Aoxio - SaaS Multi-Business Service Booking Software

Demo Main Site: Site Demo User Custom Domain: User Custom Domain Demo User Business Site: User Site Demo Online Documentation Security: There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention Output Escaping Password Hashing Installation video tutorial Update Instructions Update Version 2.2 – 10 Jan 2024 - Added Service tax option (Common/Service Based option) - Added enabble/disable option for embedded booking badge - Added enabble/disable option for default time zone for users - Added color and font option for company templates - Added GDPR (Privacy & Terms) acceptance checkbox in booking forms - Added 4 new thems for company site - Added Brands carousol on landing page - Added Portfolios for new company theme - Added Brands for new company theme - Added Testimonials for new company theme - Added Sliders for new company theme - Added Langugae switcher on company page - Added Fonts manage option - Fixed recover email resend issue - Fixed some minor issues - Improved functionalities Update Version 2.1 – 3rd September 2023 - Added Affiliate System (Available for extended license holders) - Added Whatsapp msg api (Ultramsg) for appointment booking messages - Added a new plan with enable/disable option - Improved multilingual system for front site - Fixed some minor issues Update Version 2.0 – 1st April 2023 - Added custom domain feature - Added openai api to generate automted users > business info - Added offline payment bank transfer for customers - Added services order position option - Fixed business page issue - Fixed some minor issues Update Version 1.9 – 10 January 2023 - Added new theme for user company - Added user add / edit option in admin panel > users - Added location & sub location on user panel > add appointment - Fixed staff working hour issue on booking page - Improved email verification process for new registared users - Fixed some minor issues Update Version 1.8 – 05 October 2022 - Added mercadopago payment gateway (available for extended license holders) - Added email template for all site emails - Added sender mail on email settings - Added same staff multiple service time slot disable option - Fixed embedded booking widget issues - Fixed staff and service image issue - Improved functionalities & designs Update Version 1.7 – 25 July 2022 - Added flutterwave payment gateway (Extended license only) - Added embedded booking feature - Added empty image on staff & service create option - Added guest booking - Added customer payments invoice - Added content animation enable/disable option - Added pages option for business owners (users) - Fixed staff duplicaton time slots - Fixed booking page time format issue - Fixed responsive issues Update Version 1.6 – 6 April 2022 - Added Payouts module (Available for extended license holders) - Added Admin comission systen for appointment payments (Available for extended license holders) - Added staff working hours option - Added google calendar sync for staff - Added google calendar sync for user - Added cancel reservation notification email - Added booking holiday calendar - Added appointment status changed email notification for customer, staff & user - Fixed booking time slots break issue - Fixed register page business name special character issue - Fixed booking time slots disable issue - Fixed home page testimonial issue on RTL mode - Fixed menu toggle issue on RTL mode - Improved FAQ page on RTL mode - Improved admin panel designs on RTL mode Update Version 1.5 – 10 February 2022 - Added paystack payment gateway - Added google meet - Added plan coupons - Added frontend color changing option - Added translate option for features steps - Added appointment status changing option for staff - Fixed special characters issue for company name - Fixed empty coupon submit issue - Fixed empty check location - Fixed google calendar time zone issue - Fixed google calendar 404 issue - Fixed booking page design issue - Fixed user reports issues - Fixed some responsive issues - Improved functionalities Update Version 1.4 – 20 November 2021 - Added Google calendar sync feature - Added lifetime plan for subscription - Added header script code add feature in settings - Added staff add avatar option in user panel > staff - Fixed some bugs and Improved functionalities Update Version 1.3 – 18 October 2021 - Added time zone for admin & users - Added user reports - Added light theme for admin panel - Added testimonials - Added location based staff option - Added company SEO options - Added automatic appointment reminder for customers email - Fixed admin responsive RTL design issue - Fixed user payment tabs issue - Fixed time slot generate issue - Fixed staff duplication time slot issue Update Version 1.2 – 1 September 2021 - Added Service ratings with enable/disable option - Added Staff enable/disable option - Added Payment enable/disable option - Added locations for booking - Added Customer history page - Added Razorpay payment gateway - Added Currency position, Number formats, time formats - Added Service based time slots option - Added Group Booking - Improve working hour section (now set only opening hour & end hour system will auto generate time slots) - Improve company settings page - Fixed missing languages - Fixed some minor issues Update Version 1.1 – 29 July 2021 - Multilingual with RTL support - Twillo SMS - Service category - QR code for booking page url - Admin subscription tax - Date time format - 24 hour time format - Booking time interval manage option - Offline bank transfer - Frontend company list with enable / disable option - Staff enable / disable optin for booking - GDPR compliance cookie alert - Fixed booking calender issue - Fixed some minor issues and improve functionalities Initial Release 1.0 – 10 July 2021 Requirements: If you plan to use this product and charge from your end users on the platform (using payment systems) then you must purchase the Extended License, enforced by the Envato license terms. See License Terms There are some requirements to work on your server. These requirements are: PHP >= 7.4 cUrl Apache with mod_rewriteBuy and Download
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