CTisotop - Joomla! Isotope Module

Don’t forget to rate Joomla CTisotop is developed from Jquery Isotope to brings a Filter & sort magical layouts for your Joomla!. This module is used for displaying articles in isotope mode. Isotope can hide and show article elements via the Filter. Isotope can also rearrange the order of article elements based on the data. For the Grid layout, we use the awesome masonry grid. Features : Joomla! version support (3x) User friendly backend Administrator Displaying articles Support K2 Component 2 style Filtering Category, Author and Joomla Article Tags Sorting article elements, such as Title, Date, Hits, Category, and Author Masonry is the default layout mode Support all browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari,...) November 18, 2015 Version 1.4.0 - Add new feature \"Filtering by K2 Tags\" - Improve Responsive Layout August 27, 2015 Version 1.3.0 Add new feature \"Filtering by Article Tags\" June 1, 2015 Version 1.2.0 Add new feature \"Load More\" March 25, 2015 Version 1.1.0 Add new feature support K2 Component February 28, 2015 Version 1.0.0 Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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