Contact Form 7 - Pipedrive CRM - Integration

Contact Form 7 Pipedrive CRM Integration is a Pipedrive CRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Contact Form 7 forms directly to your Pipedrive CRM account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, person & organization, activity or deal & activity to the specified account in Pipedrive CRM, together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Contact Form 7` forms with Pipedrive CRM. You can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, person & organization, activity or deal & activity. When creating a lead/deal/activity, a person and an organization are created (or used existing if there is) and connected to it. Fields are loaded from the CRM (including custom fields). You can set up each form personally, specify which information your want to get. Sending in two modes: immediately when submitting the form or with a slight delay through `Action Scheduler`. Supports getting `utm` params from the `URL`. Supports for sending `GA Client ID`. Supports for sending `roistat_visit` cookie. Supports for sending `_ym_uid` cookie. Supports for sending `_fbp` cookie. Supports for sending `_fbc` cookie. Supports uploaded files (for type `lead`, the files are added to person). Multiple pipeline support. Compatible with `Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms`. (when configuring, you need to fill in the fields with all the steps in the last form). Integrate unlimited `Contact Form 7` forms. IMPORTANT NOTES: This plugin requires the `Contact Form 7` plugin. HOW DO I GET UPDATES? For information about the new version and the installation of updates, you can use the plugin from Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin. CHANGELOG v1.30.0 - Feature: displaying `pipeline` and `stage` id in the `deal` field settings (#358). - Feature: field `visible_to` for `lead` (#337). v1.29.0 - Feature: support sending cookie `_fbc` (#305). - Feature: support sending cookie `_fbp` (#304). - Fixed: ignoring field `doi_status` as it cannot be set via the API (#300). - Fixed: `limit` on the number of `stages` when loading data (#268). v1.28.2 - Fixed: resolving value for undocumented field type `status` (#258). v1.28.1 - Fixed: compatible with `php` < 8.* v1.28.0 - Feature: support sending `_ym_uid` cookie (#243). v1.27.0 - Feature: new filter `itglx/cf7/pipedrive/fields-after-form-submission` (#185). - Fixed: sending data to a field of type `double` (#182). v1.26.0 - Feature: for type `lead` the files are added to person (#150). v1.25.0 - Feature: improvement of the interface of the settings page (#117). - Fixed: do not cast `duration` as time (#108). - Fixed: enqueue assets on the page for adding a new form (#102). v1.24.0 - Feature: new filter `itglx/cf7/pipedrive/ignore-sending` (#90). - Fixed: checking built-in permissions `cf7` instead of additional (#91). v1.23.2 - Fixed: filling non-numeric `enum` (#59). - Fixed: field type `note` for `lead` (#43). v1.23.1 - Fixed: generation php `notice` when replacing special tags (#41). v1.23.0 - Feature: support for copying settings when duplicating a `form` (#39). - Fixed: enqueue admin assets for non-standard interface (#40). v1.22.0 - Feature: use `action scheduler` instead of `wp cron`. - Fixed: using `note api` for `note` to lead. v1.21.0 - Feature: merging values in multiple custom fields when updating an exising person. - Feature: search for a person by phone & email instead of a name & email. - Fixed: `limit` on the number of fields has been increased to the maximum possible 500. v1.20.2 - Chore: deps update. - Fixed: compatibility with `SG Optimizer`. - Fixed: processing of uploaded files due to changes in CF7 5.4 - Chore: default log file path, moved to `WordPress` uploads directory. - Feature: added support custom `deal` fields to `lead`. v1.19.1 - Fixed: do not cast time to UTC for custom fields. - Feature: the ability to fill in products in a deal by sending the names of existing products. v1.18.4 - Chore: use `webpack` to build assets. - Chore: the ability to select multiple labels to send (lead). - Fixed: sending lead data, casting the value `owner_id` to a number, if filled. - Chore: minor improvements in downloading the log through the admin panel. - Feature: added support `lead` creation. v1.17.3 - Fixed: prepare date/time values. - Fixed: fourth parameter of the `wpcf7_special_mail_tags` filter. - Chore: add actions `itglx_cf7pd_person_created` and `itglx_cf7pd_deal_created`. - Feature: added the ability always create a new person, without searching for an existing one. v1.16.3 - Chore: added filter `itglx_cf7_pipedrive_send_deal_fields`. - Chore: ignore deal service fields. - Fixed: compatibility `Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload PRO - Contact Form 7`. - Feature: compatibility `Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload PRO - Contact Form 7`. - Feature: using the new search API. - Feature: support for processing utm tags when using caching plugins. v1.13.2 - Chore: use composer autoloader. - Fixed: populate select and multiselect. - Feature: use any `utm_` params in `URL`. v1.12.1 - Chore: the list of users id is displayed next to the field of the user type. - Feature: support sending cookie `roistat_visit` to CRM. v1.11.2 - Fixed: check may be the utm is already filled. - Fixed: possible search error of the existing organization in part of the name. - Feature: update for an existing person and organization. v1.10.2 - Fixed: pipedrive date format. - Fixed: special mail tags support. - Feature: added compatibility `Contact Form 7 Lead info with country`. v1.9.3 - Chore: more error handling. - Fixed: `created_by_user_id` activity field is no longer used, its value is set automatically. - Fixed: pipedrive date format. - Feature: Support for uploaded files. v1.8.1 - Feature: Add `note` to a `person` - for type `Person & Organization`. v1.8.0 - Feature: added the ability to log requests to CRM (disabled by default). - Feature: populate the value of the select and multiselect field from the form field. v1.7.0 - Feature: Send crm by cron. v1.6.0 - Feature: Support for `GA Client ID`. v1.5.0 - Feature: Added compatibility `Contact Form 7 – Success Page Redirects`. v1.4.1 - Fixed: special mail tags support. - Feature: Create a `deal` and `activity` together. v1.3.0 - Feature: Support for `activity`. v1.2.0 - Feature: Support for `utm` params in `URL`. v1.1.0 - Feature: Support for multi pipeline. - Feature: Add `note` to a `deal`. v1.0.0 - Initial public releaseBuy and Download
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