Chords - Music / Artist / Radio WordPress theme

With Chords you can build any entertainment related website (and more). Specifically designed for entertainers, solo artists, bands, event organizers, radio stations and all kinds of performers. Complete list of features Responsive layout Based on Boostrap 6 Custom post types WooCommerce support Light & Dark Color Schemes Complete audio and tracklisting management support Soundcloud support included MP3, Shoutcast & Icecast stream music player (Soundmanager2) 16 color schemes (both light and dark, easily create custom ones too) Drag and drop homepage layout Parallax Support Audio player support, streaming audio included Limitless repeating fields for post types Video & Gallery templates Over 50 combinations of listing templates Masonry & Isotope included Advanced custom widgets Translation ready (.po file available) Sample Content and Widgets available Detailed Documentation Built with HTML5 and CSS3 (and Sass for anyone who needs it) Child Theme Compatible Sliders are touch swipe compatible Theme Options Panel SEO Optimized Multiple level dropdown menus Threaded Comments Customer Support PSDs + HTML + WP Versions included In the zip file you will find the PSD files AND the HTML version AND the WordPress version! Deal! Images are not included Changelog Click here for detailed analysis on file changes between theme versions.. SupportBuy and Download
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