Category Filter in Admin Product Grid

Customers support:- Email:- This extension enhances our Products Grid in Magento and adds a Category Filter in the admin. Category filter extension allows you to filter products of a particular category in Magento admin which is very much needed when we have multiple categories and huge inventory. The Extension provides and enhances the default Magento Project Grid and allows users to search products of a particular Category. Please leave your feedback to help other buyers purchase this product FEATURES SHOWCASE: 1. Extension Creates A New Category Filter Column in Products Grid. After installing Category Filter in Admin Product Grid” Magento® extension, a new Category Filter column gets created in the Products Grid of the Admin Panel. 2. Admin Can Easily Filter The Products According To The Categories. The extension is specially built keeping in mind the need to make the process of categorizing products on an online store simpler. Category filter extension allows the admin to filter products of a particular category in Magento® Admin Panel. This is extremely helpful when there are products belonging to multiple categories and a huge inventory in the store.Buy and Download
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