Angular 13 Admin Template with Material Design

“Gene is a powerful admin template based on material design, built with Angular 13 and Angular-CLI. It comes with pre-integrated features required for your angular app. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers and hassle-free development experience. Whatever you need for your project backend is already integrated on Gene like text editors, charts, maps, email pages and lots of other features. Gene now comes with detail dashboards like SAAS, Web Analytics, Crypto, CRM, Ecommerce and Courses. It has lots of ready to use pages like email, chat, User Management, Session pages, task board, etc.” Click here to check out our online documentation Key Features Include: Horizontal Menu—New Online Chat Window—New Courses Dashboard With list and other Pages—New Ecommerce Dashboard With algolia—New 12 multiple Languages Added—New Courses Dashboard With list and other Pages—New Pages added —New About Gallery User Management Taskboard Faq Feedback Timeline Contact Search Comingsoon User Profile Video Player Session Pages User Tour Ckeditor WYSIWYG Editor NG2 Charts Easypie Charts Material Icons Full Calendar Dragula-Drag & Drop Sortable Js – Drag & Drop Sotring Datatable Google Map Leaflet Map Email Pages Step Forms User List Page Gallery Page Chat Page Login, SignUp Pages Change log for Gene Change Log V 4.0.1 – 22-January-2019 UPDATED - Flex Layout Version Change Log V 4.0.0 – 19-January-2019 UPDATED - Angular 7.x UPDATED - Material 7.x UPDATED - Angular CLI 7.x UPDATED - Node Modules Versions *Added - Horizontal Menu *Added- 12 Multiple Languages *Added - Algolia Ecommerce Dashboard *Added - Courses Dashboard *Added - Pages -(About,Contact,User management, Taskboard ect.) Change Log V 2.0.0 – Nov-22-2018 Update - Angular 7.xx Update - Material and other modules versions Change Log V 2.0.0 – 06-July-2018 UPDATED - Angular 6.x UPDATED - Material 6.x UPDATED - Angular CLI 6.x UPDATED - Node Modules FIXED - Compile Time Issue Version 1.0 – April 27, 2018 *Fixed : Responsive and RTL issue Version 1.0 – Oct 14, 2017 *Update : Module versions *Added : User Tour *Added : File Manager *Fixed : Dark version background issue Version 1.0 – Aug 12, 2017 *Added : Seed project Version 1.0 – Aug 03, 2017 *Update : Module versions *Added : Mobile detect feature Version 1.0 – July 28, 2017 *Update : Module versions *Fixed : Singup page height issue Version 1.0 – July 21, 2017 *Added : Datepicker *Update : Module version *Fixed : Dark version background issue Version 1.0 – June 24, 2017 *Added : User Profile Page *Added : Color Picker *Fixed : Responsive issue with pagination Version 1.0 – June 23, 2017 *Added : Responsive Table *Added : Hover Effects On Cards *Fixed : Color Issue *Update : Node Modules Version *Update : Documentation Version 1.0 – June 01, 2017 *Fixed : Color issues *Update : Documentation *Update : Color variables and classes Version 1.0 – May 13, 2017 *Added : Angular 4 Version Added Version 1.0 – May 25, 2017 *Fixed : Icon page loading issue Version 1.0 – May 26, 2017 *Fixed : Active Menu Item *Update : Angular Material V-2.0.0-beta.6 *Update : Typescript V-2.3.2Buy and Download
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