FlatDash - Bootstrap 4 Flat Admin Theme

FlatDash is a premium flat Admin Theme developed by Frontted team using latest Bootstrap 4 framework. This flat admin theme comes with unique dashboard style, pages packed with hundreds of ui components varying from forms, tables, charts, modals and much more. Having a solid modular architecture and using latest front-end technologies FlatDash becomes the number 1 choice for your next Admin Dashboard. Features & Highlights Included All of Bootstrap 4.1 Components Customized Line, Bar, Area & Donut Charts Tickets, Trello (drag & drop), Chat, Calendar & more Left-to-Right & Right-to-Left Forms Validation Search Group Rounded Flush Toggle Date pickers Input Masking WYSIWYG editor File Uploads with drag and drop Select2 Plugin and more! Navbar with buttons, menu, forms, avatars, and more! Light/Dark Sidebar Styles Material & Font Awesome Icons Calendar UI with drag & drop events Functional listing search with list.js Extended/Customized Vector Maps Free Updates We’ll be adding amazing updates with new features regularly on a weekly basis! Get Support Feel free to contact us and will make ourselves available to provide the help you need. Change log Version 1.0.0 – 5 Apr 2019 -- Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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