Ecomik – Ecommerce Flutter App Template for User, Store and Delivery.

Ecomik – Ecommerce Flutter App Template. There are total 3 apps in this package. User app Store app Delivery app That is not just a generic UI. It is a usable and tested application. Flutter is an open-source UI SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS from a single codebase. Flutter offers native performance, Flutter’s widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android. Highlights 42+20+14 Screens Clean Coded Flutter 3.0.5 Works with any statement Well Documented Responsive with any device Easily Integrate with any Back-End Ready to use Screens User app Splash Onboarding Sign In Sign Up Password recovery OTP verification Create new password Dashboard Cart Wishlist My orders Account Edit account Products Product details Filter Set location Checkout Add new card Delivery info Chat with deliveryman Call with deliveryman Order status Languages My wallet Add money Add new address Saved addresses Notification and Many More Store app Splash Onboarding Sign In Sign Up Password recovery OTP verification Create new password Dashboard Orders My products Edit product Add product Delivery info Track delivery man Chat with delivery man Call with delivery man Insights My Account Edit Account Settings Language Wallet transactions Send to bank Store review and Many More Delivery app Splash Onboarding Sign In Sign Up Password recovery OTP verification Create new password Dashboard New delivery Delivery accepted Delivery info Delivery picked Delivery success Profile Settings Languages Insight Wallet transactions Send to bank Store review Notification and Many More If you face any problem, you can contact us immediately on the support. We would love to help. Demo User app APK Download File Demo Store app APK Download File Demo Delivery app APK Download FileBuy and Download
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