible with Figma Desktop App version 93.4 and later. 3. Features • 10 pages in the Figma file. • 106+ screen UI in the UI Pages. • Easy to edit and customize. • Super Clear and Clean Layout. • Professional and Creative Design. • Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names. • Strange interface streamlined and impressive. • Pixel Perfect. • Fully Customizable. • Free Google Fonts. • Retina Ready. • Free Font Based Icons. • And many more… 4. Ui Design 01_01_Home01 01_02_Home02 01_03_Home03 01_04_Home04 01_05_Home05 01_06_Home06 01_07_Home07 01_08_Home08 01_09_Home09 01_10_Home10 02_01_Employers_Filter_dropdown 02_01_FindJobs_list_fullwidth 02_02_FindJobs_grid_3columns 02_03_Employers_grid_2columns 02_03_FindJobs_grid_2columns 02_04_FindJobs_List_SideBar 02_05_FindJobs_Grid_SideBar 02_06_FindJobs_Grid_SideBar_Fullwidth 02_07_FindJobs_list_SideBar_Fullwidth 02_08_FindJobs_grid_2columns 03_01_Employers_List 03_02_Employers_List_SideBar 03_03_Employers_Grid 03_04_Employers_Grid_Sidebar 03_05_Employers_Grid Fullwidth 03_06_Employers_Topmap 03_07_Employers_Halfmap-1 03_07_Employers_Halfmap 03_08_Employers_Not Found 03_08_Employers_Single1 03_09_Employers_Single2 03_09_FindJobs_Topmap 03_10_Employers_ReviewClickbanner 03_10_FindJobs_Topmap_Sidebar 03_11_FindJobs_Halfmap 03_11_FindJobs_Halfmap_Filter 03_12_FindJobs_Halfmap 03_13_Job_Single 03_14_Job_Single 04_01_Candidate_List 04_01_Candidate_No Available 04_02_Candidate_List_SideBar-1 04_02_Candidate_List_SideBar 04_03_Candidate_Grid_SideBar 04_04_Candidate_grid 04_05_Candidate_Top map 04_06_Candidate_Halfmap-1 04_06_Candidate_Halfmap 04_07_Candidate_SingleV1 04_08_Candidate_SingleV2 04_09_SampleCV 04_10_SampleCV_Sidebar 04_11_CV_Detail 05_01_Blogs_List 05_02_Blogs_Masonry 05_03_Blogs_grid 05_04_Blogs_Detail_SideBar 05_05_Blogs_Detail 05_06_Blogs_Detail 06_01_Contact Us 06_02_FAQs 06_03_About Us 06_04_Terms of use 06_05_Pricing 06_06_Shop 06_07_Shop Detail_01 06_07_Shop Detail_02 06_08_Shopping Cart 06_09_Checkout 06_09_Login 06_10_Creat Account 07_01_Dashboard Employer_Dashboard 07_02_Dashboard Employer_Overview 07_03_Dashboard Employer_Profile Setting 07_04_Dashboard Employer_My Job 07_05_Dashboard Employer_Submit Job_01 07_05_Dashboard Employer_Submit Job_02 07_06_Dashboard Employer_Applicants Job 07_07_Dashboard Employer_Saved Candidates 07_08_Dashboard Candidates_Alert Jobs 07_09_Dashboard Employer_My Packages 07_10_Dashboard Employer_Meeting 07_11_Dashboard Candidates_Change Password 08_01_Dashboard Candidates_Dashboard 08_02_Dashboard Candidates_Profile 08_03_Dashboard Candidates_Profile Setting 08_04_Dashboard Candidates_Resumes 08_05_Dashboard Candidates_Folowing Employers 08_06_Dashboard Candidates_My Applied 08_07_Dashboard Candidates_Save Jobs 08_08_Dashboard Candidates_Alert Jobs 08_09_Dashboard Candidates_Messages 08_10_Dashboard Candidates_Meeting_01 08_11_Dashboard Candidates_Change Password 08_12_Dashboard Candidates_Delete Profile 09_Pop Up_01 09_Pop Up_02 09_Pop Up_03 09_Pop Up_04 09_Pop Up_05 09_Pop Up_06 09_Pop Up_07 09_Pop Up_08 09_Pop Up_09 5. Fonts used Plus Jakarta Sans Font Awesome Elegant Vector 6. Credits & Resource Pic Jumbo Unsplash Wallbase Pixabay Wall.alphacoders Note: All these images will NOT be included in the purchased package, just for demo purposes If you have any questions or need customization, please contact me via e-mail or through my profile page. I’m here to help! A Product of Avitex Email: and Download
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