AWallZ | Native Android HD Wallpaper App with WordPress Back-end, AdMob & FCM PUSH Notification

Features Here is the detailed feature list: No Programming needed WordPress as Back-end Works for Default WordPress Dashboard Native android HTML formatted contents support Unlimited wallpapers / images Unlimited categories Enhanced search facilities Bookmark List to Bookmark wallpapers Wallpaper Sharing Facilities Wallpaper Set Option Wallpaper Download Option Supports RTL Arabic Layout AdMob Ads PUSH Notification Material COlor theme Enhanced documentation 24/7 Customer Support Demo App Link: App Demo Video No Programming Needed. Check out our Technical Documentation - Document Changelog V1.6 - Upgraded \'build.gradle\' files - Modified \'AndroidManifest.xml\' file according to these updates - Zoomable imageviewer integrated after an image click - Wallpaper set options introduced (Home, Lock and Home & Lock screens) - Image cropping facilities integrated while setting an image as wallpaper V1.5 - Updated source code to comply with latest and updated policies of Google Play - Limits the frequency of full-screen ads showing so that we can avoid disturbtive ads. Now after 3 or more clicks, a full-screen ads will be shown - Updated the Privacy Policy - Enriched technical documentation according to these updates V1.4 - \'More Apps\' option introduced in the navigation drawer - Frequent \'Rate this App\' dialog implementation - Enrich technical documentation V1.3 - Optimized source code to comply up-to latest version of android studio V1.2 - Fixed a bug V1.1 - Removed some permissions from manifest V1.0 - Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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