WordPress Any Contact Us

We made it simple and powerfull WordPress Any Contact Us By WeCreativez Increase your revenue by connecting with clients where they are. Direct Email Schedule Call Shortcode and HTML In Popup Typing Animation Smart Message Popup Fully Customizable Smooth Animations GDPR Ready Beautifully Responsive WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Twitter and much more… Unlimited Social Contacts 24/7 premium support. Automated updates. And More… Change Log VERSION 2.2.0 Introduce a faster license and update-checker system. Performance improvements. VERSION 2.1.7 Fix: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined. VERSION 2.1.6 Tweak: Rename the In-dashboard plugin name to Any Contact Us. Tweak: Add x-twitter icon. Performance improvements. VERSION 2.1.5 Improvement: Add an asterisk to the required fields in Email Us and Schedule Call. Tweak: Add an option to make the Email Us message field mandatory. Tweak: Add an option to make the Schedule Call message field mandatory. VERSION 2.1.4 Fix: Widget trigger overlapping issues. VERSION 2.1.3 Tweak: Add Discord social media. Improve: Last social media border. VERSION 2.1.2 Tweak: Add admin option to change widget close icon. Tweak: Add a thin close icon. Tweak: Add js-wact-toggle and js-wacu-trigger classes. Fix: Trigger icons placement. Fix: Plugin API undefined index @143 line. Dev: Add wacu_trigger_close_icon filter. VERSION 2.1.1 Added: {{current_time}} tag to get the current date in forms. Dev: add filter wacu_months_name. VERSION 2.1.0 Added: Google reCPATCHA v2 support for Email Us & Schedule Call forms. Improved: Widget minimum height on desktop. VERSION 2.0.1 Fixed: Tawk.to integration issue. Fixed: Social contacts sorting issue. Fixed: Social contact display issue after any change. VERSION 2.0.0 Improved: Reduced the code repetition. Dev: filter wacu_social_contacts to filter social contacts. Dev: Before social contact link hook wacu_before_social_contact_link. Dev: Filter wacu_plugin_admin_screens to filter plugin admin screens. VERSION 1.1.9 Improved: Add or Edit Social Media admin layout. VERSION 1.1.8 Added: Trigger button social icons change the animation. Added: Trigger button “Icon with the text”. Removed: RTL admin option. Now managed according to the selected language. VERSION 1.1.7 Added: Trigger click animation. Fixed: Tawk.to widget open issue on mobile. Fixed: Social media hover issue when RTL selected. VERSION 1.1.6 Added: WordPress WhatsApp Support integration. Improved: Add or Edit Social Media admin layout. Fixed: Disabled integration search and on click. VERSION 1.1.5 Added: Social contact button shortcode. Added: made channel title bold. Added: Admin option to enable/disable the widget completely. Added: In-plugin documentation menu. Fixed: Schedule callback email not sending issue if input field settings unchecked. Fixed: Email Us form subject not changing issue. Fixed: Ripple triggers effect issue. Fixed: Admin icon selector dropdown not closing issue. VERSION 1.1.4 Added: Tawk.to chat integration. Added: Trigger button Ripple effect. Added: Custom HTML in select icon option. Added: Admin option to change the GDPR location. Added: {{page_title}} and {{page_url}} variable for email body. Added: {{page_title}} and {{page_url}} variable for social media links. Added: Map icon. VERSION 1.1.3 Added: New plugin activator API. VERSION 1.1.2 Fix: Social contact not adding admin issue. Improved widget loading time. VERSION 1.1.1 Fix: WACU_Widget class not found warning. VERSION 1.1 Brand new way and display to add social contact. Brand new way and display to add smart message. Add: Smart message typing animation. Add: Multiple smart messages. Add: Smart messages by the post type. Add: Facebook Customer Chat Integration. Add: Enable/disable by Mobile. Add: Enable/disable by Desktop. Add: Horizontal and vertical trigger offsets. Add: Brand new icon selector dropdown. Add: CC and BCC option for Email Us form. Add: CC and BCC option for Schedule Call form. Add: Change position of social contacts. Add: Now, add shortcode and custom HTML in widget. Update: Security and performance. Removed: Fontawesome font loading. Removed: Ajax for load social contacts. VERSION 1.0.9 Add: Viber. Improved font loading. VERSION 1.0.8 Fixed: Unknown bugs. Improved performance and security. VERSION Fixed: Skype redirection issue. VERSION Fixed: Plugin installation issue. VERSION 1.0.7 Added: Turkish language. Added: [wacu-popup-trigger] shortcode to displaying the popup trigger button. Improved security and load time. VERSION 1.0.6 Added: Twitter social media channel. Added: Behance social media channel. Added: Dribbble social media channel. Added: Display widget by register user admin option. Added: Display widget by page(s) admin option. VERSION 1.0.5 Added: Button size change option. Added: Direct call us option. Now visitor can call on your number by just one tap. Added: Enable or disable social media on mobile and desktop devices. Added: Email from name and email from email address for Email us and Schedule a call. Added: Dutch language VERSION 1.0.4 Fixed: WhatsApp redirection issue on Safari and Firefox. Fixed: Skype redirection issue. VERSION 1.0.3 Added: Message textbox under the Schedule a call. Added: Option for enable /disable Schedule countries, Schedule time and Schedule message fields. Fixed: Schedule month translations. VERSION 1.0.2 Fixed: Admin color feild and tooltip loading issues. VERSION 1.0.1 Added: VK Social channel. Added: Russian Language. VERSION 1.0 Initial Release.Buy and Download
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