Eckmar 10 Pro: Empowered by Laravel E-commerce Script Multivendor BTC ,XMR - Live Preview

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Rising vendors

Welcome to Demo Marketplace, where anything is possible under the sun. This market is for all and shop with our vendors and enjoy your time.

No deposit

When user chooses to purchase any product, he is able to pay with any coin supported by market (and vendor, since vendors can choose which coins they want on each product). There is no wallets or anything similar. Users do not need to keep money on marketplace at all times. For each purchase random address is generated, and its used for that purchase only.


Escrow helps to reduce the risk of a transaction failing. Having a third party hold funds until both parties are satisfied with a transaction. This can be particularly important when using classifieds or other consumer to consumer transactions. With escrow, the buyer places funds into escrow. The seller will then provide the goods or services as specified. Having received the goods or services, the buyer approves the release of funds to finalise the transaction.


We use mulptiple coins for our customers freedom to be able to freely be comfortable to be flexible with our four different crypto currencies that is available. We at Demo Marketplace market accepts, Bitcoin (BTC) and Monero (XMR)