Focus - Laravel Productivity Management tool

Demo URL: Username: password: 123456 Step by Step guide to get closer to your dreams and achieve your biggest goals with focus. Focus is a productivity management application that provides notes, to-dos, to-learns, journaling, calendars, knowledgebase, projects, and many more. Users can connect these components to create their systems for knowledge management, project management, note-taking, data management, etc. This software is designed to solve the issue of staying focused on our goals and tasks. It also solves the problem with documentation and organization of essential documents and knowledgebase. Without a system, it can be very messy across multiple tools, folders, repositories, emails, and uncategorized Google Docs. Therefore, a system like FOCUS can be beneficial for staying focused and more productive. Features With this app, you can take notes, journal, manage personal projects, add to-dos, add to-learns, create a knowledge base, create a vision board, etc. This software will help you stay focused on your goals and help you take action based on those. Practice Five Minute Journaling This five-minute journal works as a form of meditation. High Achievers always say that practicing gratitude has helped them tremendously to be fully present and give their best to the task at hand, and that’s the secret to getting great results. Journal 5 minutes a day to set your intention for the day. Goals If you don’t have goals, you will end up confused and frustrated. But on the other hand, having goals in life will inspire you to move in the right direction. Vision Board Manifestation is proven to be a great tool to reach goals. To upload pictures of the things or experiences you want to have, click on the dropzone and upload photos to have a fantastic gallery of your vision. Plans Make a precise plan for your goal. When you plan for your goals, it becomes easier to reach those goals. A good plan can take you anywhere you want to go. Ambiguity is the enemy of execution. So try to be as specific as possible. Weekly plans A weekly plan is a great tool to design the entire week not to forget important tasks to finish. If you create the weekly plan before the week starts, you will set yourself for success. Calendar The Calendar is the best friend of the people who want to succeed in life. Therefore, it would be best if you keep your events organized on a calendar. Projects Without a clear system for organizing projects, you waste time looking for information instead of focusing on the creative work you do best. Focus gives you a central hub to organize all your internal work. When all information is in one place, executing projects becomes far easier. To-dos You can add three types of to-dos. It’s a great way to be organized. Today’s to-dos Projects’ to-dos Goals to-dos To-Learns You all know a to-do list is very effective for getting things done. Just like that, a to-learn list is also very effective when it comes to learning new things. Notes A habit of note-taking is a great skill. In Focus, you can take good notes and write about anything that comes to your mind. This note system will help you learn better and keep information organized. Documents You can upload documents on Focus to keep your documents organized and download them whenever you need them. Have any questions? Chat with us on our website Email us at To Create a Support Ticket Visit and Download
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