CSS3 Compare Pricing Tables

Latest Version: 28.05.2015 – v7.0. Check the changelog CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids is a pack of pure CSS3, responsive and retina ready Pricing Tables. The template comes with 2 table styles, 20 predefined color skins, animated hover states, possibility to set one or many columns as active (popped-up) by default, CSS3 ribbons, CSS3 tooltips, 20 font based yes/no icons. This version is dedicated for any custom CMS based site as well as for non-CMS site and will work with straight HTML or PHP based websites. Pure CSS + HTML Pricing Tables are 100% HTML/CSS based which means there is no JavaScript, no images and icons are font based. Responsive Layout Pricing Tables are fully responsive and adapts perfectly for any mobile device. Retina Ready Pricing Tables are retina ready. Your table will look crisp no matter the display your user is on. 20 Color Versions Pricing Tables comes with 2 table styles with 12 color skins for table type 1 and 8 color skins for table type 2. Active (Popped-Up By Default) Columns Set any column as active (popped-up) by default. Ribbons Each column comes with hidden by default ribbon that you can show with your custom label. Ribbons are CSS based and editable via CSS. Tooltips You can add simple CSS tooltips to data in table cells. Yes/No Icons Pricing Tables comes with 20 yes/no or tick/cross icons you can use in table cells. Icons are font based and editable via CSS. Extended Features List Pure CSS + HTML, Responsive Layout, Retina Ready, 2 Table Styles, 20 Color Versions, Active (Popped-Up By Default) Columns, CSS3 Ribbons, CSS3 Tooltips, 20 Font Based Yes/No Icons, Font-Face Fonts, Animated Hover States, Documentation Included. Browser Support Firefox 3.5 and Above – Full Support Opera 11 and Above – Full Support Safari 5 and Above – Full Support Chrome – Full Support IE9 and Above – Full Support IE7, IE8 – No Support for Rounded Corners, Shadows, Icons IE7 – No Support for Table Cell Tooltips This Item is Supported Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We’re in GMT +1 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours in weekdays. In some cases the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day. We Are Trusted by 100,000+ Customers We are a team of passionate people with 15+ years of experience and 9+ years of our presence on Envato Market. We specialize in WordPress, design, and development. Please follow us to stay up to date as we continue to craft our works. What Others Are Saying QuanticaLabs provided me with excellent support for this item. I had a small problem placing the table’s html into Wordpress. QuanticaLabs responded to my issue within hours and helped me fix the problem. 1702mike Just purchased. Great job and very flexible. AlvinP I had a problem with the fonts and QuanticaLabs gave me in a few hours the right code to fix it. Now the pricing table looks very nice. Thanks for the help! saradelvalleruiz Hello Guys, I have already bought your pricing tables, REALLY… REALLY AMAZING so PROFESSIONAL… Thanks for doing this kind of Job. SO glad that people so “pro” like you put this work so affordable for us, REALLY THANKS… i am so happy! PolDaddy Just bought this. Awesome stuff! HaziqMir This Product Has Been Featured On Credits Table style #1 design is based on the awesome and popular Pricing Tables #1 by GraphiteValley. QuanticaLabs has a full written rights to use this design. Updates 28.05.2015 – v7.0 Support for Font Based Yes/No Icons for Table Cells. Column Ribbons Based on Images Removed (Tables are Now Retina Ready). New CSS/HTML Based Ribbons (Possibility to Define Your Own Labels). Minor CSS/HTML Bug Fixes. Table Type 1 Color Skins Adjustments. 28.11.2014 – v6.1 CSS Changes (main.css) for Bootstrap CSS Compatibility. 30.10.2014 – v6.0 Support For Responsive Layout. CSS Adjustments. Fixed Minor Incompatibility With the Bootstrap. Renamed to CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids. Documentation Update. 12.04.2013 – v5.0 Added Possibility To Set One Or Many Columns As Active (Popped-Up) By Default. Ribbons PSD Source Included In Zip Package. Fixed An Issue With Shadow On Hover (White Triangle Bug). Documentation Update. 01.11.2011 – v4.0 New Ability To Add Tooltips. Minor CSS And Documentation Changes. 01.10.2011 – v3.0 New Ability To Add Ribbons To The Column Headers. 60 Ribbons In Two Styles. Added 8 Predefined Color Versions. Minor CSS And Documentation Changes. 01.05.2011 – v2.1 Fixed Box Model Issue In IE. Minor CSS Changes. 05.04.2011 – v2.0 Added a New Table Style With 4 Predefined Color Versions. Minor Documentation Changes. 01.04.2011 – v1.0 First Edition Of CSS3 Web Pricing Tables Pack (Grids).Buy and Download
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