BootHelp | Bootstrap Admin Dashboard HTML PSD Angular Starter kit

BootHelp | Bootstrap responsive admin template BootHelp | Bootstrap responsive admin template is HTML template based on robust and cool framework bootstrap with version 4.1 official. BootHelp | Bootstrap responsive admin template has more components and unique pages. We have introduced many unique elements and components with lots of customization ability. You can use those as per your need with color combination and highlights. This all based on bootstrap framework and grid structure. User cards, List items, customizes tables, events list, timeline and many more. For better and easy start with template we have created different options for common pages like login, register, error pages,coming soon etc. We always think of customization of template. So we have kept most of the items are customization with color classes and margins also with beautiful images wherever needed. Template is based on bootstrap framework and template css we have created demo applications to get quick started and to have idea about look and feel of components. We have also added colors setting panel where you can change colors shades and set images for sidebar as well as layout boxed, fixed header are available. Template comes with third parties/plugin as below: Bootstrap DatePicker Footable Circular progress Chartjs FontAwesome Highlight js JqueryVector map Custom-scrollbar nouislider Sparklines Masonry Gallery Color picker Ck Editor Autocomplete Intro Tour Dropzone Clipboard DataTable Multiselect Full Calendar Components are available as below: Header Sidebar Layout boxed page Sticky footer Fixed header Full width layout Colors scheme Typo utility Tables Footables Avatar images Cards Carousel Charts Event Chat Forms Files Media News Ratings Summary Timeline and many more… Most of the plugins we have used are free, but even we recommend to check license terms according to your business terms and audience. We thank to for providing images. We have used images to show persons in user items, images in gallery and news updates block etc. to show how it looks with images. Also however most of them are CC0 Creative Commons licensed but please check licence before using any images. Looking for latest dashboard admin html template: Click here to view and visit new classic templateBuy and Download
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