Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application
Why are our prices higher than other items?
This product is seriously and thoroughly invested by our 10+ years of experience in the business. We’re adding & improving it continuously for 4+ years, done 200+ releases, 1000+ features, and used by 4000+ businesses worldwide. Surely it will never cost $19 $29 or $39, this product is for those who are serious and really want to grow their business. You will find yourself a bargain when you buy UltimatePOS.
New version 6.4 released September 12, 2024. Change Log
Please don’t ask for support in the comment section, for any support open a ticket on our website: https://ultimatefosters.com/support/
Demo Login Link: https://ultimatefosters.com/ultimatepos-demo/
Username: admin
Password: 123456
Cashier or salesperson Login:
Link: http://pos.ultimatefosters.com/login
Username / Password: cashier/123456
Important Document links:
- Complete Documentation
- Installation Guide
- Tax Guide
- Setting up GST and HSN Code
- Installing Thermal printers
- Tables, Service staff, Bookings, Modifiers, Kitchen for Restaurants, Saloon, Service center
Server requirements:
- PHP 7.2 or higher
- MySQL database
Installation guide here: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/installing-ultimatepos
- Are future updated FREE?
Yes, all future LIFETIME updates are FREE
- Do I have to pay for updating to latest version?
NO, You get updates for FREE
- Will it work offline?
Yes, it works offline
- What hardware does it support?
- Barcode Scanner
- Receipt or Thermal Printer (Printer with ESC/POS commands)
- Does it support our currency?
Yes, we support ALL currency. In case you don’t find the currency listed, let us know via comment. We will be adding it in minutes
- Does it support languages other than English?
Yes, UltimatePOS is translation ready.
- Do you support the item?
Yes, absolutely.
- Does it supports GST / VAT taxes?
The tax is completely customizable. You can define GST, VAT and Group taxes like a combination of CGST + SGST. This taxes can be selected while adding purchase & sell. You can view the tax report to view details of input & output tax during a period.
Key Features:
Multiple Business/Shops:
- Set up multiple businesses in the application.
- No restriction on numbers of businesses.
- Inventory & accounting information is kept separately for each business.
Add Location / Storefronts / Ware House:
- Create multiple locations for your business/shop
- Manage all of them at the same time.
- Stocks, Purchases, Sell can be tracked differently for locations.
- Customize invoice layout, invoice scheme for each location
User & Role Management:
- Powerful user and role management system
- Predefined roles – Admin & Cashier
- Create different Roles with permission as per your need.
- Create unlimited users with different roles.
Contacts (Customer & Suppliers):
- Mark contact as customer or supplier or both(customer & Supplier)
- View details of transactions with a contact.
- View total of Credit/Debit balance amount
- Define pay term and get payment alerts week before the due date.
- Manage Single & Variable products.
- Classify products according to Brands, Category, Sub-Category.
- Add products having different units
- Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.
- Get stock alerts on low stock.
- Save time by auto calculating selling price, the system is smart to auto calculate selling price based on purchase price and profit margin.
- No need to type variations every time, create variation template and use it everytime you need to create variable products.
- Easily add purchases.
- Add purchase for different locations.
- Manage Paid/Due purchases.
- Get Notified of Due purchases week before the pay date.
- Add discounts & Taxes
- Simplified interface for selling products
- Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business
- Add new customer from POS screen.
- Ajax based selling screen – save reloading time
- Mark an invoice for draft or final
- Different options for payments
- Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.
Manage Expenses:
- Easily add business expenses
- Categorise expenses
- Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.
- Purchase & Sale report
- Tax Report
- Contact Reports
- Stock Reports
- Expense Report
- View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units and date ranges
- Expense Reports
- Cash Register Report
- Sales Representative report
Other useful feature:
- Set currency, timezone, financial year, the profit margin for a business.
- Translation ready.
- Predefined barcode sticker settings.
- Create your barcode sticker setting
- Manage Brands, Tax Rate & Tax groups, Units, Category & Sub-Category
- Easy 3 steps installation.
- Detailed documentation
- Stock Adjustment
- Express Checkout
- Works Offline
Demo Login Link: http://pos.ultimatefosters.com/login
Username: admin
Password: 123456
Register new business: http://pos.ultimatefosters.com/business/register
UltimatePOS Application has been thoroughly tested to make sure there are no issues but in case you find any issue feel free to inform us about it: http://ultimatefosters.com/support/
For any Pre-Sales or Support inquiry: Feel free to drop us a comment at codecanyon or write us here: http://ultimatefosters.com/support/
With this application, you are assured to save time-consuming process of bookkeeping accounting and inventory information. Also, you will have all the required information for detailed analysis of your business.
Version Log:
All release notes: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes-version-log-for-ultimatepos/v4-x-release-notes/
New Release V4.3 (May 19, 2021):
New Release V4.2 (May 2, 2021):
New Release V4.0 (March 4, 2021):
New Release V3.7 (December 21, 2020):
New Release V3.6.4 (November 23, 2020):
New Release V3.6.3 (November 13, 2020):
New Release V3.6.2 (November 6, 2020):
New Release V3.6.1 (November 4, 2020):
New Release V3.6 (October 19, 2020):
New Release V3.5.2 (Sep 10, 2020):
- FIX: Stock transfer & Stock mismatch
- FIX: Product Variations
- FIX: Opening balance
- FIX: Others minor
Version Log:
New Release V3.5 (Aug 25, 2020):
Version Log:
New Release V3.4 (July 7, 2020):
- Version Log: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes-version-log-for-ultimatepos/ultimatepos-3-x-release-notes/#V34-Released-July-7-2020
- NEW: Page leave confirmations added to many screens to avoid loss of data
- NEW: Invoice scheme dropdown added to pos screen
- NEW: Recurring expenses
- NEW: Permission to view product stock value-added
- IMPROVEMENT: Spaces reduced in invoices
- IMPROVEMENT: Contact form improved: Added new field – Title, first name, middle name, last name, address line 1, address line 2, date of birth
- IMPROVEMENT: User max discount validation added for fixed type discount
- IMPROVEMENT: Recurring invoice issue fixed.
- IMPROVEMENT: Tax report improved to give details of input tax, output tax, and expense tax.
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed POS screen reset on changing of price group.
- FIX: Weighing scale product search issue
- FIX: User max discount issue fixed
New Release V3.3 (June 9, 2020):
- Release notes
- NEW: Get stock value by selling price and purchase price. Get potential profit for stock in stock report.
- NEW: Give same price to all variance of variable products at once.
- NEW: Date range filter added to cash register report
- NEW: Hide price option on slim invoice added for gift receipt.
- NEW: Option to select invoice layout in POS screen
- NEW: User max sale discount implemented
- NEW: Option to select invoice layout in POS screen
- Improvement: Fixed height added to sell list
- Improvement: Customer info added to slim invoice
- Improvement: Show current stock of products on add purchase screen
- FIX: Category dropdown issue fixed
- FIX: Black theme color issues fixed, bg color from module names removed on side menu
- Improvements & stability
New Release V3.2 (May 20, 2020):
- [NEW]: Import sales from excel sheet (beta)
- [NEW]: Featured products in the POS screen for frequently used products.
- [NEW]: Permissions added for Access printers, Access Tables, Acess types of service, Acess Package Subscription,
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Due date removed from the invoice when invoice is paid.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Custom field labels can be modified from Settings instead of doing it in the language files.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Customer custom fields displayed separate lines in detailed invoices design
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Payment details added in add expense screen.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Filter by business location in the dashboard, if multiple locations are present
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Date range picker filter in customer/supplier -> sales/purchases
- [IMPROVEMENT]: In Product Sell Report added a detailed report with purchase line details.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Added the SKU column to the Product Purchase Report & Sell report
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Added lot number in product sell report if enabled.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: User view page design
- [IMPROVEMENT]: in dashboard enabled export options for all tables.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Option to enable or disable login for a user
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Design changes for View Contact, Supplier and View users to make it look better
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Design changes for suspended invoice modal: added delete button.
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Show lot number in product sell report if enabled.
- [FIX]: Profit & loss report shipping charge for the sales issue.
- [FIX]: POS screen payment issue sometimes.
- [FIX]: Stock adjustment deducting from sales
- [FIX]: Total sold issue in the stock report if multiple locations are enabled.
- [FIX]: Credit limit issue in customer.
- [FIX]: Credit sales issue fixes
New Release V3.1 (March 26, 2020):
RELEASE NOTESNew Release V3.0 (February 27, 2020):
Patch Release V3.0 (March 6, 2020):
Patch release for V2.19 (January 13, 2020):
New Release V2.19 (January 8, 2020):
- RELEASE NOTES (Read release notes before updating)
- NEW: Types of service (like dine-in, 3rd part service, Parcel, Courier, etc) with the option to set different price groups for different services. Also, type of service breakdown in view registers.
- NEW: Price group option for locations added
- NEW: Location-based default payment account for different payment methods.
- NEW: Location based products, choose location where the product will be available. Also, bulk assigning of product locations.
- NEW: Enable/Disable payment method from business location
- NEW: Credit sale button in the POS screen.
- NEW: Add customer directly from the booking form
- NEW: Product warranty
- NEW: Location added to the cash register, now select the location of cash register before opening the register.
- NEW: Profile picture or avatar for users to upload
- NEW: New status overdue & Partial overdue for Sales & purchase invoices which extended the pay term date with filter for filtering them
- Improvement: Tax in expenses.
- Improvement: Made alert quantity field optional in add product screen
- Improvement: Displayinf due date in invoices
- FIX: Product Image in POS screen sometimes not showing.
- FIX: Cashflow balance
- Overall Code improvements
New Release V2.18 (November 26, 2019):
- [NEW] Redesigning Login & Registration page to make it looks beautiful
- [NEW] Test email and sms configurations from the settings
- [NEW] Enable selection of datetime in pos screen
- [NEW] Activate/Deactivate business location
- [IMPROVEMENT] Cash register total sales, cash sales, credit sales
- [FIX] Account book same datetime transaction balance
- [FIX] Profit & Loss report fixes and improvement
- [FIX] Decimal stock sales fix
- Miscellaneous fixes & improvements
New Release V2.17 (November 1, 2019):
- NEW: Combo product
- NEW: Export all products selling price group price
- NEW: Import all products selling price group price
- NEW: Option to configure the data-table default page entries value (settings added to business settings -> System)
- NEW: Account type and subtype for accounts.
- IMPROVEMENT: Purchase screen default selling price changed to price including tax instead of excluding tax
- IMPROVEMENT: “Current Stock value” displayed in the stock report.
- IMPROVEMENT: Opening balance due added to the customer all total due on the invoice
- IMPROVEMENT: Account deposit from field changed to optional in the deposit form
- FIXES: Stock expiry report fixes
- FIXES: Miscellaneous fixes & improvements
New Release V2.16.3 (September 19, 2019):
- IMPROVEMENT : Location permission moved from roles to users. Document Link
- NEW: More predefined ranges added to date range picker, Javascript language files updated
- NEW: Search settings implemented Document Link
- NEW: Custom label for payment method added. Document Link
- IMPROVEMENT: Show contact details on print ledger
- IMPROVEMENT: Converted all csv to xls import for better compatibility
- FIX: Transaction payment date issue fixed
- FIX: Logo issue in email notification fixed
- FIX: Datatable decimal number issue on print fixed, Label print decimal number issue fixed
New Release – V2.16.2, August 30, 2019
- Fixes & Improvements
New Release – V2.16.1, August 28, 2019
- Hide admin role from non admin users while creating users
- Submit alert issue on add/edit sale
- “Not for sell” column added to import product
- Quick add customer from pos screen displayed custom fields
- Modifiers price reset when modifiers are removed
- Printing of Barcode sticker improvements
- Database decimal columns length changed
New Release – V2.16, August 19, 2019
- Release notes: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V216-August-19-2019
- NEW Module: Compatibility with Manufacturing module.
- Bulk edit multiple products in one time.
- Display customer reward points in the invoice
- Mark a product as “Not for selling” in add/edit products
- Enable bookings option added to module settings
- Added Sub-Units in products, to select only the relevant units for selected units.
New Release – V2.15, August 7, 2019
- BIG FEATURE: Customer Reward Point, increase customer loyalty by offering them reward point
- Customer/Suplier ledger
- Miscellaneous improvemenst
- Important Note: If you’re using Essentials module then update it to latest version V1.0 after updating UltimatePOS to 2.15
- Release Notes: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V215-August-7-2019
New Release: V2.14.3: June 18, 2019
- Support for HRM feature in Essentials module.
- Improved user profile.
- New report: Item Report: item purchase-sales-opening stock-stock adjustment mapping report
- Closing stock in Profit & Loss report will deduct stock adjustment
- Product duplicate fix when stock management is disabled.
New Release: V2.14: May 29, 2019
- https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V214-May-29-2019
- Discounts by category, brands, start-end day
- Profit & Loss report lots of improvements: Gross Profit, Profit By Category, Profit by Brands, Profit by date, Profit by Invoice, Profit by Day
- Gross Profit in Profit & Loss report
- Stock report added to product list
- Product list: Show price of product, and price range it variable product
- Product list: Show price available stocks sum in all locations
- Quick add product from direct sale
- Add purchase return from all purchases of a supplier (no need to select any particular purchase invoice)
- Print packing slip
- Product image display in invoice by enabling it in invoice layout
- Performance improvements in reports and many different sections
- Show custom fields on contact details page
- Miscellaneous Fixes & Improvements
New Release: V2.13: 9th April
- Release notes: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V213-9th-March-2019
- NEW: Activate/Deactivate products in the product list
- NEW: Decimal Precision for currency (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)
- NEW: Decimal precision for Quantity (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)
- NEW: PHP-CS-Fixer & Prettier (Improved coding standard)
- NEW: Service Staff can be selected for each line in sales, Related changes in the service staff report & added on orders screen
- NEW: Print invoice button in recent transactions in the pos screen.
- NEW: Currencies added.
- IMPROVEMENT: Query optimization & indexing for faster loading & searching.
- IMPROVEMENT: Mobile number added to customer dropdown on POS screen
- IMPROVEMENT: Mass delete products message improved
- IMPROVEMENT: Auto refresh orders on Kitchen and Orders page implemented with configurable refresh time.
- IMPROVEMENT: Stock report improvement
- IMPROVEMENT: Disabling category or brands also disable from POS screen products filter.
- FIXES: Sale return deducted from Sales representative report, Customer due in the Balance sheet & tax report.
- FIXES: Drafts and quotations in lines removed from product sell report.
- Other fixes & improvement
New updates: V2.12.4: Released 18th March, 2019
- Maintainance Release (No new feature added, not required to update if you have previous version installed). https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V2124-18th-March-2019
New updates: V2.12.3: Released 8th March, 2019
- Filters in List Purchases, Sales, Products
- Show available stock on product search dropdown in pos screen
- Display opening balance on reports and contact details page
- Fixes & improvements in the dashboard.
- Other minor improvements
- Contact opening balance bug fixed
- Dashboard multiple ajax call reduced
- Invoice due display issue on dashboard fixed
- HTML code improvements
New updates: V2.12: Released 11th February
- Cleanup, Fixes & Improvements from V2.12 release
- Release notes & documents: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V2122-18th-February-2019 </il> https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/#New-Release-V2122-18th-February-2019
- Release notes & documents: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-notes/
- Payment Accounts, Related reports & Features
- Subscriptions (Document: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/sales-sell/sales-subscriptions/)
- Multiple units of a product. (For example: purchase in Box and sell in pieces) (Document: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/products/product-units/)
- Invoice external URL (Document: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/sales-sell/invoice-external-url/)
- Show total due amount of a customer in invoice
- Opening Stock Improvement
- Opening Balance for customer improvements
- Dashboard graph improvements – location wise graphs & fixes
- Overall fixes & improvements
- Update Instruction
- NEW: Minimum Sale price on pos/sale screen added (enable it from Business Settings -> Sales -> Sales price is minimum selling price)
- NEW: Added Document Upload & download feature in Payments
- NEW: filters on expense list added
- NEW: Turkish translations added
- Improvements: Improved Uploads. Uploads directory changed from storage to public
- Improvements: Purchase/Sell algorithm
- Improvements: Stock Report improved to display all variations
- Fix: Product purchase, Product sell, Purchase payment, Sell payment report for location filtering
- Fix: Expense in profit loss report
- Fix: Delete purchase
- Fix: Register details issue fixed
New updates: V2.12: Released 11th February
New updates: V2.11.4: Released 9th January
New version 2.11.3, December 26th
- Maintainance release
New version 2.11.2, Released December 5th
- NEW: Quick add product from pos screen implemented
- NEW: Suspend sale added on POS screen
- IMPROVEMENTS: Product description field added in Add/Edit Product. Quick add products & Product import using csv.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Disable submit button after form submit implemented
- IMPROVEMENTS: Mail driver option added to business email settings
- IMPROVEMENTS: Expense payment modal missing added
- IMPROVEMENTS: Footer total improved in Sell list and purchase list
- IMPROVEMENTS: Pos screen design improved
- IMPROVEMENTS: Phone, alternate mobile, Website fields added to register forms
- IMPROVEMENTS: Images fixed /install/fix-image (after login with administrat_username, deleting app/storage/)
- IMPROVEMENTS: Debug true by default
- FIX: Sales list footer total issue fixed
- FIX: Customer group report and purchase payment report location issue fixed
- FIX: Tax report tax details issue fixed
- FIX: Sale total and Sale due issue on multiple places fixed
- FIX: Other fixes
New version 2.11 Released November 12th
- NEW: New invoice design which shows all taxes in column form
- NEW: New permissions for payments, POS screen edit of price, POS screen edit of discount
- IMPROVEMENTS: Payment Report Improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: Purchase & Sell Return Payment improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: Detailed invoice design improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: View/print individual payments
- IMPROVEMENTS: Sales agent name in invoice
- IMPROVEMENTS: Sub-Category UI improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: Shipping details field improvements in sell screen
- IMPROVEMENTS: Barcode label printing
- IMPROVEMENTS: Variable Product improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: Compatibility release for WooCommerce addon
- miscellaneous improvements & fixes
V2.10 (Release: 5th October 2018)
- NEW: Sending Email & SMS notifications for purchases / sales
- NEW: SMS notifications support for ALL countries SMS providers with RESTFul API Support.
- NEW: Purchase Return
- IMPROVEMENTS: Sell Return improvement
- IMPROVEMENTS: Stock Transfer Improvements to select Lot number & expiry
- IMPROVEMENTS: Stock Adjustment Improvements to select Lot number & expiry
- IMPROVEMENTS: POS screen improvements
- IMPROVEMENTS: Enable subtotal editing in POS screen
- Many other Fixes & improvements
V2.9 (Release: 11th September 2018)
- NEW: Import customer using csv file.
- NEW: Price Groups. Document(add multiple prices for a product, for example retail / wholesale price and also different business locations prices)
- NEW: Lanuage change option in Login/Register page
- NEW: Copy/Duplicate products (Time Saver for adding similar products)
- NEW: Copy/Duplicate Sell invoices.(Time Saver for adding similar sell invoices)
- NEW: Save & Add another button in Add/Edit product screen.(Time Saver)
- IMPROVEMENTS: Setting screen redesigned to easily manage settings.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Merge pos setting into system setting to easily manage settings from one place
- FIX: Adding opening stock issue from product list.
- FIX: Product list showing same product multiple times.
- Other Fixes & improvements
V2.8.1 – 23 August 2018
- Quick Fixes
V2.8 – 21 August 2018
- NEW: Opening balance added for Customer & Suppliers
- IMPROVEMENT: Add/Edit contact form design improved
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Total in sale, purchase, expense tables for better overview
- IMPROVEMENT: Shipping hidden from invoice if 0
- IMPROVEMENT: Zeros after decimal point with product stock
- IMPROVEMENT: Search contact by contact ID on Purchase and Sell
- IMPROVEMENT: Reports improvements: product purchase and sell report, Stock Report
- ISSUE: Dropbox backup (requires PHP 7.2)
V2.7 – 10th August 2018
- NEW: Compatibility for SaaS & Superadmin optional Premium Module
- NEW: 3 New Custom payment methods added – so you can add new payment methods as per your requirenments
- NEW: Store backup file in cloud – Local, DropBox, AWS S3 Document. Never loose your data anymore
- IMPROVEMENTS: Major improvements in Backup: Complete log with Download/Delete option
- IMPROVEMENTS: Add Payment received details from Add purchase screen
- IMPROVEMENTS: Add Payment received details from Add Sell screen
- IMPROVEMENTS: Customer screen Action: Pay Due amount for multiple invoice at once.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Sale Payment Report & Purchase Payment Report with Date Range Filter & display Total in table
- FIX: Lot number issue in POS screen
V2.6 – 30th July 2018
- NEW: Added Shipping Charge option in Sales and option to print in invoices
- NEW: Lot number & expiry option added to Sales and option to print in invoices
- NEW: Credit Limit amount added for customers (with 0 = no credit, blank values = infinite credit).
- NEW: Inline/each product discount Fixed/Percentage in sell screens.
- NEW: Calculator added.
- NEW: Theme color options added.
- IMPROVEMENT: Unit price and tax moved to modal in sell screen.
- IMPROVEMENT: Option to display salesperson in invoices.
- IMPROVEMENT: Ajax Base path improvements.
- IMPROVEMENT: Quick add customer from pos screen permission check
- IMPROVEMENT: Sell return layout changes
- FIX: Quantity decimal issue
- FIX: P&L calculation
V2.5 (MAJOR Release: 16 July 2018)
- Advance Support for Restaurants, Salons, & related business
- Appointment & Bookings
- Table Allocation (For restaurants, Salons and related business)
- Service Man assignment to orders (like waiter, Barber, technician etc)
- Service Man Order Screen
- Modifiers (for restaurants, like extra cheese)
- Beep Notifications on success, error
- Custom SKU for product variations
- 2 New reports: Table report, Service Staff report
- 4 Custom fields added in Add/Edit Product & import CSV
V2.4.2 (Release: 4 July 2018)
- Allowed printing of labels for items with 0 Stock or even if “Stock Management” is disabled
- POS screen barcode scanner issue fixed
- Fixed XSS security issue
- Minor fixes & improvements for V2.4
V2.4.1 (Release: 22 June 2018)
- Fix release for V2.4 .
V2.4 (Release: 12 June 2018)
- Product Image upload implemented
- Application Backup (Guide to enable backup)
- POS screen Category Filter – added “All Category” Option
- Added filter by Brand in POS product
- New Lot Report added
- Cash Return issue Fixed, Purchase Delete issue fixed
- Minor usability improvements
V2.3 (Release: 31 May 2018)
- Quick Add Suppliers & customers from Purchase or Sell screen.
- Auto Generation of reference number with prefixes on Purchase, Stock Adjustment, Stock Transfer , Expenses, Contacts, Purchase Payment, Sell Payments, Business Location, Product SKU
- View Purchase, Sell in the same page (click on the rows in Purchase list or sell list) without going to a different page.
- Display sub-taxes for Group taxes in Invoice & Tax report
- Added field for website & 4 custom fields in business locations. Fields also displays in invoice.
- Stock expiry report improvements
- Add/Edit Opening Stock via ajax in product list
- Increase or Decrease font size in any screen (Useful if you think font size is small)
- Auto Start application tour in first login
- Sticky Sidebar
- Cashier Location Issue fixes (after updating go to edit cashier & add assign location to cashier)
- New seperate screen for Sales Return (beta)
V2.2.1 (Intermediate Release: 18th May 2018)
- Bug fixes with Opening stock.
- New beautiful invoice design, with options to choose invoice design
- Elegant & Classic Invoice design (choose from Invoice layout)
- More fields in Add/Edit Product (Rows, Positions, Product Weight)
- Improvements in POS screen, Quick checkout using Credit/Debit Card
- Import Opening Stock from CSV
V2.2 (Release: 04th May 2018)
- Show barcode in sales receipt
- Giving quotation(Estimates) & printing of quotations
- Convert quote to final invoice.
- Printing of purchase
- Added barcode in purchase print
- Arabic language, Support for RTL
- Delete of Sales
V2.1 (Release: 19th April 2018)
- Improvement to import Products. (Adding Opening Stock, Expiry for opening stock, Enable IMEI or Serial Number for a product)
- Delete of Purchase.
- Adding of “Lot number” of items while purchasing.
- Adding Rack Details of a product.
- POS Sales improvement – Not allowing sales when paid amount is higer than invoice amount
MAJOR RELEASE – V2.0 (Release: 7th April 2018)
- POS screen complete redesigned
- New layout – works super excellent in full-screen mode.
- More Shortcuts added.
- Configurable buttons
- Configurable layout
- Product Suggestion based on category and sub-category.
- IMEI or Serial number for Mobile & Electronics stores .
- Classify Customer into Groups and sell at different prices ( Retail customer, Wholesale customers ). Customer Group Reports.
- New Reports added: Product Purchase report, Product Sell report.
- Contact ID added for contacts.
- HSN code support for GST countries like India.
- Delete of Products
- Sales commision percentage to automatically calculate commissions based on the sales.
- Thermal printer invoice layout improved.
- Inline Discount for each product in add/edit/view purchase screen
- Remove expired product from expiry report.
- Much more improved french translations (Thanks to Riad Baziz for helping us a lot here)
- Remove compulsory from Tax field.
- Modification in the business registration page
V1.3 (Release: 18th March 2018)
- Products with Expiry (Need to enable from settings)
- Product expiry report.
- Commission Agents (Needs to Enable and set as per requirement in settings)
- Currency Placement (Before or After Amount)
- Add item to a new row or increase the quantity if exist in POS screen. (In Settings)
- Stock Transfer between different business locations.
- Adding/Editing of Opening Stock in Add/Edit Products.
V1.2 (Release: 24th February 2018)
- Adding, Editing, Downloading documents for Purchases and Expenses.
- New reports: Profit & Loss Report
- View “Today’s Profit” directly from the Top navigation bar.
- Import products via CSV.
- Improvements in sell receipt
- Keyboard shortcuts for POS screen with options to configure your own shortcuts.
- Huge improvements in POS screen in terms of usability and reducing billing time.
- New Sell feature – Now sell quickly with POS screen or create invoice via “Add Sell” screen.
- Stock accounting method added: LIFO / FIFO.
- Increased money value support.
- https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ultimatepos/release-note-v1-2-whats-new-in-version-1-2/
V1.1 (Release: 7th February, 2018)
- Assign One or Multiple locations to a user role.
- Stock Adjustment added
- POS screen improvements
- POS screen – Express Checkout added.
- Expenses related to a staff or user can be added (like salary)
- Cash Register added.
- New reports added: Expense Reports, Cash Register Report, Sales Representative report.
- Support of Receipt (thermal ESC/POS) added.
- Business Locations wise settings added for Receipt.
- Purchases payment can be done in Partials (Previouly was only Paid Or Due)
- Installer Improvement
- Translations added for – Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Albanian
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Hi, I'm Tarun, a Full-Stack Developer and Ethical Hacker with over 4 years of experience. I specialize in TOR network services, web development, and cybersecurity.
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